I have a home gym with all dumbbells and barbell weights, what are my options for working out lats in addition to bent over rows?

Pull ups nigga

Only have stuff I mentioned, don't have a pull up bar and cant buy one because of door frame structure.

Single arm row.......and that's about it other than I'm in the same boat but I can't put a pullup bar anywhere so I just do bent over row. It's enough

foh.. you can do pull ups on pretty much everything
dont be an idiot

if you have a power rack attach the pullup bar to it

Ok non-idiot, where am I going to do a pull up.

power rack won't fit in my basement, ceiling too low.

Literally anything that is sturdy enough and has an edge you can reach

gib milkies

Thems some droppers.

Not OP, but I literally don't have that in my house

I'd be driving over many ill repaired roads with her

how are you doing squats then?

i've been doing yates rows lately, which i really like - give them a try

Your house has to be pretty much empty for that to be true.

Your desktop, your countertop, your closet, almost any low wall/bar/treebranch/signpost you can find outside. Not having anything to do pull ups on is such a shitty excuse.

You could buy one of these wall mountable pull-up bars.
Otherwise dumbbell rows, different variations of barbell rows and pullovers will suffice.

This thread again? Stop being fat and learn to do pullups.

You don't need to buy a crossfit endorsed Rogue pullup bar. A metal pipe in the basement, a tree branch in the backyard, a squat rack with the bar as high as possible.


>a squat rack with the bar as high as possible

Manlet detected

Are you retarded?

t. another user who has nowhere to do pullups

dem milkers tho

Do you have stairs in your house?
like when you walk up the stairs do you have a
landing behind you where u can jump and grab the ledge
i used to do pullups off that lol

Fuck, why have I forgotten who this milk mother is?

nigger you can do pullups with any pole you can grab thats above your head. Go to your local playground and do that shit there if youre such a poorfag

You can just tell by the pic that she is fucking a black guy.


Because she seems to have retried.

One of her names is Anna Song

le reddit poster

Kill yourself.

Search up power towers

I-beams at work, tree branch in woods, anything over head that is sturdy. Head high is enough if you bend knees. Stop being a lazy faggot and find a way.

seal rows are probably the best free weight exercise to isolate lats

nigga maxed out squat rack is forehead level for me how tiny are you

Squat rack, extended to about 6 feet.

>you can do pull-ups on your desktop, your countertop
Manlet detected