Tattoo Ideas

Been Working out for about a year and a half. Decided that when I'm able to bench 2pl8 I'm gonna get a small chest tattoo. Any ideas of what I should get?

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Whatever you come up with, ask yourself, "will I regret getting this 20 years from now?"

And the answer will almost certainly be "yes".

tattoos are almost always retarded

most people who get tattoos don't regret them because they're too stupid.

I'm a fan of berserk. But I don't really want an anime tattoo

here's a nice idea

are you a trash human? then go ahead and stab that label on, so that the rest of us can avoid you.

As someone with tattoos I tell you this now.

>tfw want a trill spots tattoo
>tfw not a slowjak

get a temporary tattoo. see how you like it.

you wouldn't marry a girl before fucking her, would you?

just get the words lightweight baby on your chest

i benched 2 plate after 4 months

shitty goal for shitty genetics, I suppose

testosterone molecule

Or fat fucks. Screw off, he was asking for advice, not being an asshole.
Don't know why you have to be.

Fuark that's pretty good

Im going to Spain next year and want to get tatted, whats something in spanish I can get

tu madre es una puta

zen circle

thats pretty cool akchually

Oh I like this one

the one
the only
left pec

185 at 6' is a fat fuck now? Stay delusional shit genetics

I have red eye tattooed on my shoulder that tingles when something is wrong



>doesn't know how to >>>

>implying risk takers arent what drives humanity forward
>implying having had depression at one point in your life makes you human trash

i understand that you dont like tattoos but why are you such a hateful little faggot?

would be cool with any background in science

I have one on my left leg that I've started recently. Make sure you go to someone good. Ask around for people that already have decent tattoos. This guy is in Florida. If you want his contact let me know.

scince someone already posted berserk there also kens scars

because fucking random strangers and being Tesla are the same thing

>ouuu I'm depressed I'm going to cut my wittle wrists booo hooo

fucking imbecile.


Ok grandma thanks for the advice

>Why does this guy have a question mark on his chest?

>not getting shot so they don't ask that


Get fucked idiots.

here's your zen circle

Great job proving them right, kiddo.


Only real answer

fake and gay