How much does a bed affect sleep, Veeky Forums?

How much does a bed affect sleep, Veeky Forums?

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These quads demand an answer.

im gonna be that guy who says u live one third of your life on a bed so it better be a damn good bed

this is my thinking. But nobody talks about this shit so what "good" is is so far a mystery.

It supports it

Isn't it mostly personal preference? IIRC there was an episode of Radiolab where they looked into mattress pricing vs quality. maybe check that out.

I sleep on the ground
In a bed either i cover up and sweat my ass or i have to turn the fan on fucking my nose and eyes due to dryness

Significantly. I made sure to get a memory foam after sleeping on a leaky air mattress for a month.

comfiest thing i have ever had the pleasure of feeling

Sounds about right. So what constitutes a "good" mattress?

Or like this guy says, and it is personal preference? How do you figure it out?

I have only had box springs and mattresses that are decades old or from goodwill. Or college dorm twin sizes. So I am pretty in the dark on this.

memory foam mattresses are always super uncomfy to me

Bed Nothing. Mattresse makes all the difference in the world.

Get the firmest coil spring you can. Don't fall for the memory foam or sleep number meme.

Memory foam us awful for your back and makes you super hot while sleeping.

>he sleeps in the fetal position

Just get something you find comfortable. Don't buy your mattress second-hand.

Memory foam is great. If you personally dislike it, then fine, but they are wonderful for back pain.

made a thread on DIY about mattress recommendations go check it out

Thanks. Am monitoring that thread.

Do most places allow you to try before you buy? I honestly don't know what I would consider comfortable.

I wake up ever morning with lower back pain. sometimes it keeps me from getting a good night sleep. it quickly goes away in the morning once I get up. how to make stop?

i bought a futon and i sleep on that, it's really comfy and i sleep a lot easier on it than a mattress.


but watch out, it remembers everything

>not sleeping on the floor.

Up to a week ago I used to. I did it for 3 months. Stopped because the weather got worse and airing the blankets will soon be impossible. It fixed any lower back pain I had. Definitely recommend it, it's not really that hard after the second day.