Protein farts

>protein farts

>GOMAD shits

>existential moments thinking about life and our place in the universe between sets

>squat hemorrhoids

> heavy lift upchucks

>hammer curl bladder failures

what's a heady lift?

I don’t know what a heady lift is
But a heavy lift is a lift that’s heavy

>Overhead prolapses

>communal buttplug gape


Where the hell is the water?

Under all the toilet tissue.
>Not shitting on a bed of toilet tissue

>try to have smoothies with oats, milk, yogurt, peanut butter, fruit for calories
>get horrible gas before i even finish drinking it
>have absolutely awful shits, burn my asshole when coming out, disgustingly soft, horrible cleanup, etc

I take protein farts as being a sign that I'm not processing it. Meaning I need to work out more or take in less.

>protein farts

>asparagus piss

>in high school
>teaching a couple of qts in my class how to squat with proper form
>hit slightly below parallel
>fart like an airhorn
>they start giggling like mad and I nearly drop the bar from embarrassment
Why live

These are the worst especially doing fucking squats with hot grills nearby

Christ, right in the feels.


nice bro science

>Carpal tunnel syndrome exacerbated by lifting

>bar taps my nuts during power cleans

I quite like the smell

Fucking computer science major


I've gotten em crushed twice. Trust me it's no fun