I'm currently on NoFap (21 days) feel like I could fuck anything at that point. But isn't fucking something cheating because I'm still cumming? Can somebody explain that shit to me
NoFap Thread - I don't get it Edition
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As long as you fuck another human being it's not cheating.
Life force retention
mantak chia
Shhh,don't give away the ancient secrets brother.
Holy fucking shit it's very easy, I will make a quick rundown so it can be reposted on every similar thread/question.
You do Nofap for the purpose of getting rid of porn/masturbation addiction. To obtain this, you stop masturbating for an arbitrary unit of time, usually something in between 21 to 120 days, and during this period of time you don't watch porn, you don't look for porn, you don't visit sites or read magazines with an high chance of having porn, and most importantly you don't even touch your penis without cumming (so called edging) while watching or thinking about porn.
After this, and if you fully analyzed and destroyed your addiction, you'll never watch or masturbate while watching porn again, and you should be able to feel a normal, healthy attraction to real women, and be able to masturbate without visual stimulation i.e. your hand only, something like once a week. Or even better have enough sex that you don't need masturbate. But the key is ditching porn forever.
The so called superpowers are simply becoming normal once again. If you're an heavy smoker and once you stop you feel like you have more endurance when you run, it's not a "nosmoke superpower" is being a normal, healthy person.
So to answer your question of course you can and should fuck a girl, but be sure that before you do it you won't be thinking about porn-related fantasies during the act, your focus should be in the moment and the pleasure should come from the act himself.
If you're not a porn addict, there's no point in abstaining from masturbation no more than 5-7 days.
If you are, why are you saving pictures or cute girls? Delete them all
I only have 1 pic of qt on my computer because I like to remember I cant have someone like her if I fap to porn.
but what If watching at porn is my hobby
nofap does nothing, it's not gonna get you laid or make you more sexually attractive
fap it up my dude
Do I get any benefits from NoFap?
Except the thing that you already said? Maybe something like more energy or higher test or something?
I'm not on porn though (anymore). for me "nofap" is just masturbation.
don't come at me with the "it's good for you" bs, the few times I've managed to go more than a week without it I felt way better than usual but the temptation always gets too strong eventually
look at all those disgusting thots
>I felt way better than usual
>"it's good for you" bs
You already know the benefits but you're too weak willed to maintain them
I think you vastly underestimate how acceptable wahmen are towards porn
This in a nutshell
you dont understand user. Its not about watching porn or not.
That's pee isn't it.
Thots be gone.
You bought into the nofap testosterone meme, huh...
Sock girl is a perfect ten
>don't fap to me silly boys;)
Does anyone have suggestions for sleeping while abstaining from masturbation? I have chronic insomnia, and bed libido is one of the causes. I will be erect when I try to sleep without masturbating. This is especially apparent if I sleep nude, and I sleep poorly if I have much clothing or sheets on me. I become so hot and bothered when I'm in a bed. No amount of supplementation (melatonin, magnesium/ZMA), exercise, breathing/meditation, etc. has helped me. Even the faintest touch will excite me, and I end up thrusting and waddling into my body pillow. I'm starting to think my only option is consistent sleep drug use. I had this same problem last night for three-four hours until my mind became numb with lust, and I fondled myself to sleep.
I'm not quite sure what my options are at this point. My body is beaming with carnal desire, and it refuses to submit to my will.
Pain will give you relief
Iktf. Frankly, lying on your stomach/kinda sideways with one leg slightly raised on a bigger pillow or something (to give your junk some space so it doesn't rub against anything) helps.
It's hard to explain with words but my point is that you need to attain a sleeping position where your junk floats freely, so even if you have a raging boner it calms down over time because it gets literally no stimulus.
Also for the love of god don't start to medicate yourself, that WILL fuck you up for life.
>Do I get any benefits from NoFap?
You get a boost in confidence for succeeding in actively fighting your genetic programming. You will see how hard it gets (pun intended). If you use the "stored" sexual energy for something else, i.e. lifting or a competition, that's where you'll have some benefits. Also, you save a few minutes or hours (depending on how much of a fuckup you are) a day because you don't fap.
Other than that, there are no real biological benefits, it's just mind games/psychology mostly.
To add to that: There are biological changes for noPorn though, depending on how much/regularly you watch. noPorn is the key in all of this, not noFap. I recommend the following short video about the topic and I also recommend the rest of this channel.
You probably don't do enough on your day. Try working out more. Also just wear underpants when sleeping. I also get horny when sleeping naked.
>Septum piercing
dumb bitch
her fucking ass
There are three NoFap threads on Veeky Forums right now. How does it feel to be cancer?
Thanks. I was going to fap until I saw this disgusting landwhale.
Yeah, if your masturbating to porn more than once a week you are overloading your body with dopamine which kills your willpower. So if you cut your porn addiction your basically resetting your body chemistry( which can flatline your sex drive for 1-2 weeks)
just fucking kidding, i'm flatlined and your posts to nothing.
Yeah, you can get irreversible infertility from your body re-absorbing your seminal fluids. It clogs your nuts. That's why we get the urge to jerk it.
Your body can't re-absorb your sperm. You can however, get blue balls, but blue balls requires a lot of sperm, and your body increases sperm production by a shitton when you're watching porn or having sex. So if you edge and arouse yourself but don't come, you'll produce a large amount of sperm but not release it, which over time can result in blue balls.
Solution? Fucking fap and fix the blue balls, and next time you do nofap don't edge/watch porn/FUCK.
Oh, and also, if the body needs to clean out the pipehose it'll just make you jizz in your sleep.
i was no fap for 4 or 5 weeks and had wet dreams in regular periods of two weeks. its a cool experience anyways, i will like to do it again
Why shouldn't I just try to fap solely using pressure stimulation? I mean I do have porn induced ED, but why not just fap practicing with pressure?
>pressure stimulation
What's this?
Just using the pressure of your hand as a stimulant.
t. PhD in Advanced Broscience
Sounds like a fucking terrible idea which will greatly reduce the effectiveness of nofap and also make you a thousand times more prone to relapsing into porn again.
Keep it up, you get superpowers anywhere between 19 and 25 years, been on nofap for 42 myself, can now walk on water, among other things.
same brother, hold me. day 50 god dammit.
I noticed my dick getting smaller when flaccid since I stopped fapping frequently like I used to?
Anybody else experience this?
I noticed my balls shrinking while on Nofap, well not exactly shrinking but when I used to fap daily they used to hang lower almost all the time but when on Nofap they're more stuck together and closer up to the dick.
I'm on like day 5 only but it is what it is.
>Your body can't re-absorb your sperm
Very wrong, where do you think the sperm of men with vasectomies go?
When does the flat line feeling fuck off? I'm not getting boners at all or feeling aroused. I've seen pics upon pics of naked women and not a peep off my pecker lads.
Give me an answer to keep me sane.
>no ass
>covering tits so probably small tits
What a disgusting specimen.
>lying on your stomach
Don't sleep on your stomach its not good for you
I simply can't do it because of morning wood. Anyone who sleeps on their stomach is a eunuch.
>I'm ugly and autistic so nobody else will see benefits from this test of will.
nofap is a meme i haven't masturbated or looked at porn for years and im still an autistic basement dweller. i still have no friends and i will never make it brahs because im ugly
Maybe lift and eat propely so you're less ugly?
You won't know unless you keep going. It's just a faggot brain trick the brain pulls when it thinks "OH NO, HE HASN'T WATCHED PORN IN A FEW DAYS, BETTER MAKE IT SO HE WANTS TO CHECK IF HE CAN STILL GET BONERS!"
Just keep going for like two weeks, flatline should be over by then.
lifting is a meme. i have been lifting for years but it doesn't matter because i have an unattractive face and on top of that i am also a manlet. ig you are ugly lifting wont do anything. lifting doesnt improve your face unless you were a morbidly obese DYEL. no amount of lifting will change my face
Almost relapsed just now when stumbled upon an AVN video on youtube. Almost edged, hopefully didn't relapsed.
Hold me brehs T_T
Jeez. Sucks to hear man. Some are unfortunate enough to be disfigured, or extremely unattractive, I assume.
But just know that there's a lot in life that's amazing that doesn't require friends. You can still experience many great things alone.
>almost edged
If you fucking fapped to it you fucking relapsed, you fucking mongoloid retard. It's called "nofap". Fapping and then not cumming isn't nofap. That's not even a thing. You idiot.
like what user? all i do is shitpost and play vidya gaems all day
There are many things that you can do even if you have no friends. You could try and get a degree and decent job, you could try and take a few hours from shitposting and learn something cool like guitar, piano, just something else for a while. You could save up money and travel somewhere cool. You could get really good at a specific game. You could learn to draw and make art. You could get into a show/series/books.
Just say "fuck it" and try some of it out, force yourself to try something new and see if you like it. There's a lot to life that you can do alone that's still fun and rewarding.
nofap has too many ideologies formed from groups within it, which often end up with different answers from people that support it.
I believe in general "cheating" in nofap is usually when you spend your free time just browsing porno and edging
This here are some decent rules for nofap
One week in. I never really botered about faping. Most of the time that I do is to control my premature ejaculation, so maybe twice before meeting a girl.
Serious question. Are you really addicted to fapping or porn?
I was moreso addicted to fapping than porn, but I actually have had almost no problem at all quitting fapping and porn completely this week. Been almost a week now and I feel nothing at all. Flatline, I know, but still, good to know I'm not MEGA degenerate.
Nofap is, will always be, and has always been a meme.
Browsing this board is pretty much the same as browsing a porn site. There are so many provocative pics in most threads that it's practically impossible to avoid.
pretty much this desu
Hide thread as soon as you watch'em. Also keep in mind that some of us are doing this to get rid of our meme fetishes and watching a braphog is not going to make us get instarelapse urges
>tfw have to hide 95% of threads because 95% of threads have porny pictures in them
How come even if I haven't jerked off in a while, I don't have wet dreams? I've never had one.
Are you retarded user?
Basically what said
takes about two weeks
Unless they are fitfus/waifus/braphogs/postyouridealfemalebody posts full of thots, I don't mind them having a porny OP pic
>Advanced Broscience
>ywn have PhD in Advanced Broscience
why live?
I'm a fucking weakling. I was starting to feel better but I was also horny, daydreaming about sex with my 1 year old ex. This is the most difficult addiction so far to drop for me and I've dropped cigs, weed, alcohol ,junk food and managed to lose 90lbs. Hold me bros.
aight I'll come back in 3
has 3 gone by yet?
Thinking about watching a porn vid and not doing anything, basically fight of the urges thing
Viable way to lose your streak and nullify any progress you made on nofap, yeah.
she's in heels too. let that sink in
Jim Carrey spoiled the sacred secretion recently
What would have happened if you knew about and did nofap as a teenager? When your test is already sky high? Would you have got huge naturally? I can't help but think I fapped away the best gains of my life.
>Virgin "feeIs" garbage
>non fit posting
Saged, repoted :)
You've got a lot more reporting to do user :)
I will, don't worry :)