Remind me again how this is fair.
Remind me again how this is fair
We have this thread every day.
>inb4 200 replies
I know it's not fair but there's nothing we can do to change that so I choose to work hard.
This is what separates the Chads from the betas, just be a man and fucking do the work
1. that picture is false, it does not include the fact that both males and females need top tier genetics to look as good as either of those people
2. the concept of fair was made for boardgames and criminals, how can you even logically apply "fair" to our tiny animal monkey species thats fucking and breaking and builidng shit on a big ass rock hurdling through space in an infinite vacuum of darkness and who the fuck knows
what separates the chads from betas is that chads don’t put effort into dolling themselves up so women give them attention
>chadlet delusions
Dude just b yourself...
You're not going to make it. Go back to /r9k/ and remember to never improve.
Nature never promised fair
You think it's fair that women nearly destroy their body to have your child? You think it's fair that for millenia women have DIED giving birth?
You absolute faggot. If you think you have the right to spray your dna in any girl you want, destroying her body and even potentially killing her, you need to fucking neck yourself.
It's goddamn right that men have to be in peak physical condition, with model looks and a bank full of money. IF YOU AREN'T WILLING TO PROVE TO THEM YOU'RE WORTH IT, THEN YOU AREN'T FUCKING WORTH IT FAGGOT.
>thinking she looks good
Chill it's not that serious lol
LOOOOOL take it easy baby
The giga white knight has descended upon this thread
Some people just don't have to work as hard as you and sulking isn't going to change that.
yeah I have the right to cum in chicks Eve ate the fucking apple
men were deemed superior
unironically this
>implying any women other than asians can be attractive
try harder
Someone forgot to renew their subscription.
kekd audibly
And the interesting thing is that women are the ones who complain about body shaming and unfair or unrealistic standards. And when you point out this ridiculous double standard, you get called a misogynist, a virgin, a fedora, et cetera.
Life isn't fair, get over it.
Men don't have to look like the model either. You can have a better body than 80% of actual people by just not stuffing your face with mcdonalds and 2-3 hours of resistance training a week.
Instead of having to roll the dice with genetics, you get a competition in which the vast majority of your opponents don't even show up.
I swear it's like you people don't actually excercise.
Why are you comparing yourself to women. Just be grateful that you are not a woman and that you have the potential for a meaningful life.
Gladly pay this price to be the fucker and not the fucked
It's not but at least you have something to be proud of. That body you look at in the mirror took iron and blood, not just a little occasional healthy diet.
>bait this obvious
newfags try harder
I dunno lads.
I'd rather just lift than have to fuck about with make-up, hair dye, clothes and all that shit.
At least if people mire your body you can say it's you.
The fuck do you deal with only getting mires when you basically hide your face, it's like a one way ticket to insecurity.
Plus bitches are always catty as fuck to each other.
I dunno mang, I don't think you can say either sex has it 100% better or worse, but all things considered I'm glad I'm a dude.
On the other hand
>Win genetic lottery and be hot
>Or dont and be fucking ugly
>Even if you're a skinny nerd you can work out and get a good body in most cases