>barbell dispenser is out of barbells
Barbell dispenser is out of barbells
>forgot to pay the spotter fee
I've been too scared to go up in weight guys
>gym sperm dispenser is out of fresh semen
Now my wife’s kid can’t have a brother
Guys I left my free weight license at home, do you think the highweight patrol will stop me today?
>come to gym high
>guards notice
>take away my freeweight license
>mfw have to retake safety course and use machines for 6 months
You raff and make joke ,but in glorious Nippon we have vending machine for anything
>forgot fanny pack at home
>have to use the public squat plug
How much is y'alls entrance and exit fee? You'd think they would be the same, but our exit fee is more expensive than the entrance fee.
>rowing machine sunk by pirates
happens to me all the time. just go to the barbell recycler and nab one thats still in the fork apparatus
>gym staff is lazy as fuck
>every squat rack ashtray full, every bench spittoon full
where the fuck is my $190/mo going
>gf dispenser is out of gfs
Just ask a regular to spot you. They're uncertified so they're a bit cheaper, too. Just make sure you get one with a good reputation
>In line behind Chad
>He takes more than 5 gf's out of the dispenser
>None left for me
>Literally see him toss one aside as he's leaving
>Squatting trampoline has a hole in it
>pick up one of Chad's leftover GFs
>she chomps her cyanide pill before I can kiss her or hold her hand
>after weeks of saving up today is the day
>walk up to receptionist
>she smiles and asks if i've saved up enough credits to finally buy my left pec
>turns out i counted wrong
>machine says 30 credits short
>'oh dear...it's ok user...maybe next time'
>have to settle for one armed dumbbell press yet again
what the fuck bros i'm so sick of only having one pec muscle, it looks completely ridiculous unless i wear a baggy shirt
Try having only one lat. I keep walking in circles if there's too much wind.
what the heck is a barbell dispenser? I have been going to the gym for a bit now and have never seen one
Where do you get your barbells when you enter the gym?
>he works out at galaxy fitness
lmao enjoy your once a day window to flag down the barbell truck. i hear the bell is broken these days so make sure you listen close!!!
>Cum manlet hasn’t teethed properly and doesn’t know not to bite
Guys I have to use a random gym today cos I’m out of town,
When entering a new gym do you still tip the receptionist? Don’t want to piss them off and not get the keys to the squat rack... what do?
>only $190 a month
That’s so sweet
>Fail 2.5 pl8 bench press
>Teacher saw
>Have to retake bench press 101 next semester