Veeky Forums ruined me. I'm only attracted to girls who look like they go to the gym now. I can't look at a girl without thinking about how she obviously doesn't squat.
Veeky Forums ruined me. I'm only attracted to girls who look like they go to the gym now...
i can't look at a girl without think of how much of a cunt she must be now
>also anytime i see jews i get mad
help i need bluepills
Same for me. Except I also look at a girl that lifts and immediately think she must be stuck up and a total narcissist. Can’t win this one.
They mostly are from my experience
>Recently started grad school.
>Unattractive girl in my program with jewish last name and an undergraduate degree in gender studies sents me a friend request on facebook.
I think I may have broken my mouse when I clicked deny button.
oh please you'd get a boner the next time you have a face to face chat with any girl who isnt a whale and she smiles
desu you just think that if a non Veeky Forums girl isn't already fat, there's a statistically high chance they will be later on. why would you want that lol
You just have higher standards now
seemed on topic. i don't see how you couldn't understand.
are you pajeet?
Don't worry, you will be over girls in no time.
I've had this for years, even before coming here, and its all a personality thing.
Fit girls have more dedication and more willpower, which I like. And as I spend a lot of time in the gym, and is a big lifestyle thing for me, I need someone who can understand that.
Last girlfriends I've had have been a swimmer, a martial artist, and a gym rat, currently trying to add a kickboxer to the list.
If I think someone is lazy, or just doing it because fads, I lose interest.
she's actually pretty cool she has a big ass and used to do weird wrestling fetish videos
For me the issue is I've developed ridiculous standards for what is a good ass. Not that I wouldn't consider dating other girls but I'd always wish she had a better booty.
Honestly I respect people who don't lift a little bit less now. It's like they're missing an essential part of their life.
I know how autistic that sounds. I want to go back.
its selfish to be a free able bodied person and not exercise.
I just hate women and am attracted to men now.
Opposite for me. Now I'm only attracted to fat women. Must be higher test.
what was your undergrad/what you doing at grad school?
>im only attracted to objectively goodlooking people who care about their appearance and health
Youre welcome?