I'm gonna kill myself
I'm gonna kill myself
Good, you should.
i'm actually 90% italian
You probably just have bad hygiene habits. Every person I have ever seen with one of those rat mustaches has been a dirtbag, and your hair looks like you don't care about your appearance. Shower more and wash your face. If you still have acne, then you get to complain.
>bad hygiene habits
shower twice a day, in morning and right after gym
>rat mustaches
what is no shave november
>hair looks like you don't care about your appearance
okay homie u got me. what should i do?
NSN is for men that can actually grow facial hair
you just look like a pedophile
go to doctor and say "hey, my skin's fucked, pls help"
you ever shave with acne? it sucks dude
also poorfag student :(
Don't wash your face too frequently. Just wash it once a day.
Get some damn antibiotics going and change your pillow case every other day. Wash with actual good soap not meme brands like axe or old spice, or alteast wash with the good shit first. Go to a dermatologist or just look this stuff up my dude, It took me like a week to go from what you look like to one or two blemishes here and there. Also grow your hair a bit longer and use some product and you will be right on track.
instead of posting on a mongolian fur trading enthusiasts forum go see a dermatologist asap, christ
Put me in the screencap
shits great give it a try
even worse desu
Bruh not op but I tried that shit and it irritated the hell out of my skin along with drying it out, very little changes in blemishes or outbreaks either. If you do use this probs use a good facial lotion too.
Just stop drinking milk and eating dairy.
Go to dermatologist. They’ll probably give you oral doxycycline and a topical like tretinoin. Good luck, that looks painful. Meds will help combined with hygiene and diet. Also recommend washing with benzoyl peroxide.
Does whey count?
This OP. I did this and I'm finally clearing up. I was told to stay away from benzoyl peroxide while i'm using tretinoin, though
>Go to your nearest Chinese/Indian/Greek grocery shop
>Buy this shit or just scrounge it up from your own kitchen
>Wash your face
>Cake it with this shit afterwards when it's all dry
Boom, I just saved your hundreds of bucks on shit that doesn't work. Do this every single time after showering.
You need to stop taking hot shower.
I fucking love hot showers tho
this OP dont kill yourself, get some. get a foaming face wash, I personally like boots botanics shine away cleansing mouse because it has bha's in it.
and a moisturizer like cerave pm or my personal fave olay classic moisturizing lotion sensitive skin.
you can buy tretinoin online on places like alldaychemist. I stopped using mine over summer because i moved and my acne came back. btw the reason i said to get the wash and moisturizer is because it will make your skin sensitive, do not try using acne face washes or anything with perfume when using this stuff.
neutrogena body clear body wash my man, use that shit on your whole body every shower. boom no more acne/zits. Salicylic acid anything works wonders
Get a bunch of cotton pads and a bottle of rose water and that's it dude, say hello to your no acne face. Just wipe rose water on your face, it seriously heals acne marks real fast.
This may be bro science, but basically take as hot shower as you want first to open up your skin and then "close" it with cold shower at the end.
acne goes away with age, although i'm sure it's pock marks you're worried about, huh? at least its not a port wine stain.
Get prescribed doxycycline/minocycline. Cut out most if not all dairy from your diet. Don’t wash face too often, it will strip the nature oils off your face, exposing your pores and increasing acne. Try using unscented Head and Shoulders as facewash, and for the love of god, take 40-50mg of zinc every day. Zinc works miracles for acne. Good luck op.
Get on accutane
If you take anything away from this thread at all, make sure it’s the tip about taking Zinc.
Zinc pills cause prostate cancer
get on accutane, only thing that worked for me
didn't work for you? it really helped mine
You can use the benzoyl peroxide in the morning and tretinoin at night.
This looks like the result of antidepressants or some other kind of prescription drug.
rub raw honey on your face for 20 minutes every night. not joking.
Use witch hazel.
Excessively hot AND cold showers dries your skin out by sapping the natural oils that keep it healthy. Just take lukewarm showers.
Also, just quit touching your face. Quit. Touching. The face. If you touched your ass constantly you'd develop some kind of acne there as well.
why don't my hands develop acne?
ACCUTANE. Trust me dude. Literally nothing helped my acne until I started that. For the first time in years, I'm mostly clear (little over 3 months into my course). The side-effects are drastically overblown - no you're not gonna wan to kill yourself, and no you won't lose your hair.
Just remember though, the longer you let acne stay on your face, the higher the likelihood you'll be left with scarring. Luckily I've only got hyper pigmentation after some severe acne, but I'll clear all that shit up once I finish my course.
Not the user you asked, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your palms being one of the only places on your body that doesn't have hair follicles. It might also have to do with the thickness of the skin on your hands, it tends to be thicker than the skin on other parts of your body.
When I stop beating off my skin clears up. Try it for a week or 2
Don't scour your face with sandpaper, but use a peeling gel like pic related before you wash your face.
Dude, that is nothing compared to how disfiguring my cystic acne used to be. I thought I would be ugly for life, but Accutane saved me. Now I have completely clear skin on my face--literally no scarring at all. I still have 4 scars on my body (chest and shoulders), but they're slowly returning to normal skin color and normal skin texture. Hang in there OP, and maybe consider Accutane. I've also found that using a gentle facial cleanser only once per day on my face, chest, shoulders, and back to help me.
Pic related, that's me
>those eyes
who stole your soul?
College and a lack of sleep
how can you tell?slavs are very diverse
do water fast.it really cleared my skin
Thank god I outgrew my acne
Not op, but post sides you experienced from acutane & and how fit you were at the time
I feel like 99%of sides of all major drugs I've done (pharmaceutical antibiotics up to chronic long term b.t.H.) are V a s T. L y over reported/drama queens/fatties
What do with white heads?
>Go out in the sun till they turn brown ish yeah and harden slightly.
>Attain Burger King job
>Bless fatties with your organic sesame seeds on their buns
Do you ever use lotion? After I take a hot shower I always put on lotion after. And when I wake up.
This is me responding, btw
I was on Accutane for about 6 months. For the first month or so, it made my cystic acne wayyy worse, but afterwards it rid it completely. I've never had cystic acne again. I experienced moderately chapped lips (they hurt but never bled), dry skin, and easily sun-burned skin. I also experienced severe depression, suicidal thoughts, trouble concentrating, crying spells, social withdrawal, and problems sleeping--BUT I'm not sure if these side effects were caused from Accutane itself or if they were caused from the fact that I had severe fucking cystic acne, just thought I'd mention them cause some people do believe that Accutane itself causes these side effects.
How much were you on?
I'm not doubting you that they happened but I feel like one you start ignoring the mechanisms of the drug itself you get into grey ass water
Ty tho
I don't remember exactly, as it was about 3 years ago, but I know that it was a moderate dosage for my bodyweight. I think it was somewhere between 40-80mg per day...or I might've taken it every other day, I'm not sure. But it was only a moderate dosage, I know. Oh, and since you wanted to know how fit I was at the time: I was skinny with a little bit of muscle. I was doing P90X at the time and had already completed it twice lol
shit white boi genes
>tfw ur born a pajeet with superior face genetics
They sell baking soda in literally every grocery store ever.
>Superior face genetics
>wears coke bottle glasses and looks intersex