So, how's it going, bros? How ya doin'?
Veeky Forums feels
I go home this week for thanksgiving break from sophomore year of college. That's nice ans good, I like seeing my family and all, but there's absolutely nothing to do in my hometown.
To make things more annoying, one of my best friends is a rapper and is playing a show the day I go back to school and I am not going to be able to see him perform. I've been his producer for the past 3-4 years and helped him with drugs, girls, you name it. And I won't be there to support him.
Also one of my favorite musicians died, RIP Lil Peep.
> inb4 'fuck you peep is shit' or 'dumbass junkie got what was coming'
> I like his music and it's always brought a smile to my face
Pic related
Just found out Lil Peep died and i'm feeling a little happier
gf spent all dinner staring into the distance because she read some story online about some faggot elephant that stood on it's faggot elephant baby's head
now i gotta deal with this bullshit all night
Sisters going back to jail
Friend died 3 days ago
Fucked shoulder (ohp hurts)
Government trying to fuck me for 29k
Work related shit
On a positive note. After work im getting stoned and playing battlefront 2 till the sun comes up
i am absolutely miserable. waking up in the morning is an unbelievable struggle and going to bed at night is a horrible experience where all i do is think about how much i've missed out on and how much each passing day feels even more soul draining than the last.
i hate how often thoughts of death and dying pass my mind.
I am doing okay man thank you. But I will tell.
> School is going well. My grades are pretty stable and I am continuing my scholarship.
> Work is going very well also, everyone is nice and helpful to me
> Mentally I am on the verge of suicide but that's okay. I sometimes break down but never in public and have a pretty good exterior.
> Lifts are going up, just got more weights off craigslist and that's good. Some mires.
> Girls, I talk to some but not interested, Except this one really religious girl that comes into my job. She's very nice and we have had a few conversations. I doubt I'll ever get her number, and that feels real bad.
I hope you Anons are holding together. Lifting is keeping me up, and when I look in the mirror I am so happy I started lifting again. Thank you Veeky Forums.
I am sorry to hear that user. You just gotta keep working, get past the financial shit, stay strong for your sis (unless she's done you wrong), and pray for your buddy. Someone believes in you.
If you're financially stable, vacation. If you can't afford that, maybe try to hike and do day trips. I felt like that, and I started hiking in local parks by myself or with my mom and I feel a little better
Pretty alright been achieving my goals as far as education and lofting are concerned, could be getting more pussy though.
My main concern at the moment is this pain I'm getting in my forearm during bicep curls. Feels like the bone is aching and when I put the weight down and release it the pain intensity increases for a second that completely goes away.. Not sure if I need to get it checked out or not, really don't want to waste money on something that turns out to be nothing but it's been a few weeks now, no pain at all when not lifting.
Gonna get the best grades I have ever gotten in my life this semester. One more semester to go till I'm done with this bullshit.
Same bro, I got two more. Maybe grad school
ole miss is a shitty school and i hope you arent paying out of state tuition if you arent in accounting
To keep it fit related.. I been trying to gain weight but haven't been eating much. Right now I am king of skeles almost into skinnymode.
still no job
still living at parents at the age of 27
friends are all moving into homes they own with their wives now
I cant even get a 4/10 match on tinder
but at least some qt in one of my classes at the tech school Im at said something about me being handsome
Just scheduled an appointment at the OCD center of LA, I'm gonna make it bros.
I have a full ride and I'm in CS
Also fuck off, I love it here.
I work retail and the eternal shit storm starts next week. Hopefully it isn't as bad as last year.
I'm high as fuck right now and just learned my life is not over yet
I'm doing good and its time t olive again, all I do is workr
I'm starting to wonder how many anons are here on a given day
Amazing, we're all here
I feel this so much
I used to think about suicide at least 5 times a day everyday and probably 4-8 waking hours walking myself through it.
I had a sort of epiphany a few months back where I managed to convince myself that a non-me entity was what was pushing me towards wanting to die.
It made me very angry that it had such power on me and controlled such a large part of my thoughts. I resolved to get angry rather than give into the fantasy whenever I thought about killing myself.
Just getting mad about something gives me energy and make me want to see life through
Why do you want to hurt yourself?
My friend sent me a text saying they don't want to be friends anymore and blocked me on everything.
I have no idea as to what I did, I didn't even know we had a problem. I laughed at first because it was funny but now I'm just feeling like shit. What the fuck?
If it makes you feel any better that elephant probably feels like killing itself. Those things have family bonds like people do
Damn, that sucks, i hope your friend does well. Also unironically 'dumbass junkie got what was coming'
dumbass junkie got what was coming
I'm not memeing
I was here on another feels thread this week, I was the guy that got softcucked by a raving lunatic bisexual feminist named Bridget
I have time to read and lift again after getting out of that relationship
you were all right with your advice anons, and I'm grateful for you dudes.
hopin I can repay the favor and help someone else out
>estimated incline bench is 290
>estimated flat bench is 300
tfw suffering
dudes this is a really simple problem, I am probably overreacting
>be real flirty with girl
>go out
>lots of hugs, smiles, laughs ect
>she sends snap of her with other guy
>cut contact to the point where she asks if I blocked her
>see her irl
>tells me she's missed me, hugs me, catch her staring at me, and smiles at me a lot
Should I keep trying bros?
failed a fitness test. i knew i couldve passed if i just trained more. but i just have no motivation or drive anymore. im trying not to stay content with being a loser but i dont know my goals anymore. ive already did what i wanted in the military. have enough cash to pay for school and such so im covered. im just lost
>tfw curvy women only fuck niggers
>curvy ex mud sharks are only into me
I’m mexican btw, and I want a thick
Jewish gal
she's your friend dawg and not interested in your romantically
I remember you. I was the user who gave you some advice and said I love you but need this. I hope your studies and lifting is going well for you. Keep it up. Also does anyone else do wide grip barbell rows? Did some today and they felt amazing to hit my upper back.
shes just your friend, you've been zoned
if you can't stand her around because you get the feels ghost her ass again
i did that
is it from barbell bicep curls?
that's fucked up man. Hopefully you at least get some closure, but anyone who non ironically does that shouldn't be your friend anyway
Battlefront 2 worth buying?
Haven't texted her since then,but when I talk to her I act like nothing happened. What now?
are you okay with being her friend?
then be her friend. simple as that.
just know that if you get too strung up on her, you'll just feel miserable.
maybe you'll have a chance down the line, but do you really want to wait?
up to you.
I have no problems telling her that I don't need another friend. It would be a real shame for her to lose me.
i wouldn't be an ass about it right off the bat.
you should ask her out first, or ask her if she likes you., if you're intent on dropping her regardless.
i have no idea how she looks at you or interacts with you exactly, it's up to you to gauge your chances.
Good point. I'm about 90 percent sure that she likes/liked me at one point. Eye contact, touching, laughter, she'd send me lots of selfies. Even now, she will go out of her way to try and talk to me. I suppose that could all be friendly shit.
Her best friend thinks I'm a great dude so I've got that going too....
I'll see her Tuesday, screw social media I'm just gonna go for it face to face.
Thank you user.
2 weeks ago
>25 yo jobless for more than a year
>spend every day in front of the computer
>going to the gym twice a day because I have nothing better to do
>been working at a warehouse for the past week
>co-workers are pretty cool
>go out for a few drinks with them yesterday
>meet cute girl
>make out, get her number
I thought I was feeling like shit because of my lifestyle, but I woke up today still sad that I didn't die in my sleep. I might be depressed bros, but at least I will be making money and possibly fucking a 7/10 qt, so can't complain.
good luck my friend.
it's always worth a shot, god knows i regret my missed chances
>be me
>at anime con right now
>have a gf back home
>rooming with qt single girl and her male and female friends
>having a great time, keeping it platonic but she's awesome
>get message from online female friend
>she's at the same convention
>meet her yesterday for the first time in person after talking online/skyping online for 5 years
>lots of hugging, she's like a foot shorter than me
>she's awesome, really cute and fun
>feels amazing to meet her after so long
>play minigolf with con girl I came with and online girl
>next day (today)
>call her, we make plans to chill in the hot tub with her and con girl
>plans fall through, she doesn't come
>doesn't respond rest of the night
>go to hot tub and water park with con girl
>still really fun, colored LED hot tub outdoor at night
>kind of romantic for me even though it shouldn't be
>talk and laugh for a while
>be now
>chilling in hotel room with her and other people
>thinking about life
I don't want to be pushy or anything, but man, I when I found out she was here by coincidence, it was the happiest I've been in a long time. I don't wanna look clingy but I only have until Sunday to see her in person.
The con girl I think is like 95% platonic, but she's really cool. We chill in her basement playing games, watching youtube, she's like a real bro to me. I don't know if I'd even want a romantic relationship with her, but I want like a real bond to form, you know? I doubt myself a lot and I want to feel like she'll always wanna hang with me. I kind of get jealous of her female other friend I think she's closer with.
Things aren't really great with my gf back home, but I haven't broken up with her and I don't know if I should or want to.
Everything is platonic with con girl and online girl, but I just feel lonely. I wouldn't cheat on my gf. Still, if I were single, I couldn't really get with either since one lives far away and the other is a platonic bro. I'm uncertain and kinda lonely
Sorry for the blog post
Went out to bars. Had a freshman that was sort of interested in me. I fucked it up, because I've never been in a relationship and never picked up on flirting cues.
I want to fucking throttle the person that said "just be a gentleman." All that has done is left me an emotional cripple incapable of expressing romantic or sexual interest. I don't want to be lonely any more; I just want to be loved.
I check a few times a day
i still feel empty lads
>started bjj
>got invited to the Christmas party
>gonna start skateboarding to bjj class
>still no gf
I miss my ex.
I texted her one night in stupidly late hours just telling her I forgive her and id be happy to see her again. She replied and agreed but changed her mind shortly after. I talked some more and she said she would consider it.
That being said my female friend told me i was overreaching too soon and I should take it slowly. She said my ex seemed like she still wants to talk so to just be smart. Thing is though I just keep having this hope that we could make it work again. She already has met a couple guys and went out but she isnt the type to fuck without knowing the guy. That being said, I just hope she feels the same towards me. I know its a rough position for her but I cant imagine all of this going down the drain forever.
If she's replying that's a good sign right?
I'm trying to delude myself but I already know the truth. But is there even a chance in hell that life is a true love story and she might come back to male things work if we both change?
This is the gayest shit I have read in a while. A hottub? What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to STD's and parasites? Coloured LED's? are you like 12 or really amused by flashing lights?
Grow up you poof.
At a resort. I don't know if it's actually LED's but it's a pool sized hot tub, half indoor half outdoor. It's actually really nice
You flaming fucking faggot, you probably dont go out with people because it would ruin your cut.
>got invited out to a club by old qt fb
>fb and her friend pick me up at my place
>many drinks later fb and I, make out for a while
>me and her friend start dancing/making out
>fb sees this and starts crying
>she calls her bf (?) to pick her up
>she was our ride
>while waiting for our uber her friend tells me how fb has been telling her i have a huge dick
>"she said she was so lucky she found a guy with a big dick"
>6x6 kek
>she wants to see, ends up giving me a bj
>she seems dissapointed bout my size cause it was hyped hard for months
>we uber to hers and I fuck her for a few hours
>she drives me home
>felt ego boost allday cause "huge dick"
>today fb post a screenshot on snapchat
>"average penis size" google search
>mfw her friend told her im average
>mfw im nothing special anymore
Fuck this shit, girl said she "was going to text me a time" for a date and she flaked, went on goybook and shes just there fucking chatting another guy through fucking facebook picture comment,
i actually fucking tried this time to not look fucking desperate to act cool and collected and she fucking blew me off.
sorry lads just need to let this out but im not letting the cunt get away with this
I dreamt of her tonight
currently sobering up
miss not being able to exchange stuff with my ex
miss the drive i had with her
>i miss her
Life is pretty good, back on a good gym schedule, trying to bulk.
Split with my gf of 3 years over the summer, which has sucked, but could honestly be a lot worse. Lost my apartment, cat, and had to ditch most of my belongings. Found a place end of last month I love, finally feeling settled in.
Graduated high school this year
No job
Haven't talked to a girl my age since then (like 6 months)
Same feel, we're all gonna make it
>he doesn't think hot tubs are cool as fuck
She’s going to screenshot your texts and show her friends how much of a pathetic cuck you are.
>She already has met a couple guys and went out but she isnt the type to fuck without knowing the guy.
Lel. That’s what you think.
GF stole my debit card, and went out on a girls night out with her friends. There was a guy there and she a dumb bitch who got drunk and uploaded her makeout session on snapchat, she doesn't think I know... Im so piseed idk what to do...
My dad is starting to get up there in years. He played semi-pro soccer and was active all his life so he's still in good shape for someone close to 70 but he's always in a foul mood and shits on any opportunity I take to better myself. We're too similar to get on most of the time but it's tragic to see the guy who I used to be so close with be so distant.
What are you forgiving her for?
Awful. Fucking terrible. I've been trying over the past year to be a normie- going out, socialising, getting drunk etc. Every time I think I've made progress I do something fucking stupid or embarrassing and bring myself to a grinding halt. I hate to sound entitled, but I am so tired of working twice as hard at this shit as everyone else and getting half the reward. I thought I would change over time as I got older but it never gets any fucking easier. For all my effort I am effectively in the same place I was before I started all this.
>gf stole, cheated on me idk what to do
this better be bait, motherfucker
as long as she isn't texting you a copy pasta of texts she sent you a while ago, like i got
Report her to the police immediately.
Girl I've been seeing has put off us meeting for 2 weeks but Im seeing her tomorrow. Tbf she has been busy but I cant be fucked with it if it continues like this. At this point Im onl going to continue seeing her because she has huge tits.
I've already been with 2 other girls (fucked one and kissed the other) while seeing her this last few weeks since it hasn't been that serious I dont even feel exclusive with her yet
I'm becoming dependent on drugs, but the way I justify it to myself is that I'm not addicted to any of them
xanax, valium, adderall, viagra, ephedrine
I'm using them responsibly, I pretty much never take the same drug two days in a row, so becoming addicted to any of them isn't really an issue
My gut is telling me this is wrong, that I'm relying on these drugs to make my life easier or more enjoyable
For example if there is a social gathering, a family get together or birthday or night out or something, I'll take some valium for anxiety and some adderall to be high energy and not want to fall asleep
if I desperately need some sleep and I'm wide awake I'll take some valium, that happens at most once per week, I'd say on average once every two weeks
if I'm meeting up with a girl for sex I'll take xanax or valium, adderall (maybe) and viagra
Ephedrine on days that I feel tired but have a lot of work to do
I feel like over time this type of behavior becomes normal to me, so I can't really trust my own judgement anymore, is this crazy, is it harmful? I just need some outside opinions
Obviously in the perfect situation I wouldn't take any drugs ever, but I do suffer with general anxiety, and these drugs when used properly allow me to live a normal life. I couldn't have a normal sex life without valium and viagra, anxiety takes over when I'm getting intimate and my dick wont get/stay hard, especially if alcohol is involved. I couldn't have a normal social life without these drugs, being outgoing and being around people is exhausting when you have anxiety, I went from forcing myself into social situations and hating every minute of it, but when I take some anxiety meds social situations are actually fun and enjoyable
>I'm becoming dependent on drugs, but the way I justify it to myself is that I'm not addicted to any of them
druggies gonna drug
It's a fucked up way of living poppin pills for different occasions.
It's not healthy at all, in fact it's the exact opposite of healty. Also, xanax, valium and adderall is REALLY addictive.
You might be telling yourself you're not addicted. but you most likely are. Try living one month without the pills. And you'll see what a problem it is.
Peeper's music might not have been great, but he was a cool dude, and was Veeky Forums.
Sad he died so young
its amphetamine. highly addictive, and destorys your body in turn for a happy and focused high. When it wears off, you feel like shit.
Don't even get me started about fucking xanax.
You're fucked up, and you need to focus all of your energy into not taking that shit.
fucking americans with their fucking pills.
The girl I've been seeing had been working for 3 weekend in a row, so I went something like 28 days without taking valium/xanax/viagra/adderall
I think there might have been one night I took 10mg valium to get some sleep
In my head that's more "proof" that there isn't an issue, that I can go a few weeks without taking anything (assuming I'm not having sex and don't have any nights out getting yucky with the bois)
Still doing well. Losing fat, lifts are holding fairly steady. I've eaten like shit a few more times than I'd like to admit this last week, but I'm back in the driver's seat now.
I've learn to stop trying to control everything in my life, and to let life take me where it's inevitably going to go. I've also pulled myself out of the unfeeling despair I'd lived in until about 8 months ago. I'm feeling things again. Only problem is that a lot of the bad things I never really processed have sort of come back. I'm taking care of it though.
Life will go on, keep living brother
I miss my ex-boyfriend and can't find anyone else attractive.He looked like younger Santa with his overgrown beard.
Also, I can't beat Gehrman and it's tearing me apart. I feel like a double failure.
Realized I have bad face genetics
Looks like Tyrion's whore from GoT.
Its going okay
>just started getting back into the gym after a month hiatus
>bought 15th gun last month (.308 Gew 98)
>classes are going well except for math, but just passed the last exam
>asked a 4/10 girl out through text, hasn't responded for 12 hours
Besides the girl everything is going pretty good. Thought I was doing her a favor but I guess not lol
Been using Tinder lately, really pissing me off. Set up plans with girls, all seems to be going well, but then I get "teehee, can't make it, sorry xD" messages every time. Whole app is full of flakes.
lmao please be bait
Call the police, and tell them that she stole your credit card.
I was super high last night. something like this I can't do every night but damn
Learned a lot about life and why people may be the way they act, spent some time building a different view point on things I've been involved in
-Its been my fault all along
-Might as well enjoy the ride and forget about the bad times
I went to her house one night and overdosed. The cops dragged me to the hospital and she never showed. I took it as a big fuck you and decided to move on. But out of no where she texts me saying she was sorry she wasn't there and that she's sorry this all happened. She told me she's always going to love me and even if it means being lovers or not she still loves the times we had.
Really got the hang of deadlifting and managed to up the weight properly. I got a serious full body pump for the first time in my life, it was so energetic and euphoric I couldn't believe it. Really loving this lifting shit!
Currently at a party but all i want to is hang out with my ex
Thanks brain
Going back to my home country tomorrow. Uni starts in February and until then I don't know what I'm going to do apart from lifting.
Most my friends left and while there are still a few I don't want to spend all that much time with them (ie I want to move on).
Anything I can do for a few months while waiting for uni start that wouldn't make me feel like I've wasted 2 months?
I just want a happy life with people who love me.
His Xanax was laced with fentanyl. He wasn't a junkie, but defi itself a dumbass to not test his product for said fentanyl.
that's nice bro, I wish I could be this euphoric about lifting again
>no frends
>no hobbies in anything but shitposting
>lifting doesnt change anything im still a loser
>living with parents
>just got a 'real' job this year
>have no friends, they all moved/have wife/family
>working my way to have my own house
Some of us take longer, but we're all gonna make it bros.
Just aim for the long game.