"They can't keep getting away with it" edition
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This chick looks like she's lost 400lbs. I hope she saves up enough for the skin surgery.
People who hate on recovering fatties are pretty unchaddly.
This girl did an amazing job, I hope she gets the surgery too. It must be difficult working out with that much extra skin.
False. Fat fucks shouldn't of gotten that big in the first place. They only can blame themselves
This is one time I'll agree with you but I hate when people see a fatty walking two steps and go "DONT HATE HIM HES TRYING"
False. You're a nigger.
There is a time and a place for everything and this thread is not intended to be a fatty empathizer circle jerk, but a hatefilled, bullying one. And who knows it might give somebody like her the resolve to finally better themselves..
Tldr do you know where you are?
You know that kicking somebody who's worked hard to improve themselves is the sign of being a little beta right?
Fucking hell, I can't stand fat fucks who don't make any effort, I really can't. But I'm not going to laugh at someone who puts in the work to sort themselves out.
>inb4 stream of perfect people who have never made a mistake in their lives come streaming in before then going into another thread on Veeky Forums to bitch about how their shitty decisions in life keep coming back to haunt them and how unfair it is.
>let yourself go so much that you are likely a burden to the people around you, and your body can’t even recover without surgery
Good for her I suppose but people who have such a lack of respect for their body and health will likely regain the weight
just a taste
I somewhat agree with you but becoming morbidly obese is not a “mistake.”
It’s not a one time or two time thing.
You have to completely disregard your health for years to get that big. She lost it so good for her but getting that fat is not equivalent to a mistake.
god what the fuck
>tfw I'm not a deformed monster and this triggers fat shits
Top lel
>False. Fat fucks shouldn't of gotten that big in the first place. They only can blame themselves
This. They bear those marks for life for what they have done to their bodies. Actions have consequences.
I've lost 250lbs and my belly looks similar.
Don't feel bad for her. If her experience was anything like mine, anyone who's ever seen her fat probably doesn't recognize her anymore and that's a great feeling.
in my case i was indoctrinated into fatness, my parents knew nothing of nutrition or fitness i never stood a chance. Now i'm repairing that damage, sure i bear some responsibility but some kids never stand a chance at a normal healthy life.
To be fair there's a lot of people that are fat because they were raised by shitty parents who basically fed them melted butter from the bottle. Then if they do catch on and try to improve local solar systems tell them that they are starting to look anorexic and pressure them back into an unhealthy lifestyle.
If they can break the cycle and use their experiences to dissuade others from HAES bullshit then I'd give them some kudos.
Hey /fph/ did you know desks are oppressive?
>Heather Brown interviewed 13 fat women in college, finding that "classroom design and furniture,” especially “too-small desks,” not only make fat women feel “unwanted,” but also perpetuate “thin privilege and fat hatred.”
>Brown argues that colleges “must make attempts to alleviate the damage a hostile physical environment causes to fat women learners,” suggesting renovating classrooms with “differently sized chairs and tables.”
laughing at someone that's trying to get better is fucking pathetic mate.
Small desks are also a problem if you're /bloat/ as fuck.
nothing funny about it , it's sickening.
can you hear the Snickers?
I feel bad for her because she styles herself like a mermaid but under her clothes she looks like a retired manatee.
>not only make fat women feel “unwanted,”
> hostile physical environment causes to fat women learners
what about fat men?
Lady in the picture is dead now due to obesity complications.
Fake news sadly
reminder to not leave your kids or vulnerable family members in the care of fat nurses or daycare providers. They're lazy and have no conscience. Vid related, it's obeast dindunuffings cackling as WWII vet dies.
This pic always disgusts me. And not from the skin rolls. Its her fuckin face. I cant quite put my finger on it. Why does she have the face of an 80 yr old witch
I fucking hate this fat baby of a man. He's beyond disgusting.
I wonder if the realized he fought for the wrong side at the end?
Racist shitheads like you will never make it
Like the others said, a lot of people who were huge had been raised by terrible parents. I was one of those born into it and by the time I realized what was going on and educated myself, it was already too late for my body to recover. I was probably considered morbidly obese when I was only ten.
Shut the fuck up you Moldavian beef curtain
This. Once a fatty, always a fatty. Fat mentality shouldnt have been there in the first place
>decades of 'food pyramid' bullshit taught all across the globe
>shitty produce being the only thing sold in most supermarkets at a reasonable price
>livestock is pumped full of antibiotics and GMOs
>shitty frozen pizzas and the like are often cheap as shit and the best viable option for some people to survive on their meager salaries
it's all part of the new world order, man. destroy the bodies of people to remove them from the gene pool. i can't be too mad at fat people, even if they are disgusting.
>They only can blame themselves
if they got fat as an adult? yeah, sure. But a lot of them got fat through their parents neglect and once you start off life fat and it's all you know it can be difficult to break life-long habits
>my message is to train hard, don’t be a hard cunt, enjoy life and don’t take yourself too seriously. If there were more people like me, the world would be a happier place. I’d rather do what I do and have fun then sit back hating on someone achieving something.
lurk more newfag
>too goddamned fat to waddle around and interview more than thirteen wailing whales
how narcissistic must you be to say "if more people were me the world would be a better place."
Not necessarily saying his wrong but the whole "aesthetics" movement is nothing but a toxic cancer fest of insecure young betas trying to lift their shitty personalities away
why do you think retard, she has loose skin on her FACE, that's what you get when you're that fat and lose it
>>shitty frozen pizzas and the like are often cheap as shit and the best viable option for some people to survive on their meager salaries
I call bullshit. I'm poor as fuck, and I always just buy tons of veggies to keep me full.
Cabbage, lettuce, cocumber, that shit is cheap af.
And when I'm down to my last money, I just buy white flour and eat pancakes all day.
Frozen pizza is like a fucking dream when it comes to spending. It's as expensive as cheap fish, and I'd much rather have the latter desu
At my poorest I ate rice and beans every goddamn lunch and dinner. Fast food, frozen food, or otherwise prepared junk was a distant dream, something to treat myself to every couple of weeks when the monotony got too depressing.
Do you have an oven? iirc baking, slicing and freezing a loaf of bread every week is more time-efficient than making loads of pancakes.
If she wants to get rid of that as fast as possible, a month of water fasting can do it. Hopefully. If not, 2 max.
>Fast food, frozen food, or otherwise prepared junk was a distant dream
this desu
I only get it when it's given to me, or at birthdays, maybe a party or something, etc
>Do you have an oven?
> iirc baking, slicing and freezing a loaf of bread every week is more time-efficient than making loads of pancakes.
I'd say it's about the same, I usually make pancakes once a week and keep em in the fridge
Sheeit. I'm not quite out of the hole yet, but I hope things get better for you soon user.
You faggot, FPH threads have always been against those who rationalize or excuse their obesity, not malicious hatred.
>but I hope things get better for you soon user.
Unless I win the loterry or something, they won't.
I have 400 euros to survive on till July. Thankfully my dad will be paying the electricity and water bill, but I have to be super carefull on where I spend my money on.
And I can't escape that shit either because I'm working 24/7 on my degree.
Why is my FPH thread full of tumblerinas and soy boys?
Stop whining and post good shit, soyboy.
>Veeky Forums is not and never will be a progressive board, nigger
Why is that in greentext? Fucking reddit transplant, gtfo
>stay mad, soygoyim
It was an accident when I was deleting the second set of post numbers.
I'm sorry I've offended your delicate sensibilities
I need the story behind this picture
Glub glub, motherfucker
I don't know the exact story, just that she was a regular at some club in Italy who got amazingly fat over the span of a year or two and died in her early twenties. I just love how the two dudes in the pic with her seem utterly defeated and depressed by her porcine self-indulgence.
My laughter has reached uncontainable levels and my sides are now hurdling through the atmosphere at light speed!
Buffalo Bill could make a lot of dresses out of her.
>work at large warehouse
>tons of physical work, basically I'm above average fit and it's straining for me
>have fucking landwhale coworker
>always in a tracksuit out of some yoga-pants material
>was walking out from work and happened to be behind her
>see a bike up ahead, notice her walking towards it
>she stops by it
>well, I guess she's actually making an effort, maybe i shouldn't be so hard on h-
>mfw she just stopped to take out and light a cigarette
>mfw she walked past the bike to take the bus
>come on down to buffalo Bills textile shop
>when you come down now you won't get one bolt of land whale skin but two for the price of one
>that's right, I'm craaaaazy
Does anyone have the imgur link to this girls (reverse) transformation?
Really not fond of that OP pic, it may actually do more harm than good and discourage fatties from losing weight.
Though the money she saves on the immense masses of food she previously needed should be enough to pay for the surgery.
Nobody cares, fatso, it's your own fault if you're male!
Dunno if they can ride a bike, but they can at least pose with one.
Listen up, you fucking biped. Have you ever been in a wheelchair before? Have you ever looked up at a set of stairs and realized that you are going to have to drag yourself up like a fucking limp snake? I shit into a plastic bag and then have to pour it out. You have no idea what its like for me so FUCK OFF
"I think of thebuniverse in black and white and that people can't evolve out of a slow growth of normality over years and realize to change their ways so I'll shame them to gain a faux sense of superiority instead of actually supporting people's growth and empowerment"
That's pretty beta. An alpha looks after the pack.
>In the left testicle
I hope this is satirical
Everybody knows the left nut makes boys, user
Yugoslavian ostrich back racing anonymous board.
>Get obese as child.
>Trusting your parents is in your nature, just like any other child.
>Grow up with rekt self-esteem and problems being the obese kid.
>Your parents keep stuffing you and the only ones that care about you.
>Makes it difficult to break free, but you finally do.
>Try various starvation methods to diet but it only causes problems.
>Have to relearn everything you were taught about food.
>Struggle for years until you finally done.
I'm not gonna hate on someone who made it. Especially not when they help mankind by serving as a warning that you should never get fat in the first place.
that's why if your dick is bent to the right you are physically imposible to impregnate a woman.
>le loose skin meme
she's still fat as fuck, just look at her face, probably weighing 200lbs+, loose skin my ass
That's gonna be a grand meal for the worms.
False. You're a nigger,and a loser
I don't blame a lot of fat people. Most got their eating habits from fat parents. You ever tried asking your parents to eat better? They don't listen. The mindset of not giving a shit about your health is taught. It's hardwired into most of them, and that attitude, combined with many suffering from addiction to junk food and soda makes it a hard habit to break.
Thanksgiving came early, worm niggers
In fairness, walking has to be a struggle at that size.
post body pls mr skeletal
It would impossible to make boys.
The right one makes girls.
You will have a gaggle of womanlet daughters and Jamal boyfriends
already dreading family gatherings.
>le me, amateur athlete
>after finishing my hour at job went to train
>arrive at facility, ready to warm up before training begins
>saw a bunch on fat people on the track stretching up. NO biggie
>suddenly, spot cameras filming them.
>the fuck is happening.jpeg
>turn out it was one of those tv shows about fat peole trying to loose weight
>damn, i dont want to be on tv, better go to the gym instead
>on my way to pick up my stuff, hear couch calling me.
>user... hey, we have special guests tonight they'll be using the track for working out a bit
>yeah i've seen it, no problem couch so i goin...
>help them with their workout would you.
those were the last words i wanted to hear that night.
>right, i do it, went with couch to the track and them he appears
>william shakespeare the "hamlet" himself
>hello my name is user, i'll assinst your workout to day
>oh, hello im joe (not his real name), ok lets start them
>so joe get on the grond and do xyz stretches
>he procedes to do them all, he failed misserably in all of them as expected
>ok now, jog for 100mts them stop check your pulse, take a breath them run torwards me again
>fat joe start to do this weird high pase walk. I said jog not walk
>im running he said, by his expresion i could tell that he was trying really hard he reach the 100mts and drop his fat ass to the ground
>yo, workout is not done come on buddy finish it
>he yeald at me i can't, he had a melt down right in the spot
>the cameras approach and film his sorry ass in the ground crying, and asking for a coca cola
>mfw he couldn't do the most simple of the exercises and quit on the spot because of laziness
>them i look at the others right there doing the same thing
>holly shit they came for working out, or at least try, to end up whining and self humiliate on tv
>fuck this guys that profit from them, and fuck them for being weak and lack discipline.
>helping fatties work out, never again.
>le me
Fuck off. Someone who understands that he is a fat fuck and actually does something to get better and becomes normal deserves praise.
where do people get these photo's?
>intelectual feminist
two words i didn't expect could make a affirmative sentence.
They never learn.
>Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reboot
>Charlie's family is fat because they're too poof to afford expensive food
>Charlie is also fat
>One day he is sad af
>His diabetic grandpa gives him a chocolate bar
>"Eat this, kiddo. It'll lift your spirits."
>There's a golden ticket inside!
>Charlie visits the factory along with grandpa
>Subplot about how grandpa can no longer enjoy candy
>Blantantly ignoring how he has diabetes because he ate a literal ton of shit. Toss in a DOCTOR'S ORDERS to make it seem like it's not his fault
>Willie is also fat, which excites Charlie
>"You're...You're like me!"
>Other parents are skinny
>Willie saves the anorexic's life by force-feeding her into a healthy obese weight
>Turboloud fit douche is exposed as sad and insecure. Finds love and joy in chocolate
>In the end Charlie inherits Willie's factory thanks to his appreciation for chocolate and wanting to share it with the rest of the world (make the world sickly fat while pretending it's for a good cause)
>The movie sells poorly because the fatties can't fit into the theater seats
I forgot to mention that the Oompa Loompas are robots because muh slavery. Also Willie and Charlie are short for Willielmina and Charlene.