>He still drinks the caffeinated jew
He still drinks the caffeinated jew
>he hasn't reached adulthood yet
Its literally a cheat code for life.
>He still breathes the polluted jew.
>he still consumes jewish protein
yeah keep spending hundreds of dollars on a milk waste product that was thrown out for most of human history
>increases test
>increases life span
>increases productivity
>thinks maturity is about what you put in your mouth
This is what slutty teenage girls think like
It is used in plenty of cheeses.
I would be more worried about the chinese bathtub chemicals used in the reduction process and for flavoring, and the fact that it's basically 100% unnecessary empty calories.
shut up winstien
>>increases life span
>>increases productivity
>implying its not the kikes that push gymcel memes like high protein diets and protein supplementation
that's exactly what I'm implying? fucking read cunt
>drink an addictive substance with withdrawal symptoms
>this is somehow good
you don't want to live longer and get more done...?
Then why attack me for pointing out that whey has plenty of proper uses and encouraging young white men to take up a productive traditional hobby like cheesemaking?
because only a jew would encourage able bodied men to consume bovine hormones
stupida fackin post
I love coffee. It makes me study hard as fuck. I love studying hard as fuck for my actuary exams.
t. sips marketing manager
i drink only water
It better be filtered water.