Descirbe/Post the perfect female body and looks
Describing the ideal gf/female personality would be helpful too
(Girl trying to self improve)
Descirbe/Post the perfect female body and looks
Describing the ideal gf/female personality would be helpful too
(Girl trying to self improve)
Personally I could look at two very different looking women and think they're both 'perfect' looking
>perfect female body
do you like makeup or less makeup and how would you like her to dress? What’s her hair like etc
Any attractive woman who will fuck me is my ideal woman.
When shes cute and really likes anal.
pic related
you're underestimating how simple and broad most men are taste-wise. I like not too much makeup, soft hair, and clothes could be anything that doesn't make you look like an old lady
>doesn't talk back
>understands my humour and how funny i am
>doesn't like to go out that much
>likes hiking and staying in also
>doesn't have many friends or family
>user wants a vagina that can move around
has sex with me
>Perfect female body
Healthy, biologically female body
>perfect personality
I'd wager most guys would say the same, although Veeky Forums would probably remove the "biologically" to have their woman (male)
this, you need to grow a feminine penis OP. it doesn't have to be small but it needs to be not veiny and hairless
This girl has fetal alcohol syndrome
Before I answer that...
What's the type of guy that you're after?
Why would you want a female version of you? I'm pretty sure you don't like yourself already to begin with since you're still on Veeky Forums, so why would you want a female version of that?
A big wallet and penis to match. Preferably a fireman or something masculine. I used to date engineers and programmers but they were always too soft and insecure.
She'd be me but a 10/10 girl whats wrong with that senpai.
Describe what your current look and personality is, and then we can advise better.
Changing your entire personality is a waste of time, it's better to just be yourself, or just a less cunty version of yourself, and what you need to change physically will depend on how you look naturally.
It's about being the best YOU and having someone who thinks that's perfect, not trying to be the best for everyone, or being a lazy sow and relying on the fact that some guys fuck anything.
if you're gonna roleplay as girls that make you feel bad about yourself at least try harder to get into character
I generally dislike makeup and dyed hair. If I the make up isnt incredibly obvious I dont mind though but If it is easily noticeable I cant take them seriously.
Just me personally, i guess you can aggregate responses or something because I dont exactly ask other guys these things
>post perfect girl
Pic related
Feminine, patient, kind
face at top, body in bottom middle.
>laughs easily
>likes to read, especially non-fiction
>doesn't drink
>exercises a lot but doesn't go to the gym (cardio, plus dumbells at home)*
>wants to be a housewife and mother at her mid-to-late 20
>not a liberal
I am bigger and leaner than everyone at work (all 8 floors) and I've never set foot in a gym, so I'm allowed to dream of finding a ripped cutie that works out by running and doing exercises at home.
That being said, in the real world you would never find a girl with all those qualities. Ripped cuties are usually whores, quiet readers are usually uggos and so on.
I have a huge thing for natural red heads and I don't know why. Anyway, just be yourself.
I'm not sure if this grill is the autist or if i am.
Qt grill will look good with no makeup, she will look best with min makeup.
She would look good in sweat pants will be willing to wear a little black dress for special occasions, and will dress well most the time.
Her hair is blonde or red, and eyes blue, length matters less as long as she takes care of it
Why do you care satatn?
Im a guy and the pic is obviously shopped and she isnt very attractive anyway
michelle trachenburg is a goddess redefined. those other two red heads in the picture are some ugly ayyy lmaos.
>tfw Embedded Systems Engineer
>tfw last and only GF left me because I was too soft and insecure
>no amount of money and knowledge can compensate low T
After a year of lifting I have more gains than 99% on campus
I don't even like software or engineering
I fell for the STEM meme
there's no girls here, only soyboys and pajeets
it drains your testosterone
don't fall for the STEM and university memes fellas
what you want to be doing is trading cryptos, training hard, eating well, getting out in the sun and fucking girls.
fuck this autistic programming shit
>tfw not a fireman
that chick is so generic looking, why wouldn't that chad bastard get a high test braphog?
Flat chest
Nice thighs and ass
Naturally cute no makeup but a little eyeliner never killed anyone
Not a complete cunt
pic related
never a fan of tons of caked on makeup. a mild amount is fine I guess, but I'm convinced it does more harm than good
hate dyed hair even if it's a natural looking color. dislike super short hair. fond of braids
also just bee yourself
Money can fix low T. Go to a doctor and get your shot checked. It’s probably not as low as you think and you’re just paranoid because of the internet
I'm at 389 ng/dl
My doctor says these values are "excellent" for a 23 year old and "you don't look like typical low testosterone candidates"
Trump has more
I'm going to switch my urologist these values are terrible, mine won't do TRT
there are zero redheads in the image.
Make-up is a cruel scam for girls who won't subscribe to proper facial care. I am a male, but I cleanse my face every day, use an exfoliator at least every other day, use a daily facial moisturizer, and use a retinoid. My skin is healthier, cleaner, and more vibrant than that of most women. Establish a proper facial care routine, and you'll be solid.
>Ideal body:
1. "Healthy", as in you have some form of consistent physical activity.
2. Back/spinal training is a nice touch many women don't do anything about. Sexy backs aren't just for men. Try it.
3. Capable of child bearing. Resuming proper physical health after child birth (unfortunately, many women stay obese after child birth and/or marriage).
>Ideal personality:
1. Emotionally composed, yet fiery/upbeat personality and libido.
2. Faithful.
3. Caring, warm without being patronizing/pretentious. Think of the opposite of what people might refer to some as "basic bitches".
Of course, the desires of each person will differ. Take from my notes what you will. Nice Satanic trips, by the way.
>Long black hair with cute bangs
>A cute, young looking face
>A petite body
>Really smol height
Personality/ideal gf:
>Kind and caring
>Cute, quirky and upbeat
>Really optimistic
>Has many quirky hobbies that I also like
>Nice overall
>Especially with the guy she's in a relationship with/married to
>Goes well with her male partner
That's literally my girlfriend.
A good man who wants to start a happy family
I’m skinny fat 5’3, very quiet and voice that you can’t hear, I’m awkward and people say I behave like a cute Baby (they say it as a good thing but I don’t like it). My hair dresser literally calls me baby. Im the opposite of assertive and I’m clingy me and need constant attention. I have a very good face and get compliments from strangers all the time on it. I fake being smart while I’m an idiot. I’m a virgin at 22 because my r9k bf showed the board my nudes ages ago and I’ve been paranoid and living in fear and distrust since then and I feel at any second someone irl might find out so I have very low self esteem but I try to give over it. I have a lot of hobbies, volleyball, I play the violin, kickboxing, shooting, I cook and read and try to be happy, fake happiness till I believe I have it
Show us your nudes and so I can masturbate to them if they are not disgusting.
Please don’t be mean about that, it really hurts and I still get nightmares about it
Kinda' vague...
A blend of cute and sexy
wow i think i fell in love with you. when is our wedding
I promise I will only say good things.
>establish a proper skin care routine
That's not always the case, most women have shit skin because of hormonal imbalances. During their periods it fucks them up even worse. Proper skin routine only gets you so far
Okay girl you have some serious self-esteem problems so let me disect your mental traps for a minute.
>I’m skinny fat
Men will fuck anything. You stand out in other ways that are much more valuable (not being a fucking slut, being a virgin). See more below. Don't throw your virginity away yet.
Cute. A bonus depending on what the man likes.
Get a man over 6'3 then. My uncle is 6'6, his wife was your height, his son turned out 6'.
>very quiet and voice that you can’t hear,
Good, you don't have to do a lot of talking anyway
> I behave like a cute Baby
Behaving like a cute girl is okay, but baby seems like too much.
Are you sure you don't mean little girl?
> Im the opposite of assertive and I’m clingy me and need constant attention
...I am a normal female that didn't fall for strong and independent meme
>I have a very good face and get compliments from strangers all the time on it.
Thirsty men will always compliment, women live off this attention.
But a nice face is a big bonus. How does your mom look? Did she age well?
>I fake being smart while I’m an idiot.
It's called impostor syndrome. The higher your position and intelligence, the more you will feel this way.
Why the fuck do you have to be smart in the first place. Get this feminism crap out of your head.
>A good man who wants to start a happy family
> I’m a virgin at 22 because my r9k bf showed the board my nudes ages ago and I’ve been paranoid and living in fear and distrust
Lol that makes you exceptional on its own
I know those feels too well user
Is a veiny penis more masculine?
Asking for a friend
There's always things you can do. I'm not saying hormonal imbalances won't mess with them at all, but most women will look perfectly acceptable without make-up if they just attend to regular facial care duties. If they have some general facial redness, discoloration, or acne-prone areas, nightly application of a retinoid and basic skin care will help.
Read up Stoicism.
Lift for size and strength 4x6 or 3x8, this will achieve the best results the quickest (You wont turn "manly" without steroids, it's a meme)
Be happy with who you are.
Don't worry about your nudes being online, they're lost in the sea of the other 35635893537398573985375893 nudes, and nobody in your life is going to be an r9k browser.
That's about it.
> I have a lot of hobbies, volleyball, I play the violin, kickboxing, shooting, I cook and read and try to be happy, fake happiness till I believe I have it
Good hobbies but men don't care that much about "being interesting".
Being musical is good. Shooting very good, kickboxing is almost too masculine.
Shooting could be excellent for finding a husband.
He'll be able to take your son out for hunting.
Most people fake happiness. As a woman you can't be truly happy until you have children.
Get them early.
Okay to get to the conclusion of this.
You have very low self esteem despite having redeeming qualities that are extremely rare nowadays.
Assuming you're not bullshitting and ACTUALLY want a family and be a housewife...
Do you have any idea how hard it is for a man to find a loyal wife this day?
Just take good care of yourself, your body, your hygiene. Get a high test man interested in starting a family, stay loyal.
That's all you gotta do. Don't get fat, don't cheat, cook meals, stay at home and raise the kids.
No man will leave you if you do these things.
This sounds so unrealistic typing it out in this day and age that you will have NO problem attracting a man if you're at least a 6.5/10 and explicitly show your interest in a healthy family
I am skinny fat but because self improvement today’s my first day at the gym
>Are you sure you don't mean little girl?
They say baby, I try to act like an adult tho
>Thirsty men will always compliment
No literally everyone does, even women
My mom and aunts from both sides aged very well
What do you mean exceptional? I really want a family and tons of kids I have so much love to give
Thank you user, any specific books?
Female also looking to improve herself here, kind of like OP. 5'4 skinnyfat want to gain weight to fill out and stop looking like a literal twig. I know it's a base tier question, but how the fuck do I keep up a diet designed to gain weight? My problem is that all my life I've been eating at more of a snack every hour rather than three big meals a day basis because my family didn't do "dinner". Because of this, if I eat too much I start to feel sick and I eat in small portions. I can only really eat half a regular meal before feeling full. Any advice?
user that's my ideal girl too
I mean I don't think you should strive towards the desired standards of a bunch of psycho autists on Veeky Forums. I am definitely unhinged and not in a cool way.
That said, ideal looks:
Blonde, tanned skin, athletic but not overly muscled, blue eyes (so we can have blue eyed master race children), tall but not over 6 ft (I'm 6'1 so I don't want anyone taller), hairless like a dolphin aside from head hair obv. Medium to large boobs.
Personality: intelligent, loyal, funny, adventurous, esoteric interests, an appreciation of deeper meaning, artistic flair, sexually submissive (but not overly submissive generally), kinky, likes weight lifting, likes travelling, good cook (because I'm abyssmal). Oh yeah and not a fucking millennial virtue-signalling liberal cunt.
So that's something that doesn't exist but this is a fantasy thread so whatevs.
I dont mind as long as they arent obese. Im really not that picky, some skinny girls look great and some thick girls look great to me. I dont like tattoos on girls though.
Somewhat educated, not selfish, eats well, European decent, doesn't brag or gloat, patient, has manners, doesn't blame their problems on other people, the government or some boogeyman, responsible with money, is somewhat tidy, will age reasonably well, not obsessed with politics, likes animals, not clingy and not a feminist or environmentalist
The personality list is in no particular order and id probably be willing to settle on a girl that ticks most of the boxes.
Just to emphasize this a little more
The reason most men on /fit are so terribly insecure, start roiding etc. is because the sexual marketplace is so skewed due to the sexual liberation.
Most women are disgusting, STD infected sluts with ridiculous standards. They're not loyal, don't want kids, will fuck you over and take all your shit after a divorce. They'll then proceed to fuck up your kids as a neurotic single mother.
If what you write is true, If I were 10 years older (am 23), I'd unironically marry you.
The intention of starting a family and being a virgin at 22 is like finding some fucking diamond.
Stop caring so fucking much about "hobbies" and "happiness" and YOUR FUCKING HEIGHT.
Get yourself the most alpha man you can find over 6', AT LEAST 30 YEARS OLD, check out if he can provide for a family, if he has a stable employment and record or better owns a business.
Then stop with this career bullshit, marry him, don't cheat, stay at home, raise the kids and please him.
That's all you gotta do for happiness. Stop making this so complicated.
Have 5 children and fuck your husband. Don't talk too much, cook and mind your own business.
You're close to my ideal already. A girl with hobbies like kickboxing, shooting and volleyball gets my dick hard like nothing else. You can learn to be more assertive too, it's a daily constant thing that needs to be practiced though (this is coming from a once autist). Looks matter less than you think in that it's all about the face for me (something you can't change) and body only matters to the extent that you're not overly skinny or fat. But yeah as long as you're secure in your self, and a caring and loyal person, you'll have no trouble in finding and maintaining a worthwhile relationship.
Also you're exact the type of girl I'd want to be with so I can help her come out of her shell and explore her sexuality because I've been where you are and I'd want you to improve with me.
not completely retarded
> I really want a family and tons of kids I have so much love to give
>What do you mean exceptional?
lmao I think this might be really good bait or larping
Are you serious about this?
Have you looked around?
Most young women waste their fertile years in some communist community college getting drunk and having orgies.
They pursue "careers" and let their ovaries dry up.
Some end up as single moms of autistic children, knocked up by some minority, as crazy childless catladies...
Despite being abhorrent, getting fat and being indoctrinated with feminist poison, modern women have impossible to meet standards and will FUCK YOU OVER as a man.
Why do I even have to type this.
What are you doing here. You're 22, young, fertile, virgin, quiet, apparently your relatives aged well.
Stop with all this self pity and insecurity, do some squats, find an alpha man over 30 that wants a family. Then you just lay back on the bed, get impregnated, stay at home and raise the kids.
What the fuck do I have to explain this for, go do it
how do I find that husband? Where do people people find bfs?
I agree about happiness and children, I really can’t wait
>Do you have any idea how hard it is for a man to find a loyal wife this day
How do I make sure he doesn’t cheat? How do I be a good gf? How do I make him happy?
Thanks for your help user
Intermittent fasting seems to work for a lot of people but I’m no expert
What do you mean kinky? H-how to have sex?
Why does he have to be so much older?
Is this pasta?
I really hope so
>5'4 skinnyfat want to gain weight to fill out and stop looking like a literal twig
My ex was really skinny. Nice ass potential, but upper body also like a twig.
I always liked thicc, so I put her on a bulking diet so see how thicc she could get.
If you can't gulp down the food, I'm sorry but you're gonna have to start drinking shakes and preparing everything with full fat cheese.
Broccoli with rice today? How about broccoli and rice and 200 grams of gouda cheese?
Oh, having some potatoes and chicken today? How about scratching that chicken and replacing it with 400 GRAMS OF GROUND BEEF.
Get a blender, put nuts, whey, full milk in it. You gotta bulk up if you want to stop looking like a twig.
My GF's ass got so thicc that she got cocky.
After she got her mathematics degree she dumped me because MUH CAREER.
Kek don't fall for all the pseudo redpill bullshit.
You don't need a man 10 years older than you
You don't become become a boring object with the only purpose of child bearing
Literally all you need to do is overcome your insecurities and be a decent human being and you're good to go.
Also put oats in those shakes.
Try gradually eating more. Liquid meals are more of an emergency solution if you can't get it down.
Don't dirty bulk. Stay away from that temptation to get your calories from fast food.
Oh yeah and on a more practical note... If your boyfriend's into anal make sure the foods in your bulking diet are compliant with that, clean up first or don't do it at all while you're on more than +500 surplus.
I got some things to take care off but on the off chance that this is not trolling imma type this out and for you and do good deed.
First off, I recommend you unironically read up Red Pill material on >>>>>RDDIT
trp, asktrp, and redpillwomen, redpillwives is what you'll be looking for.
>how do I find that husband? Where do people people find bfs?
You don't find a husband. He finds you.
You put yourself in positions where you will be approached by men with balls enough to talk to you. You do this in places where typically high testosterone and potential family providers will be.
Like I said. Shooting is a good place to start.
You don't want a full Chad Thundercuck alpha because he has too many options to start a family with more attractive genes, but not a beta soyboy beta cuck provider who will settle for anything either.
Get him to ask you out if you find him attractive.
>Why does he have to be so much older?
Because this is the way it has always been.
Look at all the successful men in the world. Did they knock up random women at 20? Fuck no.
Men under 30 don't know what the fuck they want and they sure as hell cannot provide for a full family now that two people are required to feed a family due to this whole female empowerment garbage.
Scout him. Get to know his family situation. Employment history. Finances.
Trust me, this is for the better.
Some good characteristics:
Must have:
- Takes care of his body, muscular
- Dresses well
- Conservative
- Explicitly wants a traditional family and children
- Enough money to provide for you and 4-5 children
- Emotionally stable
Good to have
- Decent relationship with father (not always necessary, a lot of new alphas are shaped by a lack of a father figure)
- Healthy family values
Red flags:
- Skinnyfat
- Insecure
- Did not approach you
- Under 28
- Not financially stable
- No directions or goals in life
- Member of any degenerate subculture or music genre
straight off the bat, the first sentence puts me off, even if you were a 8/10.
your height isn't a problem, every one has a preference (I like tall women personally) but combining that with your personality, you are going to come across as a child to most guys. You don't want to attract the sort of guy that is attracted to a child, unless you have severe daddy issues, and never want to better yourself.
Become more assertive, speak louder, get used to being more social, take acting classes if you need to, in order to get used to speaking in public, meeting the centre of attention, and projecting your voice.
Being clingy will fade once you are more sure in yourself. How do you deal with isolation? Learn to enjoy your own company as well as the company of others. Relationships are not a crutch, they are flavouring to life, you will be happier if you can stand alone before standing with someone else.
Plus stronger individuals attract stronger partners.
If you're smart enough to realise you are stupid, you're smarter than a lot of people. Just admit when you don't know something, it will do more for your confidence than trying to hide your ignorance.
The fact there are nude photos circulating around of you shouldn't bother you, or anyone you are dating. We all make mistakes, and one of the only things SJWs have got right, is that no one should be shamed for normal sexual behaviour behind closed doors. We've all seated someone before, I'm sure a lot of guys here have taken pic of their dick for people, some of us have publically exposed ourselves, licked buttholes, fucked people we shouldn't have, you name it, I'm sure someone you know has done it.
You shouldn't be ashamed of taking a few sexy pics, he should be ashamed of breaking trust by sharing them. If the pictures are still in circulation, be proud that someone finds you that attractive to bother keeping a poorly lit, unphotoshopped amateur pic of your butt.
Now lift, and get a nice body.
>Make-up is a cruel scam for girls who won't subscribe to proper facial care. I am a male, but I cleanse my face every day, use an exfoliator at least every other day, use a daily facial moisturizer, and use a retinoid. My skin is healthier, cleaner, and more vibrant than that of most women. Establish a proper facial care routine, and you'll be solid.
Skincels are fucking disgusting to me, all that shit you're using is kike shit that do nothing for you at best, and actively harm you at worst.
Key to good skin for non-retards:
>good hormone ratios
>proper micronutrients
>cardio and sun
You don't want to give away your virginity away to some beta cuck loser.
This will probably make a lot people here angry, but if you really want to start a family with plenty of children as a traditional wife, you need to have a high testosterone family man.
The standards men have for women have dropped significantly. We have to deal with the cards we're dealt.
Being a virgin is no longer a requirement, but it's a HUGE bonus.
Your part of the deal is staying diligent, not cheating, cooking healthy meals, satisfying all the sexual needs of your man and have as many children as he wants.
One of my uncles owns a farm. He was 13 years older than his wife when he married her.
He knows what he wants, he's assertive, muscular, high T. Even in his older age you can still feel that aura.
You know what he did? At 31 he realized he knows what he wants. His life was built, finances set, farm was running well.
So he went out and scouted for a potential wife. He approached women until he found decent wife material.
They had 7 beautiful children who all turned out successful.
You don't want to start a family with some fuckup loser.
But that also means giving up on all this media forcefed bullshit about feminism, self-realization.
Don't you fucking follow this advice and leave your man after the first child because "muh depression" and "muh this is hard" and "muh life goals". Drop this. Life is not always easier. It's a lot easier than is used to, so you better pull yourself together and make some babies.
Meeting the centre of attention =being the centre of attention
Seated someone before =sexted someone before
I need to learn to proofread
Get the fuck out of here shlomo
what retinoids do you recommend?
Don't worry about it user. I'm just fantasizing, you should behave how you want to behave.
Sex is a personal thing and you shouldn't strive to be something you're not to meet imagined ideals.
I mean most guys are happy with a girl who a) isn't excessively overweight and b) is nice.
But I mean, you need to bear in mind that a relationship won't make you happy and changing yourself to meet the expectations of randoms on the internet will not serve you. Just put yourself in situations were guys will have the opportunity to ask you out I.e. socialise, and I'm sure you'll meet a nice guy.
Pretty much this
Who is that on the bottom left and right?
This is actually quality advice user, thanks. Most of the people I tell just tell me to "eat more" but don't give me any pointers. The shakes sound like ez weight gain, plus I love things with meat and cheese so I'll go that path.
lmao, these posts get funnier and funnier.
OP don't fall for this non sense, looking for advice on Veeky Forums is a terrible idea in the first place.
Most people here are clueless about real life, you are better off trying to figure out the truth yourself.
Do some reading on your own, just don't try to get thoughtful advice from here
Lol just become a drugged out slut. If you have sex with anybody you regret, slap the creeps with rape charges haha.
>she posted it again
Good move, Mariam. No one puts pussy on a pedestal like Veeky Forums does. Lots of easy attention to e had.
Just don't overdo it.
I didn't explicitly count and just adjusted my own bulking diet to what I thought were appropriate intakes for my GF.
Mostly because obviously I couldn't control everything she eats throughout the day so I just made sure she ate plenty. You can control it. Try just eating as much as you can stomach at first. If your fat gain is too fast, cut back.
Her ass got THICC within 6 months. Almost too thick. Decent muscle gains from squats, but if you eat +1000 as a girl you'll get lots of fat gains.
If your genetics are right it won't matter that much. If it's all stored in your ass and legs than you'll be fine.
Track your weight every week and take pictures biweekly in the same pose from all sides.
Don't use different clothes / lightning / flexing. Just relaxed pose in front of mirror.
The only time I'll ever coach a girl is if I'm married to her. I made her ass so thicc she thought she could do better. FUck. Brehh
The eternal Swede
Lmao how did they get fucked up so bad? Sweden of all countries. Its like world Jewry choose a random Western nation to see how much shit they could get away with for shit and giggles and fucking Sweden never got the joke.
The poor cucks never had a chance. What can any individual nation do against such an insidious power?
Not everything has to be conceptualised in such black and white terms. Not believing in le reddit redpill philosophy doesn't mean you have to be a Swedish antifa cuck.
How do men like you function in real life? Thinking skills of a 12 year old kid
Hush now whiney little punce. I was just amused at how fucked Sweden is. Its seriously like they they put on a blindfold, spun a globe with only white countries on it and some fat Jews greasy finger poked Sweden and then they all pissed themselves laughing.
sweden was the most homogeneous nation in europe before importing a foreign army
you sound awful desu.
For some reason, I feel like this is the same rule of thumb as it is for guys.
Guys don't ask girls about what girls are like and how to please them, to get good info, you need to ask guys who are good with girls about girls.
Similarly, you should ask a woman who has the "ideal" situation you seek, and get insight from her, because what you're really after is info on how you should present yourself to achieve your ideal outcome. Frankly, no man is going to be able to give you accurate information on how to behave, because we don't know what it is to be a woman. So you'd be better off finding a woman who has the kind of relationship you want, and mimicking her methods.
Straight from the heart, user.
> Hair colour not so much of an issue though i would like a natural blonde for my children.
> Pale skin. Blue eyes.
> Anywhere from 5'0 to 5'10
> Importantly breasts from 30E to H, never slept with anyone outside that range.
> Small waist
> Big hips and ass
> Must be intelligent with a professional career
> no more than 2 previous sexual partners
> musnt be left wing
> must want children
> values free speech
That's easy enough, to turn it into a dream gf then also:
> no prior sexual partners
> must want to wait until marriage
> wants 4-5 kids
> wants to be a housewife
> keeps self in shape but not manly and thin
> great humour
> can drink
so you want a dog in the body of a hot girl?
>how funny i am
Anyone that says this is automatically guaranteed to not be funny.