I just hit 2.5/3.5/4.5 after over a year of lifting and still look like shit (pic related). how strong do I have to get before I start looking muscular? I see people in CBTs that can barely bench 2pl8s and have full muscular chests already. This is very frustrating.
I just hit 2.5/3.5/4.5 after over a year of lifting and still look like shit (pic related)...
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf mane I barely bench 1 pl8 and look way bigger than u. and I'm only 5'9.5 but not a gigamanlet or anything
Eat more milk
What? How much do you OHP? I assume that your bench is 2.5 I assume, so that would be ~120 kg? Look, no way you're benching that much with that chest.
Holy shit you look like you've never worked out in your life. I'd recommend eating more and focus more on hypertrophy
>wide hips
I'm sorry the gains will come agonisingly slow and aesthetics will come in a similar manner. Nice stats though, try training a PPL program rather than a strength routine.
My last 5rm on OHP was 70kg but that was 2 months ago. I've benched 102kg for 5rm recently which is basically 2.5pl8. I don't know what to tell you but I am...
I doubt you can do any of those lifts when you look like a totally weak little scrawny faggot soy boy.
>I've benched 102kg for 5rm recently which is basically 2.5pl8
No it's not...
Well, if you're not actually bullshitting everyone (incl. yourself), then I'm quite sorry, man. Genetics can be very weird.
I mean there was this one video where that midget weightlifter lifted like idk, 300 pounds? It was pretty unreal, but hey, the little guy could pull it off.
eh i think he's pretty close
coincidentally, i got my 2pl8 bench up to 5 reps since tuesday which was a pr so i went up to 255lbs and hit that once but not quite a second time. 2.5pl8ts would be around 270lbs. i bench tomorrow so i'll go and see if i can do that once.
just do a ton of volume work at this point
>He fell for the strength = size meme
you have klinefelter's
those numbers are not real with that body
klinefelterfags can't lift that much and they also have literal micropenises
This man deadlifts 900 for 3
even with a shirt on you can tell this man has a nicer body than OP (no offense OP)
Yes it is I have a old video of me doing 100kg bench for 3 reps relatively easily (I was doing 8x3) if u want me to upload.
I’ve done bodybuilding type training before and it does nothing for me, that’s why I started training for strength
>Yes it is I have a old video of me doing 100kg bench for 3 reps relatively easily (I was doing 8x3) if u want me to upload.
please do
You have above average mechanical efficiency, the less muscle mass you need to move a given weight the more efficient you are.
>I've benched 102kg for 5rm recently which is basically 2.5pl8
oh boy, its another e-stat thread
nothing to see here boys
rippetoe claims another victim
>those legs
>2.5 pl8bench
lolbar squat doest actually build impressive quads, i bet he has gigantic ass tho. and he's done 225x5 at most, he's just delusional
2.5pl8 is 120 kg but yeah still not 102kg
>those legs
>160kg squat
And here I was freaking out thinking those numbers related to body weight
2.5 plate isnt shit 3.5 plate isnt shit 4.5 plate isnt shit
Come back when you do 1xBW/2xBW/3xBW/4xBW
>not knowing what a calculated max is
I want 1pl8 benching newfags to get out
how retared can one be 99% of the people here will never in their life have a 2xBW bench nor a 4xBW Dead espacially if they are not a complete manlet
i'm using a poverty bench which isnt even stable btw
oh no im 3kg off LOL
Thats also why strength=/= size on an absolute Level
Get more Volume OP, you're dyel mode
a calculated Max is NOT your 1rm you retard
you are not 3 kilo off if you have never benched that much
hey man I was on your side gib 3mill on osrs for a bond pl0x
Not everybody can make it.
the symmetric strength calculator literally never failed me
if you calculate it with something that is 5 reps or less it's pretty much spot on
>using calculated maxes
>calling other people newfags
if your 5rep max is 100kg, and did that once, youre not benching 2.5pl8, now fuck off
Time to putdown the copy of Starting Strength and get on a hypertrophy program You have a decent strength base now use it to actually build a nice physique. You can always switch back to strength training later.
nice vid bro
I'm sorry I don't play runescape anymore
Yes you are, you're dumb.
>barely gets the last rep in
Well then go out to your poverty bench and do it
>turned down by asian miss piggy x pizzaface
>that autistic laughter
I think you have more severe issues than your body OP
Whatever helps you sleep at night big guy
Get the fuck out of my CUNTry.
I dont do 1rm's and I'm not going to risk injuring myself just to prove a point to some retard on the internet LOL
How did I know you were gonna sneak in an excuse? :>
By the looks of you I wouldn't mind if you fucking necked yourself.
Fuck off you do not have to film it I do not really care, just try it for yourself instead of just claiming things you have never done on the internet
Now you've got a solid base of strength, train for size instead of strength. Find a bodybuilding routine and give it a shot.
Also 188cm but 84 kg here
I'd keep doing whatever strength program you're doing but I'd add high volume assistance work
My stats are 145/110/170 kg and there are tons of guys in cbt threads that bench like 90 and look far better
I think it's the height
worst case scenario he gets like 115 kg and that's not far off
holy gabagooly
alpha as fuck
it's not the height.
t. 6'4" that looked better than both of you even when he only did hypertrophy stuff
strength=/=size once and for all, some hypermanlet might have good leverages to hit 2/3 soon enough but will still be dyel. Don't fall for the pure strength trolls unless you enjoy strength training (I do nowadays). Bodybuilding is a whole different beast, deal with that and don't wonder why you look like shit when you don't train for size
Wouldnt it be better to do strength first, then bodybuilding for a beginner?
I'd say yes, going through the basic motions (i.e. what the "strength base" is supposed to be like) is always a good start and might save you injuries later on.
Still, the notion that you have to lift X to look like X only leads to disappointment. And there is no polar difference between muh strength and muh brosplit routine, if you get enough volume you're golden. But doing a low volume strength program and expecting to look like arnie is deluded
>I promise im not a weirdo
>c-can I have your phone number?
top kek
dude I did a bodybuilding routine for like 6 months with lots of volume, low rest time and not focusing on strength and it made absolutely no difference to my body. I think I have a genetic problem where I can't gain muscle mass or something at this point.
this is the person who posts manlet threads
You're doing strength training and expecting hypertrophy results.
Lower your weights. All of them. Stop aiming for 5-8 reps, start aiming for 10-12 even if you have to cut your loads down 50% or more. Aim for the burn in your muscles as you reach fatigue.
I've been stuck in 70kg for a long time simply because I was obsessed with lifting the heaviest I could in 5-8 reps and guess fucking what, no gains.
Also track your shit, tracking protein/carbs means shit if you're not eating enough calories, you don't have to meticulously count calories but get a good idea of your daily needs (FOR GROWTH, NOT MAINTENANCE) and eat at a safe surplus
I bet your form is shit. Half squats, not bringing the bench to your chest.
this just took a huge dump on my motivation
I am the manlet wizard
I am here to curse all people who bully those over their height
if you are a height bully, you will never make good gains, and your penis will be unproportionately small compared to your body! see the worst victim of my curse!
just realized that they modelled that character after ken cosgrove in mad men
I lifted exactly that amount when I first hit 2.5 plates. KYS
Time to hit those 5x10 sets OP.
mirin guy on the right, new short-term goal
on the left. the guy who had early puberty and bullied the other boys about their height and dick.
in the middle, the guy who bullied the girls for being late bloomers and looking ugly
and on the right, a true alpha. a man who brought others up, who never bullied anybody, who never let any negativity radiate out from him.
He's the man Chad wanted to be like.
so this is why lanklets hate short guys so much lol
So this is the power of strength training.
i started doing stronglifts and i don't want to look like this, pls help
this won't happen if i'm a manlet, right?
>the vegan lifter
1/2/3/4 is for reps not 1 max. You looking like that whilst quarter repping isnt a surprise.
Early puberty actually reduces final height and intelligence. Neoteny is the period of most growth and neuroplasticity. Blacks incidentally have the earliest puberty of all races.
>shutdown by a 3/10 chink
>uploads it to yt
do you have a humiliation fetish?>
I'm a school teacher, there are 14 and 11 year old brothers who are the same height. I mistook them for twins :^)
the older brother was so upset, they are so cute, they share their clothes.
How can anybody dislike short people?
Because you're not using proper form. You need to activate your muscles properly
That's the issue with the internet status quo - everybody posts powerlifting shit and nobody ever posts good, quality bodybuilding/hypertrophy shit.
yup, same voice as well. it's basically him.
Started SS 3 months ago. I went from your body to looking much better in that span.
Its also deluded to think one will look like arnie after 1 year of training regardless of program
sam sure is disgustingly oogli. funny tho.
Someone needs to start screencapping all those posts with insand stats and bodies of people who look like they have never seen a barbell in their life.
Maybe we can save the future fitizens the horrible feeling OP is experiencing now.
u look like uve never lifted a weight before hahahahaha
oh dear
well it was a hyperbole, but you can definitely expect to look better than the OP after 1 year of training
Pls tell me your routine so I can stay the fuck away from it
>absolutely enormous back
>gorilla arms
>legs not even half his body
he looks exactly like he deadlifts 900 for 3
How about stop strength training and focus on isolation movements? basically 80% of this forum worship deadlifts but look like shit.
I look a bit better despite lifting way less than the dude, just do SL with arms, but with SS rep ranges instead.
So basically :
A :
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Row 3x5
Dips 3xF
Db curls 3x8-12
B :
Squat 3x5
Ohp 3x5
Dead 1x5
Chinups 3xF
Skullcrushers 3x8-12
Btw the nuckols templates are pretty good for gaining strength with hypertrophy if you add some accessories
I recommend 3x beg bench then 3x int bench the most
OP maybe measure your t*st
god damn OP come on man