Our King has graced us with a new video
>3 Secrets of Elite Naturals
If he would have done his homework and actually graduated we wouldnt have to deal with this now.
>turbo manlet
>ego lifter
>looks like a turk
>balding, probably from covert roiding
>sub 3 plate bench soyboy
>has the audacity to comment on his superior
Why are their faces so fucking feminine with shit beards?
they are from Québec
Stop shilling yourself on Veeky Forums and do something productive in life Alex
Those "beards"
To hide their "chin"
>Phil's hairline
These two fags are the definition of gymcels.
I unsubbed from him when he said he was going vegan.
Phil's gf holds the camera in a lot of his videos.
that guy on the right can hardly form a coherent sentence
Praise be to the one true king!
Blessed are we to receive this boon! Thank you, based Alex!
he looks like a literal Cletus
>zero credentials
elite baldness
He doesn't look white
Friendly reminder to NOT fall for his lies.
HE is a scammer.
HE is not qualified to give any lifting advice.
Why are they both wearing the pocket vnecks? They look like Tweedledee and Tweedledum
what a filler video