>one shot at life
>born endomorph
Fuck just kill me now.
>one shot at life
>born endomorph
Fuck just kill me now.
Other urls found in this thread:
You were born fat and excuse-making?
>body types
well meme'd
>Skiny & tall
>Fat Manlet
>Normal person
Oha , it's almost like in a society were every food portion is the same people with a lower need for food will often be FAT & people with a higher need for food will often be THIN
At least you weren't born Amerimorph, right?
This is a meme. All 200lb men need the same amount of food. It’s not like some will need more/less than others.
is it possible to be a tall fat mesomorph?
Yes I am one.
For once and for all. Are soma types a meme?
you aren't born and endomorph you become one by eating too much and not lifting
That doesn’t explain their sensitivity to carbs.
Only in that they don't determine your intelligence and personality
But people do have different body shapes that you could categorize into "thin" "medium" and "thick" or "ectomorph" "mesomorph" and "endomorph"
I thought I was an endomorph for years and years. After all, I come from a chubby family, so obviously it's just genetic. Then one day I realized I just ate like shit and so did everyone else in my family. In a way, I could be described as "inheriting" my fat body from my family since I grew up eating the same horrible diet they did and I'm still struggling to adjust as an adult to a better way of living, but really, I know better. I'm fat because I take in more calories than I burn and so are you, user.
I realize that most people will counter with "I know people who are naturally skinny! They eat whatever they want and don't gain weight!" Well, let's say you do. Who the fuck cares? First, it is very likely that they actually eat less than you think and exercise more. When I eat junk food, I now fit it into my calories and macros. But second, just because you know some freak with a superfast metabolism, that doesn't mean you're unlucky. You have to learn to control your fucked up relationship with food. Embrace your life as a struggler, user.
t. A fellow fatty
You're just fucking stupid and believe outdated pseudoscience.
Increased bodyfat stimulates gaining fat faster while low bodyfat stimulates burning fat faster. You are not a certain 'morph', you're just a fat fuck because of your shitty food and habits and now blame it on 'muh genetics'.
Burn the fat, gain lean muscle mass, magically become 'ectomorph' because your hormonal balance is no longer fucked up.
Do you always just spew bullshit?
>Tfw natural mesomorph with shoulder span being almost 2ft but am also 5'9" manlet
>Tfw Mesomorphlet
>not even 6'0
the middle thing in this graphic is kleinfeltersmorph if anything
>one shot at life
>born a 6'4 ectomorph
155lbs skelly checking in
No. People only say this because they don't know the difference between somatotypes and constitutional psychology. It is a fully valid system of classification used in medicine, physical anthropology, sports science etc.
>>I realize that most people will counter with "I know people who are naturally skinny! They eat whatever they want and don't gain weight!"
These people are uneducated normies.
Soooiiiiii Boooooyyyyy
Necromorph mustard rice
>muh genetics
Anyone without a movement disability can lose weight you fat fuck
Then please point me to the articles that provide clear scientific criteria for the categories and explain what benefit may be gained by using them over the descriptors already in place. I have literally never seen anyone use the terms outside of where they want to justify some stupid bullshit such as why they can't lose/gain weight.
It's a blessing because my strength and muscle potential is far greater than ecto twinks. I have a 7.7" wrist and 10.5" ankle, my potential is 220lbs at 10% bf and 5'11.5"
>saying somatotypes are bullshit
>spewing bullshit in any form or way
You're retarded.
They recommend skinny people to eat less protein, less fat and more carbs. They recommend fat people to eat more fat, less carbs and moderate amount of protein. The only valuable thing somatotypes tell is NOTHING because they are based on how people CURRENTLY LOOK.
Yes a 6'3 man with decent testosterone levels will have a fuckton higher metabolism than a 5'4 woman, but how they look, outside of bone structure, has WAY, WAY FUCKING MORE to do with their lifestyle as a kid, teen, and adult than their fucking genetics.
If you burn 2.5k calories per day and the average joe burns 2k calories per day, you fucking eat 500 calories more per day, you don't eat 2k calories per day, get skinny and say "MAN I WISH I WASNT A HARDGAINER!"
Somatotypes are entirely retarded made-up bullshit because they try to put traits based on your current physical appearance. Skinny faggots aren't all "hardgainers", they just don't fucking eat enough to support their height (since ectos area 99% of the time portrayed as tall, as being tall means you will have higher metabolism). Endos aren't people that "have it way fucking harder to lose weight", it's most of the time the fact that their diet is fucking shit and that they're used to eating a lot of food, and thus the body makes it worse by slowing down metabolism as your bodyfat increases. Mesos aren't fucking ripped by default. Yes some people gain muscle easier, but I GUARANTEE that the people who are considered mesomorphs both physically worked out FAR more than any ecto or endo did, AND paired this with enough nutrition and exercise.
The reason why people fucking hate somatotypes so much is because they're extremely vague, as people of ALL BONE STRUCTURES AND METABOLISMS could end up as either of the three types (unless you are FAR from the average in say, clavicle width) if they decided that within 5 years, I'll be a different somatotype
>everyone has exactly the same bone structure and frame
Muh scienz studies. Go fuck urself jabroni.
The virgin scientific study vs the chad anecdote
What did he mean by this?
References listed actually include articles that tell you body types are bullshit and that more bodyfat and bodyfat distribution affects the way your hormones work.
Your bodyfat is not determined by genetics, it is determined by how much you eat and keep eating. Someone with a bigger bone structure can remain 'ectomorph' if he doesn't stuff his face every day.
lmao nigger keep crying 'muh genetics' when you can't lose weight and blame everyone and the world the next time you can't stof yourself from indulging your gluttony but justify it because 'muh bodytypes'
>everyone has only one of only three bone structures and frames instead of infinite variation
See, I can greentext too, only mine actually represents your position.
I bet you think there are more than 2 genders too.
This is your brain on Science™ folks, never outsource your facilities of reasoning and critical thinking to judeoacademia.
>Skiny & tall
>Fat Manlet
>Normal person
Body types are literally just height categories.
>still more strawmen
Don't you have some tinfoil to buy or something?
Things you're (mostly) granted genetically:
Bone structure, including
- Height
- Broadness of clavicle
- Length of limbs, etc
Physical aspects you are to a mild extent (Read: Easily corrected through lifestyle) granted genetically:
- Metabolism
- Testosterone/Ability to gain muscle
Things that your diet and lifestyle has a massive impact on, as well as your current """"""""somatotype"""""""" you attained through lifestyle and diet:
- Ability to gain muscle
- Muscle mass
- Fat percentage
- Broadness (to some extent, as adding mass to your shoulders, lats, etc) will increase your overall broadness
If you took two twins and fed one lard and whatever other garbage could sustain them without any major life-threatening deficiencies from he was a child, while the other you calculated the food he needed to grow optimally, made him do sports, got him into lifting in his teens, and made sure he always got the food he needed to grow and get strong, here's the difference in adulthood:
To a minimal extent:
- Height
- Skeletal structure
To a MASSIVE extent:
- Weight
- Ability to lose fat
- Musclemass
- Bodyfat percentage
- Calories burned/metabolism
People don't like to admit it, but while the bodytype you currently have may make it harder/easier for you to get a new bodytype, your current bodytype IS A RESULT OF your lifestyle.
I can't lose weight like before, I don't know what the fuck is wrong.
2 years ago I just had to cut my carbs or fast for a bit and I could lose like 4kg in 2/3 weeks. Now I cut and fast, and I'm gaining weight, what the fuck.
Yeah Guts Mode we call it
Everyone points to the height difference between NK and SK soldiers as signs that the north does not receive as good of nutrition
>morph types
>implying its not a meme
tomatotypes aren't real. They're an attempt at eugenics.