If you have been weight training consistently for 1 year and cannot:

If you have been weight training consistently for 1 year and cannot:

squat 315 lbs/143 kg
deadlift 405 lbs/184 kg
bench press 225 lbs/ 102 kg

you should be forced to have gender reassignment surgery

Been doing it for 2 and still can't
End me

weight lifted has nothing to do with muscles gained, especially not in that non-elite area. I'd rather say you should have a FFMI above, let's say 20 atleast

>guy on right unironically gets more girls including the elusive qts
Why even lift


>that fucking awful photoshop

It wouldn't even be hard to find a real person with that level of muscle. Looks like they forgot to do the forearm too, kek

>training for looks

If you have been weight training consistently and eating at a caloric surplus for 1 year and cannot:

squat 315 lbs/143 kg
deadlift 405 lbs/184 kg
bench press 225 lbs/ 102 kg

you should be forced to have gender reassignment surgery


to feel something in this bleak shitty existence

If you have been weight training consistently for 1 year and cannot:

squat 315 lbs/143 kg
deadlift 405 lbs/184 kg
bench press 225 lbs/ 102 kg

you should be forced to have gender reassignment surgery

>tfw no bf to force me to transition and be his personal braphog(male) sex toy

why even live

Depends on where you start and how you've been eating and age

Now repeat that in real world metrics.

Don't worry keep going man. OP has obviously never set foot in a gym before.

>doesnt mention 1pl8 ohp
Deltlets, when will they learn

>weight lifted has nothing to do with muscles gained

nice meme

this, ohp it was makes you look like you lift. bench doesn't do shit.

lbs and kg are the only metrics that matter you faggot britbong

i don't know a single person that could do all 1/2/3/4 after a year of lifting and ive been around this shit for over a decade

Even if that may be the case for whatever reason, the guy on the left is much more likely to be secure in his body and even proud of it.

Working on your body is like perfecting a craft, it's something you can take pride in because you know you've put in the time and effort. It's not JUST about getting girls, but luckily most girls appreciate guys that put time into their bodies.

>weight training has no subcategories
>only strength training exists
>everyone uses weight training to become some fatty powerlifter

Americans, when will they learn.

Not really. My problem is I started way too old. Didn't step foot inside of a gym until I was 27, now I'm 28 and have nowhere near those numbers, though at my peak I was close on squat and diddly. I just also go to school 4 days a week, and work 50-60 hours a week, at a career not some mcdicks bullshit. Getting enough time to meal prep, and get More than 6 hours a sleep a night are as big of problems for me as finding time to even hit the gym. Post is absolutely true for anyone with very little commitments in their life though.

>everyone going to the gym has the goal to maximize the weight lifted in SQ/BP/DL

Yeah, I can agree to this.

I do 52.5/80/115/110 for 5x5 (I do 1x5 on deadlifts) and I've been training for 80 days as of today.


I should be at 1/2/3 by end of year, though hitting a 4pl8 DL might take a whole year of training.

6 months, finally bench more than one plate for reps last time I went. 145 for like.. 6

>I've been training for 80 days
lmao shut the fuck up you don't know anything

>Have been trying to lose weight slowly
>Stuck at 115/150/205/275 for probably 4 months
>Have been lifting for 8
W-will my lifts explode once I start gaining weight

>what are noob gains

>it doesnt apply to me because reasons
>it absolutely applies to other people

No-one natty has ever done that.

in one year a 1rm squat and bench is very doable.

not everyone wants to be a powerlifter

I do none of the big three fite me

>tfw been lifting 1 year
>half of which was a cut
>can't do any of those lifts yet
>can strict OHP one plate
>look better than all the strong fags

>He still lifts for strenght

Topkek, enjoy spinal injuries

I have never once seen that and i owned a gym for 4 years.

If you can't understand a neet 19 year old who doesn't even have a bill to pay versus a grown ass man with a career and a house having different lifestyles with very different amounts of free time to spare for hobbies, well then you're probably the first one.

>deadlifting in 2017
you only get one spine for your life, fuck it up and hellooooooo back problems forever!

>probably fat
>doesn’t realize 1/2/3/4 aren’t equivalent standards
Congrats on reaching 1 year of training buddy, don’t let anybody tell you you’re fat, you’re just bulking!

I don't believe you. I did it more or less, I had played sports and trained a lot as a teenager and started lifting again when 28. within a year I did sets equivalent to 1234 on all lifts, and I'm just avg height and was 80kg. For heavier people with some sort of athletics background it should no doubt be achievable within a year.
If it's the best way to train for the first year is another question

tldr: 1234 doesnt say anything without the persons weight. Also would be interesting to see how many bragging about 1234 could run 10km under 40min

I hit (1rm) 165 # ohp, 250 # bench, 405 deadlift, training since June of this year, and am 29 years old.
My 1rm squat is 205 though and I don't look like I lift cause I'm a 320 lbs (started at 360) hamplanet, also why I was able to hit those numbers while on a cut.
If I don't hit 315 squat by July I would be a terrible girl desu.

Squat is so much easier then bench and deadlift. OHP is just fucking hard

you've never set foot in a gym, have you

Agreed, I'm two months into lifting and am 100, 150, and 40 pounds from your requirements respectively. This shit is easy and the only reason someone can't attain those starts is sheer laziness.

And hey, the world needs more qt3.14 traps.

>according to this retard, the vast majority of women will need gender reassignment surgery

That squat and dead is much more difficult than that bench.

There are no women on the internet bro

>Have a back injury
>Sorry m8, it appears you're now a woman

Lemme guess. This is the only thing in your life you can be proud of and so you wish others would be judged on the same standard.

How else are they gonna hit those numbers if they don't blast and cruise?

its another episode of, i've never been in a gym before but you should have these stats.

it took me 8 months to reach 1 plate ohp and 16 to reach 2 plate bench. i started with the bar only though, is that an excuse?


Ok so you havent teached 1/2/3/4

Haha, this board is such fucking shit

Talk about garbage genetics

225x1 bench
225x3 front squat
140x1 OHP
365x2 deadlift

4 months 180 lb. Worship me fucking trash genetics. Please tell me it's physically impossible and feed my ego

i had your numbers after 2 months. are you even trying? please tell me its physically impossible and feed my ego.

>1 year
>b: 205x1
>s: 315x5
>d: 370x5
>ohp: 115x5
>fat asf

remember guys, these are the people criticising you

I don't do these lifts. I'm not a powerlifter so there isn't any reason to do these lifts

what are decent numbers for a girl who's been lifting for a year?

>Not measuring weight in newtons

It's like you don't even want to make it.

Why don't you give me your numbers and we can set up a time to figure it out