Other urls found in this thread:
>can't trust my feelings
>need exact rest time between sets
>gym doesn't have a clock
>smartphone is annoying and autistic
>new watch
Should I wear my new watch or is it too dangerous?
Running GSLP.
Main 1:
OHP, Chinup, SQUAT
2: BP, Row, Deadlift
For accessory work, I have
A: Dumbbell curls
Tricep pushdowns
B: incline dumbbell press
lat raises
What accessory work do I pair to what main work? And what day should I add calf raises to?
Get a cheap-ass casio.
>lifting for a month
>barely making any gains
>arms refusing to grow
>getting enough calories and protein is mostly from chicken and eggs
>decide "fuck it" and go full arnold mode
>breakfast is six eggs, cup of shredded cheese, and four cups of milk
>1350 calories, 95g of protein
>have 25 gram protein drink before workout
>dinner is two cups of ground beef with another four cups of milk
>1200 calories, 95g of protein again
>2700 calories total, 215g of protein for the day
>making all kinds of gains now
my calories barely increased by 200, but I'm making all kinds of gains now, progress in every area. Was it just lack of protein or was I missing iron from the beef or some shit?
How fast do you gain weight? Aim for 1 lb per month
how meme are his workouts?
I have about 100 pigeons. How do I harvest their crop milk for unseen gains?
My nipples feel itchy after working out please help
Not entirely fitness related but more health
Uni fag, I’ve tried ADD meds multiple times, different brands and doses, and it has no effect on me whatsoever.
If I do cocaine will I be able to dial in and get my shit done?
What's a good routine for maintaining physique? Lifting several years, just want to maintain and work on weaknesses.
Day A
Leg Press 5x5
Hamstring Curl 4x8
OHP 5x5
Cable Crossover 4x8
Weighted Pullups 5x5
Seated Cable Rows 4x8
Plank 4x60s
Day B
RDL 5x5
Quad Extension 4x8
Incline Barbell Bench Press 5x5
Dips 4x8
High Pull 5x3
Chinups 4x8
Cable Crunch 4x15
Is this too much volume for AxBxAxx/BxAxBxx?
I'm a twig at 125 lbs. Still going through chiropractor for a few weeks since I have a fairly bad lower back thanks to a couple accidents. But after doc gives the okay, I want to be able to lift and be able to sustain lifting roughly 180 lbs to 200 lbs for more fun and positions with my girl (who is working out and aiming for 160, but just giving some room there so it's easier on me). I know she'll be supporting herself sometimes as well, but dam if I don't want to do so much with her...
Might be a bit of a long term goal but what in particular do you think I should work on and ask the doc if it's okay to do so? And what sort of weight and bidy fat should I be aiming for to comfortably sustain that without having look like got a lot much muscle? Doesn't like a very well toned guy for some reason,go figure.
What is the deal with phenibut?
Do you run for cardio?
Help me understand how that would ever be a good idea?
If you can't get shit done without needing fucking drugs, then maybe it's time to consider if you're even in the right place.
If you can't comfortably manage the education, how do you think the job is going to go for you?
In my experience you need very little to maintain.
Don't expect your doctor to know anything at all about lifting, unless by pure coincidence.
Your body will tell you which exercises are okay and which aren't. No need to try all kinds of obscure stuff. Lifting is basic stuff. Start with the basics and start light and easy. If it doesn't hurt you, it's probably FINE.
Also, don't be afraid of suddenly waking up one day being too big all of a sudden. That doesn't happen. People work incredibly hard and still have trouble putting on size.
I have bretty bad social anxiety and it's keeping me from going to a gym. How to get over?
There's only one way. Gradual exposure. Baby steps.
Even if you have to start by simply standing on the other side of the street and watch the place like some weirdo. You need to take a little at a time, and build successes. Once you can comfortably handle one step, move to the next.
Your fucked up brain will learn that it's not in danger.
remove one egg per nest, cop 2/3rds of the remaining crop milk but leave some to the babby pidgey to continue breeding. if you mean how to harvest, record the cry of the nestling, get a small cup and hope for the best
Adhd meds aren't magic you still have to sit down and do your work you lazy fuck. They aren't meant to make you feel super stimulated they're meant to help you focus
roughly half the volume of what you needed to grow, keep intensity, frequency is to be assessed on a per person basis, some maintain well on two ballbusters a week, some need low volume shit erryday
good for confidence, ridiculously easy to abuse and get addicted to, do not mix with alcohol if you dont want to be an evening news headline
What are some lighting tricks to look better in pictures? I've noticed that up close to mirrors I just look big, but with no definition, but after a certain distance and in some lightings I look monstruous, especially my triceps and delts.
Thanks for that. I'm not afraid of blowing up, what I'm talking about I know will be over a few months ore more at least.
And the doc knows his stuff, guys into exercise and lifting as well. A VERY down to earth dude who loves his work and loves to heal folks.
I'm doing Greyskull and I want to make sure I'm doing one chest exercise on OHP days and one shoulder exercise on Bench days.
What exercises do you recommend? I was thinking Flyes and Side Lateral Raises OR Facepulls (which is more aesthetic between the two?). I also have to make sure they don't interfere with my linear progression on the main lift the next day.
A lot of the time when I'm doing OHP I start to feel it in my upper back even though I squeeze my glutes and lean back a bit at the beginning of the movement and bring my head forward as I do it. What gives?
Lower back pain after dead lifting. It feels like it's in my spine. Is my form shite? Also my forearms hurt
For SS am I supposed to do both daily accessory excercises every day I lift? Also if I add the additional arm excercises for Fridays do I still do accessory work? Is it alright to warm up with a set of 40+ pushups, because I have to train those and be good at them? Is it alright if I do one 3.5 mile run on an off day and a 1.5 mile run followed by 6-8 30/60 sprints on another off day (also need to be good at running)?
if im trying to lose weight and gain muscle, should i do protein powder with water or milk? it just tastes bad with water...
What do you weigh and what do you estimate your bf is? I’d recommend researching a lot into diet and using myfitnesspal to track calories and macros.
>1 lb per month
isn't that obscenely low? I thought it was 1 lb per week.
is it your first time DL'ing? You shouldn't feel any pain, but if it's soreness it's normal
can I still get large and become muscular if I don't do squats and deadlifts? hurt my back, had surgery, now I hurt it again and I think those 2 exercises will be out of my future plans
Of course mate, you might not get as strong as someone who does those, but you can train for volume with alternative exercises and get huge anyway.
I have a constant feeling that I'm just not going all out at workouts.
I'm at the gym 6 times a week, I'm completely tired after every session, I sleep the hardest that I've ever had, eat a ton, I'm full of energy, my numbers going up, yet I'm scared that I'm just not doing good enough. Any way to calm myself?
currently quitting smoking
my major motivation is that i just hate being addicted
ngl i will most likely end up having a few in the future when i'm drunk but i just want to stop being addicted
does anyone have any advice because i feel like slamming my head through a wall right now
>b6 increases the chances of lung cancer by up to 30%
>a healthy diet + supplements is full of b6
>you're literally giving money to jews, so they can kill YOU even faster
>chances are you look thrashy while you smoke
I quit cause of these, also cause of my ex, who started smoking shortly after, heh.
Is my weight gain enough? eating 3kcal every day, 6 day ppl, 6 feet
last week my weight has spiked cause I started eating more rice and such, which is quite heavy in itself, other than that, is the weight okay?
i use mfp. I'm currently 6'2'' and around 185 lbs. Its not so much that I want to weigh less, I'm fine with weighing the same but I want a diff body composition. The things i mostly go over on mfp are sodium, vitamin c, sugar, and occasionally saturated fats. I bench lmao 1pl8 if its relevant.
If you have access to the book, I'm sure you'd see way better results doing frequent push-ups and chin-ups like the author recommends.
Depends what you mean by upper back. You're supposed to feel an OHP around your shoulder blades.
If you meant to say your low back, make sure you use your abs to draw your lower ribs down and keep them there, in addition to squeezing your glutes.
Also, check your overhead mobility. If you don't have 180 of shoulder flexion you should not be doing OHP.
>Is my form shite?
Most likely. Unless you have some other underlying issue.
Look up videos on how to "hip hinge" so you can learn to lift with your hips and not cat back the lift.
Also, check your mobility. Not everybody is ready to pull all the way from the floor, and won't be able to maintain proper form doing so. Understand that the diameter of plates is completely arbitary. You may be better off pulling from blocks or pins.
Yeah it's all right. Most things are fine.
If progress stops, go back to basics to be sure you didn't fuck something up.
Doesn't mean shit how tired you are.
If your numbers are going up, everything is awesome.
Chase performance, not fatigue.
There's a limit to how quickly you can progress.
>If your numbers are going up, everything is awesome.
Okay, thank you!
Does anyone have a good dumbbell chart to learn how to do exercises?
Before I started lifting and was fucking around I was doing the frequency method with chinups (I actually have visible lats somehow from doing it), but I doubt I can use the frequency method on off days and it not affect my rows/pulldowns the next workout day
No i'm on some sort of power lifter routine with no cardio apart from a few core exercises, I'm just worried that i might grow tits or something
Also any good dumbbell routines would be nice.
I feel a twinge on the back side of my scapula when pressing
or match 1&A but swap chinups and rows?
Maybe so, but the program is literally designed that way.
So warm up properly.
If it keeps happening you may need to replace the exercise for a little while and gradually work it back in at a later date.
Other than that, warm up properly.
I'll say the same thing I said to the other guy. Get the book, check out the frequency method using push-ups and chin-ups. You'll be more happy with the results.
2 kg in less than 3 weeks? That's pretty fast m8, might want to cut back a little.
I packed on 2 kilo of muscle in 3 months but I've also added 2 kilo of fat as well ffs
I must be missing something, your measurements are daily aren't they?
Good shit. Started off on fitness doing T25 a fatass, moved onto Insanity Max 30 and now do T25 again whenever I don't have time for gym trip.
They are hard as shit and will knock you out but Shaun is a great lad.
Nah, measured myself at like the end of August and then yesterday.
Oh sorry, I'm not the guy who posted the pic, I was just giving some random anecdote haha
What are some causes of sudden abdominal distension? I eat so fucking clean and track religiously, haven't introduced anything new to my diet at all. And yet within hours I look 5 nos pregnant compared to this morning. What gives
I know this is a retarded question but:
how much fat do I need to lose to make my belly smaller? I'm already down from my original 215 but the linearity has slowed down big time. I'm afraid to do a bigger cut and stall like I have previously. I'm down to 169 so far but likely have like 10-15 lbs to go if not more.
I just really want to have as little bellyfat as possible before bulking.
forgot pic
Since everyone is bulking right now what are your lifting goals until the end of the year?
>Bench 200 -> 210
>DL 308 -> 330
>S 275 -> 285
I've got some discomfort at the place where inguinal hernia could appear, but no bulging, no pain, just discomfort. I've got a lot of abs excercise in my routine, could they just be sore like that?
Well you are already atr the point where you look like any normal weight person with clothes so good job. 15lbs spunds about right, depending how low bf you want to get.
What does it do?
How often can I take it? Should i?
lower inhibition, boost confidence, give a comfy buzz
How do I ready pic related?
What should I do for warm up? What's a dynamic stretch?
What's a set composed of? Which ones are the basic excercises?
What's static stretching?
What's a rep?
Can someone make this retard proof for me?
How do I read *
highly depends, lurk online for advice I really am the wrong guy for this (fucking degenerate with high tolerance). no you probably should not.
What accesories should I include in Texas Method?
Best quad and glute exercises aside from squats? Im not able to do squats for awhile due to an injury and I would like to build up my legs
Do EC stacks cause hair loss?
If you're already eating at a caloric deficit, do EC stacks have a benefit beyond appetite suppression?
lurk the r/bodyweightfitness sticky, which the pic literally is from, but generally:
left to right, top down are progressions
anything that gets your heartrate going or works your mobility
stretching through range of motion
x reps of an exercise
those mentioned in the pic
stretching to end of ROM and holding
a single repetition of an exercise
judging by your post, people could not retard proof tying your shoes for you
not inherently
upping baseline calorie expenditure, or rather, keeping the body from adjusting it for a bit
That's why I only wear riptape trainers
So don't bother with an EC stack if my calorie deficit diet is already in check?
kek, fair enough
Can I start my day with a shot of whiskey to give me confidence?
yes and no, it is a valuable tool especially in already steep deficits, but not the holy grail. cop some if you have the money and want to go from lean to leaner, disregard if you cant get genuine eph and/or want to go from not lean to leanish
5'9, 160.
Formerly skinny fat, started lifting and running, and now just kinda skinny with some definition, and Ive got a small handful of excess stomach fat. I get about a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight a day, but from a calorie standpoint, to rid myself of that excess because my stomach is my main source of vanity should I...
Eat less while working out?
Or Eat as much as I Was/more while working out and it will go away with time as I acquire muscle and bodyweight?
Been pretty spergy about my calorie intake for the last 2-3 months and I think in my attempt to lose it I overcorrected and am eating too little now and now have minimal gains with no appreciable change to that flab.
Thanks! Any other good things to take for weight loss?
enough protein, no less than 50g healthy fats (1/3rd of which satfat), 0.2mg/kg yohimbine and fasted cardio if already ripped but cursed with stubborn lower back or hip fat, 300mg/wk test kek
What are good shoes for doing squats? I have some cheap running shoes I bought in Primark but apparently they can't do the work.
Need sleep help. Due to not working recently my sleep has slowly been pushed later and later, I now get tired around 4am and sleep until the afternoon and feel shit.
How do I reset my sleep schedule so I'm tired at around 10pm?
If you start having trouble with your appetite and blowing out your defecit I find fasting until the afternoon and having bigger more satisfying meals helps a lot.
Go to bed at 9pm, relax yourself and do this every day until your body gets used to that sleep schedule. It will take tons of effort and probably between 2 weeks and a month, but you will be able to do it.
Loads of people here suggest meditating once a day. What are the benefits? Any good guides on how to do it?
Ok thanks I'll give it a go. I was almost going to pull an all nighter in the hope I'll be tired as shit the next day and crash earlier.
oly shoes
vs athletics sells fairly inexpensive ones
lots of benefits. google.
sit still and pay attention to your breathing for a little while.
melatonin. 0.3 mg 1/2 hour before bed time.
resetting sleep schedule is literally what it's for.
put your hand over it and cough. if you feel a bulge, it's a hernia. see an MD.
otherwise, this might be useful:
click where it hurts, match the pain to the red, massage on the Xs.
arguably ab doms. see a doc if youre very worried
>put your hand over it and cough. if you feel a bulge, it's a hernia. see an MD.
It seems that when I cough the muscles move the same on both sides of my groin and I don't feel any bulge.
I'll skip working abs once and see where it gets me
thanks guys
Sweet I'll grab some tomorrow, thanks.
Should i eat 1g/lb of protein in my rest days too?
Yes but you know it's 1g per lb of lean mass not overall weight?
Is Zero Calorie Soda bad for my health and weight loss / gains?