Are Kegels worth it?
Are Kegels worth it?
I done it every day for a year, and to be perfectly honest; I didn't notice a difference.
They are amazing,but don't fall into the hype of them making your cock monsterous big or super hard.It will get harder ,but not by much.But it will be very healthy and you will reach better penis erection quality with a strong pelvic muscle ,than with a weak one.Do them.Reverse kegels are a must tho.
Half marathon training had the effect described in Ops pic for me
Change your diet and exercise. Eat more onions, eat more foods that promote vascular opening.
Your penis is just a sponge that fills with blood. So anything that effects your vascular system will affect your erection.
Quit smoking if you haven't. Smoking will indefinitely shrink your erections and it gets worse as you get older.
>normal kegels for better erection quality, also turns penis into cum sniper rifle
>reverse kegels for unlocking multiple male ejaculations
>piss easy to do
Yeah I'd say they are pretty good.
what even is this faggotry
Do penis enlargement exercises work?
Lifting for your dick you pussy
If you're ironic then I don't see what you're trying to do
If you're serious, well apparently you can get some gains with jelquing in both length and girth but considering there is the risk to damage your dick permanently, and that the gains will go away if you stop jelquing for a while, I'd say it's not worth it.
Doing kegels for girls kek
>Lifting for your dick you pussy
> lift sluts
> with mah dick
>fall for the Kegels meme
>can't last longer than a few pumps with my dildo
How to do reverse kevels?
Because you're all retarded, you did only normal kegels and didn't do reverse kegels so you created an imbalance in your pelvic floor. Guys who do this get PE
Basically to identify them you do theopposite of kegels: instead of stopping the stream while peeing you push/force the pee out. Then you just train them like normal kegels
Just google it if you want a better explanation.
It makes ejaculation feel way more intense, gives you stronger cumshots (more force = more distance), and lets you start/stop pissing more easily, if that's a selling point for some reason.
Try using L-arginine, made my erections more frequent and harder
my erections kinda always looked like the bottom one. At least as i can remember.
No, kegels are a fucking meme, don't fall for it.
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