Why do so many foods contain estrogens but basically none contain testosterone?
It's not fucking fair. Being natty is a constant struggle. An endless list of things that lower testosterone and almost nothing that increases it.
Why do so many foods contain estrogens but basically none contain testosterone?
It's not fucking fair. Being natty is a constant struggle. An endless list of things that lower testosterone and almost nothing that increases it.
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Stop being a natty then and stop giving a shit.
>basically none contain testosterone
vegetables and fruits
The issue is that you are also eating traces of estrogens, but they're in such a small quantity that it doesn't even make a dent on your hormonal balance.
Now, specific foods like seeds, soy beans and shit are a problem since they're literally protected by toxic anti nutrient and phytoestrogen compounds that are meant to reduce animal population from their consumption.
Thanks for liquid estrogen bro.
Can I legally get steroids anywhere?
a shitton of estrogen which has significant impact on your blood levels (like 50% more estrogen 30% less testosterone) for several hours
insignificant about of test
>veggies and fruits
almost all are estrogenic
It's not a (((coincidence))) at all, right?
>he thinks we can absorb test/estrogen by eating it
I don't know if you know, but trenbolone (and test, and a bunch of other stuff) are given to cattle. Imagine if by eating meat we could get tren, damn.
No, unless the doc.
It's an evolutionary adaptation literally designed by nature to control the breeding of the animals consuming these plants.
not unless you're a female-to-male tranny
Eat red meats, fats and foods high in cholesterol. Cholesterol is the building block of testosterone, so be sure to eat plenty of eggs
Yeah the process of injecting cows with hormones and spraying crops with pesticides is natural dude
I am seriously fucking considering it. Been lifting for almost 10 years and shit sucks. My reasoning for staying natty was always that lifting is just a hobby and being on test will make my life span shorter when I am on a career path to becoming very rich and could thus not enjoy the fruits of my labor.
But I have chronic depression and struggles with low energy and also due to the constant stress my test levels are lower than I wish they were.
Thus I am genuinely considering going on small amounts of test just to maintain a slightly above average level somewhere around 800-1000 ng/dL
studies have shown that you absorb some of the estrogen in food, enough to considerably fuck up your blood levels
what kind of fats? most fats also have estrogen in them, especially dairy
>and being on test will make my life span shorter
It won't, it could actually make it longer if you have hormonal problems and don't abuse it like an idiot.
>800-1000 ng/dL
100/150mg of test/week. I would try 100mg first, if it works, it will be a lot cheaper, almost trash-like cheap.
Think about it, you just pin 100mg on monday and you can party as much as you like, drink as much as you like, sleep like shit and you won't get any low test bullshit. Perfect.
No prob
you know that impact in hormones is literally caused from fat and carbohydrate consumption right? After you eat a meal your testosterone drops, you know that right? Regardless of what you eat this has been found from the consumption of olive oil, peanut butter, milk, meat, legumes, grains, etc.
Avocados, nuts (almonds good), fats from meat (steak), oils (coconut or olive oil), eggs.
thanks, interesting to know
yeah I will seriously think about it
I used to fall for the "milk is loaded with estrogens" meme before too, but basically everything we eat is loaded with hormones, even "health foods" are.
Maybe those water fast guys are onto something
if I could mitigate the two concerns I have I think I would hop on.
1.) getting gyno/fucking up my hormones down the line (I don't think you take this stuff forever, right?)
2.)how to make sure I'm not injecting indian or chinese bathtub chemicals with tons of shit in it? ie, where to find good source?
This graph makes it look like adolescent girls are a food item
>1.) getting gyno/fucking up my hormones down the line (I don't think you take this stuff forever, right?)
>from 250mg/week
>2.)how to make sure I'm not injecting indian or chinese bathtub chemicals with tons of shit in it? ie, where to find good source?
look online, even americunts should have some type of shops.
test is so cheap that's it not worth to fake.
Any food with significant cholesterol and saturated fat raises testosterone.
I'm glad, I don't like to shill for products but soyboys keep spreading this bullshit meme about milk being bad because it's "loaded" with estrogens, while they themselves eat a shitload of estrogen loaded foods.
Idk about dairy in general, but skim milk and low fat milks have been lnked with higher androgenic activity in both males and females at least, and might cause slightly higher rates of infertility in women, because it appearently elevates DHT levels due to its high concentration of low key androgens that are the precursors of DHT(most androgenic hormone in the human body).
When you look at the hormonal composition of milk, it actually looks balanced, it's not like the testosterone in it will make you into a monster, it's still in low concentrations just like the estrogens, and they are not even 50% absorbable, in fact most estrogens are only
so I should eat a lot of eggs?
Zach is adorable.
He looks like a fucking psychopath with that fake smile.
Which of these 3 is the most important?
I can get tested for overall test and also for SHBG, but they don’t offer free testosterone test. Is that enough? Do I need SHBG at all?
yeah thats why I dont eat cheese and butter and other high fat dairy but I average 1-2 liters of milk per day and it would be difficult to cut that off entirely from my diet
Jesus Christ this meme needs to die
you can't significantly lower testosterone by eating certain food, not masturbating ect
notice how these bro scientists never give any figures as too how much the minuscule amount of estrogen milk has and how it affects the male body?
the only way too significantly affect your level of testosterone is too inject a fuck ton of estrogen.
Yeah and? That's just another argument to start injecting syntetic Test.
250-300 ng/dl isn't fucking healthy. It's a level of a healthy 70 year old grandpa, that can't get his dick up and has no libido.
You seem to be a knowledgeable user. Should I be worried about Soy Lecithin? It's in almost everything when I look at the labels but I was told it's not that big of a deal. Not sure who to trust anymore when soyboys are literally lying to my face.
If you wanna build the maximum amount of muscle, then yes, whole eggs fried in butter would be the ideal food for you.
The problem is that you'll also be increasing your chances of premature heart disease. But by working out even harder than normally do, you can clear your arteries more efficiently to offset some that risk.
Depends on the food desu, it really does.
Diet shouldn't be complicated but there are indeed foods that affect fertility and hormonal balance in humans.
Read this whole thing m8, it's a real red pill hard to swallow.
yeah I basically stopped eating eggs because I get most of my protein from whey. eggs are kinda expensive here unfortunately
The fuck. First time I hear about eggs being expensive. I can get a six pack for only 1 euro.
20 for 2€ here
What about rocks I eat those and they ain't got no estrogen
I live in switzerland so a pack of 12 eggs costs like 6 bucks here and that's the non-organic cheap ones
That's because (((they))) don't want you to have testosterone user. They purposefully made fake studies that say all of the testosterone filled foods are "bad" for you.
Want testosterone? Drink milk. Eat steak. Stop jacking off and fuck women
>notice how these bro scientists never give any figures
notice how YOU dont give any figures you fucking retarded moron kill yourself
>Stop jacking off
got any studies backing up this claim?
[spoiler]how do you convince women to fuck you user?[/spoiler]
Not him, but. Jerking off is bad because it desintezises your dick. Fucking doesn't feel as "good" as jerking off.
You won't feel cunt and get limp very quickly. I'd reccomend not jerking off for a month, if you death gripped your dick and then go back to jerking off, but this time do it without a death grip, just barerly holding your fucking cock while you're stronking
>On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01).
What the fuck do you think digestion means
>Stop jacking off and fuck women
You say that like it's easy. Or doable (for some of us).
>Read this whole thing m8, it's a real red pill hard to swallow
Read what whole thing?
it is easy and doable for everyone you sadkunt
I'm not talking about hooker or ugly girls.
Why can't you fuck hookers every once in a while?
Why can't you fuck ugly girls once in a while?
So I should only eat monounsaturated fats?
I can concur with this, literally jacking off feels better than fucking with a condom. I banged my girl for an hour and didn't cum cause I could barely feel shit. I did jack off twice that day so idk if that had anything to do with it.
Testosterone levels return to baseline after that day, and acute rises in test level won't have any impact on your gym performance, sexual performance or mindset, except placebo.
Why would I? I literally can not get hard for ugly girls and I might as well jack off for all the 'benefits' I'd get spending hundreds of dollars on a hooker.
That's still pretty cheap.
Cheese made from skim milk exists
You can't get hard when a bitch is sucking you off? Really?
Maybe try so some therpay session?
That, and eat saturated fatty acids and avoid poly unsaturated fats
>almost 200% increase in testosterone levels has no effect on training
>>almost 200% increase in testosterone levels has no effect on training
It doesn't, because it doesn't last entire fucking week mate.
Nope, they remain higher than where you started even after the drop. And you also enjoyed the benefit of the test peak in the days prior, all of which does have an effect on gym performance, sexual performance and mindset.
I tried, standards are pretty hard to get rid of. There's a reason so many 'decent' looking guys are incels. Fucking (or trying to fuck) ugly girls is worse than jacking off desu, at least for me.
Stop watching born and jacking off to instagram princesses, because you're starting to become an incel yourself lmao
>starting to
Don't see why I'd fuck ugly girls. It's not pleasurable and I won't get any mental benefits either, might as well jack off.
If you think jerking off is better than getting your dick wet then you're already fucking done for, incel.
Is Starting Strength a meme or not? I just started lifting and there seems to be a lot of conflicting information regarding its effectiveness
does nu-male count as female?
If they're fat or ugly? Yeah, I'd rather be "done for".
No its valid, but remember the worst thing you can do for your routine is to never change it, do ss for six months or so then switch to something else
>It's not pleasurable
To each his own but for me I'd still fuck an ugger every once in a while because, well, they still have vaginas and copulins and that shit still turns me on.
Not in the eyes of doctors, and they're the only people you're getting test from legally.
You can say the same thing about fucking dogs. In fact, you can replace 'ugly girls' with 'dogs' in this whole argument.
>look online
what the fuck do you mean man? just google BUY GET BIG SHIT or what?
so should I jerk off every 7th or 8th day?
Not me man. Like I said, I tried multiple times.
Government is strict on it here, they can literally demand a piss test with no evidence or reason. Then you get a criminal record if it's found in your system and high fines, fucking bullshit honestly. Not worth the risk for me personally, you should be able to get test prescribed with ease imo, would be a big net benefit for society with all the "depressed" people around that are just low test and vit D.
The rise continues back after the dip, but from a higher baseline than if you jerked off, so you actually want to go two weeks if you can.
But if that's too much for you, at least aim for once a week.
>dogs secrete human female copulins
ok user, whatever you say
What country? Fucking hell.
Again, not worth it.
Are you an ugly girl or something?
I am not impotent lol
I dont know what you guys do. jerking off 10 times a day or what?
Your mom is.
Cuck capital of the world, basically any cop can see you on the street and make the judgement that you are too big for a natty and arrest you and demand a piss test.
Of course what they consider too big is in fact not really that impressive, it happened to pic related. I don't think burgers realize how lucky they are in regards of civil rights.
>I don't think you take this stuff forever
blast and cruise baby
What should you do if you can't make it more than a couple days?
Fuck whoever or whatever you want (as long as it's consensual) but I'm just going to leave this here.
Not very long and worth the read.
>tfw chicken farm and i have like >50 eggs at all times for free
Try and work your way up incrementally. For me personally, once I make it past the 3rd day, and then the 5th, it's relatively smooth sailing from there.
Whoa what the fuck. It's like they want Swedes to stay little pieces of shit, so the nigs and syrians will replace you and fuck your blonde whores.
I feel bad for Swedes.
I feel really bad, genuinely, not in a mocking way.
Polack here, everything is fine here.
>"Fack yeah!"
Poland is an entire country full of red-pilled people.
notice how you don't give any figures either internet tough guy. bet your step dad is black