I have been using this shit on my rice for a while now, and I suspect it has been raising my estrogen or some other shit.
Seriously, does this stuff turn people into soyboys? I need to know, cause fuck it is delicious.
I have been using this shit on my rice for a while now, and I suspect it has been raising my estrogen or some other shit.
Seriously, does this stuff turn people into soyboys? I need to know, cause fuck it is delicious.
Other urls found in this thread:
>worrying about soy products
Being on Veeky Forums too long has clearly poisoned your mind.
Fermentation actually kills the effect of most isoflavones if you arent using gallons of the stuff.
>product literary has soy in it's name
>wonders whether it turns you into a soyboy
I have no idea user
Came here to say this
hey milkboy
>I need to know, cause fuck it is delicious
it smells like alcohol and makes everything you put it on taste alcoholic
Use gluten free version. Less female thetans
Joke's on you soyboy, I'm lactose intolerant
There’s a reason why oritentals are low test betas
You’re also a nigger. That’s a bigger joke.
The soy paranoia is getting ridiculous.
>the reason I'm a big pussy is because I put soy sauce on my food! That's gotta be it!
>No, no! There's 5mg of soy lecithin in my hot sauce! That's why I'm such a faggot! This has to stop!
It’s fermented so it’s fine. All the studies that found problems with soy only found them in unfermented soy.
>All the studies that found problems with soy
All none of them
No. Plant estrogen is different to human, so it won't affect your estrogen levels. Asians use tons of this shit and have some of the highest test levels.
All the soibois ITT should be culled, soy isoflavones are literally given to menopausal women to soothe the sudden shift in hormonal balance when their E drops. But no OP, fermentation and alcohol break them up enough that you can use it in peace if you dont literally chug it like soda
>high test
>Soy has also been investigated as a treatment for hot flashes and other symptoms that often accompany menopause. In theory, this makes sense because soybeans are rich in isoflavones, a form of plant-based estrogen – so they could cool hot flashes by giving a woman an estrogen-like boost during a time of dwindling estrogen levels.
>However, some carefully controlled clinical studies have not found this to be the case. (6, 7) When the AHA reviewed the evidence in 2006, it concluded that it was “unlikely that soy isoflavones have enough estrogenic activity to have an important impact” on hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. (4)
>A cohort study in 1106 premenopausal Japanese women aged 35–54 y assessed dietary intake at baseline and hot flashes 6 y later (9). Hot flashes were significantly inversely associated with consumption of soy products and isoflavone intake.
>A 6-wk trial conducted in Australia enrolled 25 postmenopausal women who received a diet supplemented with soy flour, red clover sprouts, or linseed, each for 2 wk in turn (18). Vaginal MV increased after the 2-wk soy-rich diet (P< 0.05) but not after red clover or linseed.
tip top kek
The AHA's analysis vs 2 no-name scientists. If red clover didn't produce effects, their findings weren't to do with phytoestrogens.
>I suspect it has been raising my estrogen or some other shit.
I suspect that you are not a very intelligent person.
I yield, cant really shitpost accurately while multitasking work, damn. Soy administration can and will disrupt endocrinal balance in infants and even the AHA admits such, so whatever.