>start lifting
>suddenly want to impeach 45, seize the means of production and start a glorious worldwide socialist revolution
Holy shit, you fuckers weren't wrong about lifting turning you into a political extremist.
Start lifting
Must be hard being disabled.
>start lifting pink weights
>suddenly want to impeach 45, seize the means of production and get killed larping
Kill yourself
If it makes you a commie you were doing it backwards
>He thinks sucking cock counts as exercise
How could omething that improves yourself ever make you a commie? i.e. a supporter of literally "I am useless so I need an huge community to do all the stuff for me".
if anything lifting pulled me away from politics
>I am useless so I need an huge community to do all the stuff for me
>he really think this is communism
>he thinks Lenin thought like this
>he thinks the dudes who won the space race thought like this
>he thinks the people who transformed a backwards agrarian society into an industrialized and military savy powerhouse thought like this
You're thinking of gommunism in terms of the Democratic Party tenets, not real communism.
I larp this shit all the time. Inversely, I larp about defeating the ((globalists)). The rise in testosterone makes you realize that either end of the political spectrum is better then the slow death of complacency at the foot of the masters. Once you realize this, it is only a matter of time before the weakness of the system is reveled in its false simulacra. Even God himself is nothing but a simulacra who must nevertheless atone for its crimes against humanity. These falsehoods can only be revealed and destroyed, not through further digital simulations that only strengthen the system, but through the raw and terrifying power of objective mass. In world of information and no meaning, the iron never lies.
>I need nationalism to do stuff for me
>not real communism
>I need nationalism so my work helps my people
Didn't know you were such a commie fag OP
lol ok sure thing barack.
I'm so sick of fucking brain dead faggots on here who can't even process two lines and just screech whatever they were going to say anyway. It's so fucking stupid it raises my heart rate wanting to choke the cunts
Hey must do all eccentrics
>Hitler AND Stalin both in Heaven
Then who the fuck is in Hell?
why do you idiots always take the bait