Those of you who have actually had T levels check report in, and if low T what you did to fix it.
400 ng/dl here, already doing every standard T boosting practice so I think I'm fucked
Those of you who have actually had T levels check report in, and if low T what you did to fix it.
400 ng/dl here, already doing every standard T boosting practice so I think I'm fucked
Other urls found in this thread:
still waiting on results. If Im below 600 im gonna fuckin kms because getting TRT is difficult in the UK unless you're below 200
You guys have very relaxed laws when it comes to gear...I actually order from a lab in the UK from time to time. You could cruise on 250mg cup year round for cheap as fuck so no excuses you little fag
But then I have to pay lots of money for it. And if something goes wrong in the long term (like developing cancer from long term TRT) I'd be fucked
keep your roid rage in check breh
how find site
~650 ng/dl
Cancer from taking 250mg cyp a week? You check your gayness breh. All you over thinking cautious fsggots are gonna live to be old as fuck but did you ever really live breh?
If youre in the Uk most of there shit is sold on Facebook “prostasia labs” Robert clark is the man with a plan if you know what I’m saying
honestly that doesn't return shit but like two profiles and it all kinda sketches me out how the fuck do people do this
Juicy gains fueled by Prostasia. It’s legit man. I prefer my American Labs but they have great cheap pharma grade AIs and stufff and don’t get me wrongs they’re gear is gtg
not even in uk myself, no idea how any of this shit works, why the fuck dont they check mail and is it better to get from my own country?
i pay 5£ per 350g for organic produce. cannot stand non-organic chicken :O
Are you in US? If so yes domestic is way safer than buying international. I’ve had 7 bottles of test seized from customs...they send you a letter. Rip it up and forget about it and life goes on as usual.
This. You'll most likely live just as long as they do anyway.
My grandmother had leukemia, she lived until 103
well i know fraud always says no source talk but how to i find this shit, it's for my dog
Mate, just go down to the gym and ask people where do they get their cycle. It's a common fucking thing that people talk about.
Well, maybe not in meme gyms like PureGym, but in gyms where men go to lift... It's not difficult to get your hands on stuff.
If you want them you can get them just don’t be a dimbass and pay anything over 40usd for a bottle of test and nothing over 60 for a bottle of any type of oil based roid.
>walk into gym i dont go to
>hey guys, wheres the cycles at?
sounds great
I have 4,68 ng/ml what does that mean can somebody explain?
Mine came back at a 97 ng/dl, I was practically a woman
I started blasting TRT, never felt better in my life
Does smoking increase test or is that just a meme?
pls opine
wrong units, probably
4.68 nmol/L is about 135 ng/dL
if you're not already a girl, you should just transition
>tfw its not illegal to have gear for personal use in canada
not sure what your laws are like
getting my BW tested on tuesday, and very interested to see the results
>low test are into anime girls
surprise surprise
it's 468 ng/dl actually
about 525ng/dl, 18 years old
lifting and on a good diet for about month and a half
Is 470 ng/dl low?? How can I boost it?
you can buy a bottle of test 400 for £50 that will last you 20 weeks on a half ml/week cruise
I'm running a gram a week so in the 4000 range most likely
Fucking source PLEASE
Pointless. You shouldn’t go over 500 and just add proviron ed to increase uptake. I don’t ever go off my cruise dose (250mg) and just add roids in. I’m about to go on 300mg deca/week with 50mg npp e.d. And proviron e.d.
What is this image that speaks to me
Just cruise on a decent dose of test like 250mg.
I came off a 250mg/w dose by accident (had to use a different brand of test because my usual was out of stock) turned out to be bunk. My natural levels came back within 5 weeks of last dose of legit test.
did you have your nat levels tested before and after? did they come back 100%?
Apparently, with correct technique, women can orgasm from a womb massage.
It's valiant to boost your T, but know that isn't everything.
Knowing your test level doesn't determine if you will be masculine or feminine, rather how much more proactively / consciously you will have to think before your actions to be more manly.
Think of your level more so as your difficulty mode, at least until you change your subconscious to the point you're manly no matter what.
Deep breh
I got on medicine, because my hormone production is all kinds of fucked and those T-boosting methods don't affect me.
My dose is probably too low, though, but I'll get new test results in a week.
>just b urself
How do I check my T levels?
Can it be done on a Simi's lab?
You seriously don't need high T to get ripped. It'll take a little bit longer, but it's not like someone with double your test will gain muscle twice as fast, that's not at all how it works.
Bathtub test does not compare to pharma. Especially if he gets an endo watching his shit
Sweet anecdotal evidence bruh
It taking a cold shower does. Slight rise then it quickly returns back to normal levels. You’d be much safer taking testosterone supplements
Big mistake was boosting ur t before the test. Shoulda made it as low as possible. If you were at 2-300 ( ur lowest possible t) it'd be easy to get stuff prescribed. If you got 400 with a shit lifestyle, then 600 is probs a healthy u and youd be fine. Made a thread about this a week ago, just got shilled by idiots.
I was diagnosed with low T at 27 years old after two tests showed levels of 190 (JUST) and 230. Now I'm on TRT and the difference is like night and day - insane energy levels, depression has improved, more confidence when talking to girls, no stomach fat after 5 months, and much easier gains at the gym (in addition to quicker recovery).
Seriously, living with low T is miserable as you suffer both physically and mentally. Although you can improve your life without additional T, why suffer needlessly?
Who big dick low test? I have a 7.5 inch dick and would qualify as a sissy boy.
My test levels were 310 ng/dl
how tall are you?
Tall enuf, nigger
5’8.5, 5’9 in the morning at the doctors office
Isn't that rubbing the g-spot but from the outside?
>t. virgin
Likely gonna get it checked again on Monday by a specialist. Trying to eat as little fat as possible for the next couple days to tank it even lower in the hopes of getting something prescribed.
been on trt for 4 years.
g-spot is the part of the clitoris that extends into the body
380ng/dl, 22yo, all the effects of low test but I’ll never get it legally and I won’t wrap my head around injecting by myself. If at least gels weren’t so ineffective, I’d even have a cheap source for them
What's the Veeky Forums-approved level of natural testosterone where one wouldn't be considered a beta numale?
How to make my levels lower for when I get them tested? Last time I got them tested I was about 250 and my bitch doctor wouldn't give me anything.
>go to doctor for routine checkup
>ask him if i can get my test checked
>asks if i get morning wood.
>nah you're good. you're too young for it to be an issue
>no test test
Is there another way to order one?
Below 300
>too big of a bitch to tell the doctor you need a testosterone test
>nah you're good