>NoFap is dumb and just blueballs you
>Chronic fapping can lead to issues
Who else /occasionalfap/ here?
>Been a few days since I last nutted
>After gym, reward myself with a hearty fap session to some of my favorite stuff
Feels good, man
NoFap is dumb and just blueballs you
Other urls found in this thread:
same here
ah, fapping thread about to die i see haha wel time to reply!
well, you see, that's fine, and honestly not too much of a problem, just depends how deep down the rabbithole your favorite stuff is
same here bro
>nice work
>cool gf from office, fuck her once or twice a week
>go to church every sunday
>reading a lot of books
>doing diet
>sig general
>once a month spend 6 hours in a saturday nutting to hentai porn non-stop including but not limited to reverse sex swinging, bestiality, incest, robotic reverse trap porn, lolihouse rape, monster girls and forced artificial animal anal feminization
life is great
You don’t get blue balls from NoFap. You get blue balls from fapping but stopping before ejaculation.
Fappers. BTFO. There is no downside to NoFap. Only benefits.
I sometimes get aroused without explicitly touching my dick. It happens. And sometimes it gives me blue balls for the rest of the day.
Fapping is fine. If you use porn remember to keep it normal/light, otherwise you might have issues performing irl outside of the fetishy shit you watched
I'm into granny stuff, how "deep down the rabbit hole" is that?
I have a lot of fantasies seducing and fucking 50+ women especially the good looking ones with fully grey hair.
>especially the good looking ones with fully grey hair.
Those predominately exist in the novelty porn you watch. You will probably not fulfill this fetish in real life.
I fap maybe 2-3 times a week and only to imagination. Rest of the time is sex with the gf.
nofap is not dumb, nofap helped me lessen my social anxiety
oh gee, nofap is a meme? who would have known?
Before nofap I had a couple male friends that I didn't really enjoy hanging out with. Ever night I'd fap around three times all to crazy porn compilations.
After just a few weeks of nofap I started talking to girls in class without even being nervous, smiled more often, and just felt more confident just walking around. I randomly started getting invited to hang out after class, get dinner, or see a movie with people and I now have real friend groups that I truly enjoy hanging out with. I used to just fap all weekend but now I try calling people up to go have fun and life's good man. Of course I sometimes relapse still but my life has improved so much it doesn't hold me back much.
Placebo or not it worked. If you don't believe it does then do whatever you want, you don't have to argue with people that believe it's helped them
Once every 8 days and no porn
>forced artificial animal anal feminization
You're making that one up r-right?
who knows what one can find in the depths of internet
i do, but i don't want to talk about it
Is fapping one to three times a day bad? I can't sleep if I don't.
Use porn about half of the time.
same, I work in an office building with dozens of 40+, some nearing 60, milfs
That's literally the exact symptoms of being a chronic masturbator and porn addict. Yes it's bad, and yes you need nofap. If you can't nofap for at least 2 weeks that's proof that you need it even more.
Anyone else here /nohands/?
Been able to cum without physical stimulation for the last couple months. Trying to ween of porn now, but Ionly can manage dry orgasms atm
Hold on, are you saying you've been watching porn to cum without touching yourself?
Yeah man. Feels completely different than a regular O
>forced artificial animal anal feminization
Feels good not fapping anymore butt cumming inside my GF
That's kind of retarded though. The fapping seriously isn't the problem, the fucking porn is. If you're sitting and watching porn for hours on end to cum without touching yourself, you're still bombarding your brain in fucking dopamine. The entire point of nofap is that noporn comes with it, and that's what makes it effective.
Porn is the REAL enemy, nofap is a means to an end.
How do you get on this level of Zen???
Why are you attractive to infertile women?
If it's instinctive, then your body probably just doesn't want you reproducing (cuz bad genes).
I don’t have a problem with porn or fapping. It’s just always been a fantasy to cum without touching myself so I just started practicing. It’s also done wonders for my control when having sex.
is fapping to camgirls that are stripping or masterbating the same as porn? I don't watch standard porn ever.
>tfw probably shagging the hottest girl in my uni course on Tuesday
>not fapping till then
I'm gonna explode in this one laddies
Fucking here. Take it. Guidelines. Retard.
If you had a fat fetish, do you think it would be a good idea to look up fat people because "its not bbw porn"? No. If you look it up to arouse yourself, it's porn. If you couldn't watch it in public BECAUSE of its sexual nature, it's porn. This really shouldn't be this hard.
I have a serious problem with premature ejaculation if I don't fap at least twice before going out with a girl.
What else should I fucking do? I'm not even a porn addict, I can't even remember the last time I watched something.
Idunno, this is nofap, this is pretty much for the exact opposite of that. And besides, no one here has gotten laid anyway, why would we be doing this shit otherwise?
Pretty much this
nofap is kinda like religion, not much if any scientific basis to it actually helping you but it does seem to help certain people, and some swear by it
Why do nofappers feel the need to proselytize? It's like some kind of damn cult
Honestly, nofap is just a way for people that are both really degenerate and also sexually inactive to try and fix themselves up a bit, become less addicted and possibly ditch some of the weirder shit they look up online. Maybe it makes them feel more normal, which makes them more confident, maybe the whole dopamine thing is true and they start seeking out dopamine outside of porn, saka go outside and try to socialize more, or maybe it's all placebo.
Either way, it's been a positove change for me and I'll keep it up in hopes of becoming more social and losing an addiction and some fetishes I could do without in life.
is once a day ok?
Tbh I never proselytize. The only people I try to redpill are the people that admits that they're addicted to porn and fapping.
Normal people have no reason to stop fapping nor stop watching porn. But for freaks, at least it's a step up from being a degenerate, you know?
I'd shoot for 3 times a week, obviously with noporn. That means be strict, if you look something up to get a stiffie then that counts as porn
This 100x
This is why nofap 'works'. The people who benefit are those who need it ie your typical damaged nerd who spends his time superficially improving himself on the internet
I just blew a load to a girl jerking off a horse, I feel disgusted with myself, how do I take the occasionalfap pill and live a healthy life
Fapping once every one or two weeks is actually the ideal way to artificially raise test levels. If you don't fap any longer than that then the test boost goes away. Your body can tell that the testosterone isn't helping you get laid so it just gives up.
Congratulations, you're the master race.
>not getting off to a man making a beautiful mare cum and piss itself uncontrollably
Low test spotted.
>he doesn't self insert as the horse
Cuck spotted
>he self inserts himself into porn instead of just getting laid
>actually finding human women attractive
Confirmed not gonna make it.
How stupid do you have to be to not get that you're supposed to fap exclusively to your imagination without even looking at a screen or listening to any audio when you fap?
By having unrestricted internet access via a Nintendo DS while going through puberty.
DSi I would assume. An excellent system.
Anyway, if you're too addicted to stuff like that to even fap without it, might as well just do nofap.
>fuck her once or twice a week
inb4 Tyrone and Chad step in to give her what you can't
>Goes to church
>Watches forced artificial animal anal feminization
Kek what a world
NoFap is a meme lol dont go for a month without cumming retards just dont do it everyday even when you don't fap for two days the third day fap is amazing
Went 21 days w/o back in October.
Was drunk a couple/few/several times during that month.
Old(er) dude here, realize women don't look at me any more,,, and if they do, we have nothing in common.
Finally decided to "change my own oil".
Ejaculate was custard yellow-ish and not flowing smoothly.
Went back to yanking it every few days, and pearly white returns.
I think it's bait
Anti no fap is a religion
Like you see happy people living a life of no fap bothering no one and you feel the need to convert them
>see this evidence in the bibl.... SCIENCE
Daily reminder that science is the religion of the 21 century western world
wow, not OP but you've blown my mind a little.
I used to bash it 3 times a day, was a lazy , do nothing loser who thought very very little of myself, wasn't concerned with making an impact and participating in community, etc and I was mainly into milf shit. fastforward to now, I am doing well I masturbait about once a week and my tastes have change back to younger women...
maybe watching older porn and desiring older women in general is a reflection of your mind saying that you aren't worthy to reproduce / shouldn't be bothering fertile young women who need to be fucked by successful winners...
dude, I know nohands is possible for sure, there is actually an audiobook where a sexy woman's voice guides you through it,
I never managed it though. might try later...
I would NOT recommend doing this shit regularly
>self improvement general general
I fapped 4 times today and I feel fantastic and alert.
That's enough for a normal woman
i just get a panda
I remember exhentai doing this before...
>There is no downside to NoFap. Only benefits.
At least change the name when you post it every time, Jamie.
Tbqh i think hes just bumping the threads on purpose
Fapping once a week is fine. Just don't watch porn all the time and you'll be fine. The point of nofap is mostly discipline/willpower training + doing shit besides jerking off. The important thing is that NoFap isn't a meme, but you'll only get results if you had a problem in the first place.
just have a wank like once or twice a week without porn
this is what i do anyway
otherwise i end up constantly thinking about sex and being unproductive
I sage every time that I post in a NoFap thread. It helps to make it even more apparent that there's people who bump them only when they're about to die.
Softcore/Suggestive pics turn me on like it's nobody's business. Quitting typical porn is probably one of the best life decisions I ever made. I only ever started fapping less than 2 years ago. The worst I ever dove into was cartoon retardism type scenarios. I stopped months ago for the better.
Every sunday
Yeah, that's the point of it. I think people need to recognize the types of people that would greatly benefit, benefit a bit, and not benefit at all from nofap:
If you're sexually active, and have a good sex life (no problems in the bedroom or no problems when getting laid) then why do nofap? I don't know what sort of porn you watch but obviously you're doing fine, and nofap is seriously not necessary nor meant for you.
If you're NOT sexually active, but don't jerk it particularly often, and also don't jerk it to cartoon stuff and/or awful fetish stuff that normies would find repulsive even if they stumbled upon it alone on their computer while looking for porn, then nofap is probably not necessary either. Everyone faps, and everyone watches some form of porn. Unless it's truly hindering you, there's no point in nofapping.
BUT. If you are not sexually active, AND you fap to just unacceptable, gross, deep-down in the rabbithole shit that people would be repulsed as fuck if they found out about, then nofap is EXACTLY for you. Helps you become more normal, get some self control in an aspect of life where you obviously lack self control, and help exterminate the gross fetishes you've aquired. (or at least fend them off and leave it up to you whether or not you get into them again)
t. virgin
>implying most people lurking on this site aren't virgins
Fair point. But people that try and use nofap to magically gain instant confidence and raw testosterone out of nowhere to get "superpowers" and instantly become super-chad are SUPER virgins.
Well to be honest, I'm a Veeky Forums freak.
2 hours at gym around 12am every night, after an Elements Kloud9 shooter (all power training, cardio kills gains etc.). Only been training for a year and a half now, and been on 4 cycles of anabolic steroids (Propydrol) , and ripped for someone who had never been to the gym before.
Currently weight 65kg, bicep curling 30kg, and tricep rope pulldowns of 80 pounds (just to give you an idea of arm strength).
I feel super healthy, the healthiest I've ever felt, and have maybe 1-2 cigs a day.
My only downfall is my fap material (some fucked up shit, I'll tell ya hwat). Not at liberty to go into details, but hard shit. Also, chronically jack off; I just can't help myself...
How do I cure my disease? Inb4 shock treatment.
I can't help you with that. Before you can quit you need to have a good reason and WANT to quit. If you just "wished" you were in good shape when you're fat, for example, that's no motivator at all and won't help. But if you were just laughed at by everyone at the local pool, and instead of breaking down, you start WANTING TO be fit, then that's a great motivator to get the routine going, and your discipline builds up as you go.
Same with fapping. If it really hinders you from living a normal life or getting a GF, and you actually start WANTING a gf, not just "wishing you had one", then that helps. You follow through on stuff you don't want 100%, cause if you just half-want it and half-want the way it already is, then you'll go nowhere.
I do Nofap and use it to my advantage but over the course of many months I learned to use relapses to my advantage and tame my cock without porn with mild fapping.
Actually not too bad.
>If you're sexually active, and have a good sex life (no problems in the bedroom or no problems when getting laid) then why do nofap? I don't know what sort of porn you watch but obviously you're doing fine, and nofap is seriously not necessary nor meant for you.
You are getting thing totally backward. If you do have a good life and active sexual life why the hell would you fap at all ? Just fuck yo bitch
Keep your power for her, you'll ravage her even more
Both of these posts are correct
does nofap help with being too desensitized in ur junk?
Yes It does.But only if you don't watch porn.
Or fantasize about it.
In all seriousness, ayahuasca is what you're looking for.
A 5g psylocybin trip could work too.
Think no fappers are mostly oversexed foreigners that are having their brains devoured by white porn
Patrician fetish
I didn't masturbate or watch porn for about a week, and that week was great in every way. Today I relapsed, and like other time, if wasn't worth it. Feels bad man.
I like fapping to exhibitionist stories. Erotic literature stimulates the mind way more. Video porn sites are boring to me - seen one, seen them all.
fapping actually extends your life ergo-log.com
That has to be the most retarded thing I've ever heard in my life. That's the same as saying "people who shop at store X are less likely to die than people who shop at store Y", and then it turns out that store Y has a shitton of stores in the suburbs and places with high murder rates. vague and low sample size """""statistics""""" can prove anything you want them to prove
how do you get started with that shit? genuinely curious
Dude, don't fucking do it! Don't fall for the "nohands" meme. You're just gonna look up worse shit than you already do dude! omg!
This, the point of nofap is to improve your outside life, aka make you go out and hunt for puss not just bust nuts on yourself in front of your smart device
There is something called "mechanistic data" motherfucker. Learn it.
I'm doing the ol /havegf/ so I just fuck her every day
I see... I jerk off to porn 4-6 times a day typically. This is bad, right?
Google semen retention