I'm lactose, if I drink almond milk instead of soy milk will I not gain bitch tits? I am very afraid of getting tits

I'm lactose, if I drink almond milk instead of soy milk will I not gain bitch tits? I am very afraid of getting tits

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Why do almond milk threads always turn into an /lgbt/ circlejerk?

Milk is overrated anyway.

No estrogen but it's not a good source of calcium. I've tried almond milk and it's nowhere as good tasting as old fashioned cow milk. I'm not lactose intolerant so I'll just drink normal milk.

yeah but don't farmers pump estrogen into cows or something like that, wont drinking normal milk have the same effect

Almond milk is just almonds and water, and that by itself will not affect your tittles. I don't know specific ingredients of the stuff you buy from the store, but you could check the ingredients against a list of known titty makers.
in case you want to make your own

I sexually Identify as Lactose. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of being matabolised within the human digestive system. People say to me that a person being a disaccharide sugar is impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install glucose and galactose on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Milk Sugar" and respect my right to give 65% of the human population abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea. If you can’t accept me you’re a lactophobe and need to check your sugar privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

what about coconut milk

I dunno really haven't looked or cared. I haven't grown any soy boy boobs and I've been drinking milk for centuries.

How about you just drink milk? You're missing out on important nutrients that are otherwise hard to get enough of like iodine and riboflavin.
Not to mention you barely get any proteins with almond milk.

Becoming a soyboi is the ultimate goal in life for a male

Grow plump tits

And a booty

And get fucked in your boipucci

Because he is lactose.
He is also a nigger.

>I'm lactose
Well I'm sucrose.

>Still calling things that don't come from titties milk

It's almond juice, or almond water.

you are fucking retarded.
If you are lactose intolerant try lactase tablets or drink milk with lactase addition. dont drink soy tho. also not /pol/ related, kys.

Dont want bitch tits? Do 50 pushups every morning. Problem solved. You are very fucking welcome.

almonds are one of the best foods available, you mill out on some of it if you drink only the juice, but it should still be pretty good IIFYM

No we dont. the only hormone ever given to cows is testosterone to promote muscle development, and you don't give that to milk cows.

This, its annoying that any white liquid is called milk now.

> it's not a good source of calcium normal milk isnt either

Hi lactose

1 cup of milk contains 30% of the daily recommended calcium.

I do believe they artificially add calcium to some almond milk products.

what is hu'white bois obsession with milk, mayo, and soy???