Talk and discuss ways to make extra cash other than wage cuckery
/hustle/ general
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I'm OP from interested in any small/medium business ideas for a living
thrift store farming, know how to find expensive obscure items
invest in dildo and lube and go on chaturbate
How do you learn that?
Sell drugs
Anybody here /flipper/?
Might start flipping PCs and vintage parts
Biggest problem is the cost of shipping here in Canada
Flipping is hard depending on the item, people wanna be fucking gypsies about it and try to haggle.
you need to just become obsessed with a subject, (clothing and watches are good becauae thrft stores have a lot of this shit) then juat keep your eyes open. Its amazing what you can find when you're actually looking for things and not just aimlessly browsing
im starting to make serious dosh 3d printing. its lit.
What kinda stuff do you profit from? If you don't mind me asking that is, can't really see where the money is.
Years and years of expierence, so you better get started.
Gay 4 Pay. Ask Veeky Forums about it. Every pro bodybuilder and most fitness youtuber do it.
nerd shit on etsy
I was actually thinking about this. The amount of money I could make selling cosplay props to weebs. $20 a kilo is hella cheap overhead for filament when most pieces aren't even 100g.
experience is a big part as well. But these Mongoloids that work at thrift stores rarely know what they're putting on the racks. Unless its some item that they for sure have been told by higher upa thatbthey need to set aside, like "Old Nintendo" or "Fancy Purse". I know for a fact goodwill does this shit and they post "the good shit" on
but there is PLENTY of good things you can resell for profit available in shops. Not always immediate turnaround, but the money will come eventually
Is freelancing a meme?
Every website around touts it as THE thing, but it looks like it would be better to declare yourself as an independent contractor and avoid using the freelancing sites in the first place. The $ for time looks dismal otherwise
Thoughts on free lance logistics AKA hotshot deliveries? My neighbor makes mad dosh doing contracted deliveries for plants and construction companies with his own truck and trailer. He can easily make over $3,000 in a weekend but the startup costs are crazy high to get into it.
Do you live in India and survive on 10 dollars a month? Absolutely.
Are you a first world citizen trying to compete with pajeet that claims he can create an application that would take a team of professionals several months, in a week for $1000 that will end up breaking and see the client find another poo to fix it? No, don't bother. Way too much shitty competition. Pun intended.
probably not a good idea to drop 50k starting this up unless you have lots of connections that would reliably need your help
Also with the likely correction of the stock market within the next couple years, it's probable that the number of new constructions will decrease. Something to think about
i work as a janitor in a union
>20 an hour
, in September i put 5k in bitconect.
and got them back, i took out the og amount in profits and now put down 3k so now i have
8K in bitconect all profit
so thats 80 bucks daily
i invest 50 percent of the bitconect in NEO and get about 30 bucks of gas the other 50% goes to my bitcoin wallet to avoid taxes ayyy, so in recap
>600 from job = a month 2400
>560 week from bitconect = per month 2240
>50 bucks a month from holding Gas = 50
and at the most 1% profit from day trading
so i make about 5k per month, i kinda dont have to work but i know bitconnect wont last.
What model do you use?
if you have a CDL class b you can get a sweet job. easily, i know people who just deliver paper files from the bank i work at to just shred them.
Thank you for a non-ponzi-scheme-shilling-thread.
My answer would absolutely be selling drugs.
I have a youtube channel that am making 15-20 bucks per day from
best part is the videos that earn 90% of my money are extremely easy to make. I basically take the best parts of long videos from a certain subject and compile them. I'm trying to scale it up big time because I just started about 2 months ago and I want to be making like 40 bucks/day in a month or two. I'll see how it goes
the finalized data lags behind by about 2 days but my real time data confirms that the past 2 days and today I've earned in excess of 20 bucks also. The video views should go somewhat parabolic as they get more views and show up higher in the search, but I also need to pump out lots more. This is all mostly from 3 videos
how many views do you typically get per video? How many subs do you have?
just curious whats the general subject matter?
Writing a blog about how to buy bitcoin can get you some amount of money from ads
+ get into an excahnge with affiliate network
The work you'll do is just literally shill bitcoin, or maybe some shitcoin while your at it.
This is especially working if you're not from an english speaking country. like myself, i already earned some amount of dollars from promo code i put on the blog to register in the exchange + ads revenue ever since bitcoin price started booming last several months.
And why not an english speaking country? because most westerns and developed country already know about how to buy bitcoin and 3rd world country thinks bitcoin = MLM scheme that can get you easy money.
rip, a good thread
my CPM is about 7 bucks per thousand views which is pretty damn good for youtube.
I'm not going to tell you the subject matter.
I have like 900 subs right now but subs aren't really important for my channel
Why do normies always join some mlm pyramid scheme and think it constitutes a business or a side hustle? they are just the mlm's customers and drown in competition from the 876547 others they recruited
I teach people how to day trade crypto
This. You're literally fighting on both ends. When you buy people are overvaluing and when you sell people are undervaluing. It's really hard to do unless you're lucky to find either an item that the owner has no idea how much it's worth or if you're skilled enough to repair junk items that can otherwise be sold
Yeah it's pretty sad. It's all over my normibook
MLMs are, for them, the babby's step into sales and marketing world. Not all people can talk and sell shitty product to random people and get them to join under their network. My point is, there is still a very tiny positive side in joining MLM as opposed to its bad side.
Can someone tell me how SEO is done and is it hard to do? I've seen fucking pajeets on fiverr
SEO is going downhill fast. No one really knows how it works right now, it's all theories. Google keeps their lil algorithm a big ole secret. Saying you know how to do SEO marketing is basically just saying "I am good at internet I make ur business big $$$ prOfit". On a personal note, as a freelance writer I always tell my clients I am well-versed in the latest SEO marketing techniques.
SEO is all about playing with user's data.
For example, on Facebook they have such thing as *promoted content*, which you have to pay certain amount to get your product listed in some *targetted* facebook user's feed. Perhaps these guys are expert on finding the correct market to shill their client's product. But that's just Facebook, there is the giant Google if you'd ask me.
Or perhaps, they have bots that keeps on clicking client's website/product every day.
SEO is just making certain websites the top search result on google based on specific keywords or phrases. It takes on many forms. You can optimize a businesses website for SEO, basically making it more likely to be chosen by google's search engine algorithm. There's also the matter of external linking. Basically, the more outside sites link to your businesses domain the higher in the search rankings you are. So SEO companies develop PBNs, or Private Blog Networks, in order to create a vast web of outside links to your content. However, if you just fill these other site with a bunch of bullshit keyword text pages, the algorithm disregards their so-called "link juice". The most effective content for the outside linking technique is content meant for educating or entertaining real human beings. So most of the actual SEO work is in optimizing the website through keywords, headings, and internal links; as well as using or creating a PBN to pump out 500 word blog posts all linking to a specific business site.
Also I almost forgot, if you link these blog networks too often without giving it time or if they are all linked to each other, eventually someone at google finds out and bans your blogs from being taken into the algorithms consideration. So these companies are constantly starting new blogs to make up for the ones that "die"
How hard is it to get started with it and git gud? Any starting capital necessary?
I used to be a gambler. Used to make $1000+ off less than $100 for a while. Had a real lucky streak for quite a while, was winning loads of cash. Bought like 2 ounces of weed and grew my profits (had a car, didnt smoke myself so all profit. happy to drop off). Was fucking rolling in cash. But then the gambling took over and lost most of it cos im a fucking idiot.
Shame this was all before I knew about crypto otherwise I wouldve bought a bunch of litecoin at $2
>mfw gambling fucked up my chances of being extremely rich by 21
Got sidetracked but yeah if youre willing to sidestep the law and youre smart, def start selling weed/mdma. Easy as fuck so long as you have the connections, and if you dont take or smoke the drugs yourself its 100% profits
Just enough to buy some domain names, some time to read up on it more to understand the specific optimization techniques, and the knowledge that you don't make too much profit from this cause every indian working in a writing sweatshop is claiming to be an expert on it.
If you have enough time, money, and expertise (or a huge amount of one of the three), you could follow the standard seo marketing company set up.
Essentially you make a website for your seo service, hire content writers for all your BS articles, and set up/maintain your PBN yourself or with paid website managers. If you follow this format, I recommend you set up two Private Blog Networks, one for premium customers and one for the cheapos. Cheapo PBN is less effective, lower quality writing, lower quality web design, higher rate of failure, but pulls in revenue from the penny pinchers. Premium PBN requires more maintenance, higher level of expertise in the building of the website and at least decent writing from people fluent in english. So overall, I'd say if you've got the right amount of expertise start-up costs are only really the domain names.
Is sales the most important skill a /bis/raeli can learn?
oven safety and practical delousing