>The gym ghosts start to appear
Just do some crossfit for exorcism
Hey.. is it just me or are there giant amoebas floating around the gym?
>barbell curls
>bar won't stop fucking jingling
>military press
>i'm not in the military
>overhead press
>the press, one of them named overhead, starts to appear
>overhead press
>the gym runs out of overhead projectors
now we just call it "the press"
>overhead press
>the press, one of them named overhead, starts to appear
>im still above the ground
>im not sitting up
>throw the medicine ball
>gym pharmacist reports me to management
>barbell row
>i'm not even on the water
>barbell curls
>barbell is not bended in any shape or form
>lateral raises
>doesn't hit my lats
>skull crushers
>my skull is ok
>kettle balls
>the nearest cow is on the elliptical
>smith machine
>my name isnt even smith
>push sled
>don't have reindeer to help me
Top kek
>Clean and jerk
>Gym now spotless except for one white stain
>farmers walk
>i'm not a farmer
>Been wearing them since I got off diapers
haha dats funny guys funny thread
>sumo deadlift
>chinese ghosts
>monkey fuckers
>not fucking any monkeys
>chin ups
>still depressed
>french press
>gunsmen enter shouting allahu akbar
Made me chuckle, thanks
>I'm a Libertarian
>decline bench
>do it anyways
>gym oni starts deadlifting with tectonic plates and destroys the entire continent the gym is built on
>gym miko is off duty today so no one is here to exterminate them
>Decline press
No thanks.
>gym weeb is running on the treadmill with his arms behind his back
>bash my own head in with a dumbbell
>still not Atlas, don't understand why
>Squatting 1pl8
>Smith machine
>accidentally forge a sword
fill out the proper paperwork next time
>box jumps
>Try to figure out what is inside it
>prepare myself for bodyweight only routine
>get naked
>get kicked out of the gym
>lying leg curls
I told the truth
jesus this is so retarded
why am i laffin?
>Do overhead press
>Gym raises monthly membership fee
>do a shitton of leg press
>nothing in the newspapers next day
>kettlebell swings
>tea is ready
>back extension
>dont get taller
>not "tea spills everywhere"
Ya blew it
>what’s in the fucking box?!?
>push ups
>I've been pushing down this whole time
>Arnold press
>I didn't win 7 mr olympia titles
>still have face
No he didn't, his was funnyer then yours
i appreciate that
i like yours more d e s u
>barbell curls
>bar remains straight
>that feel when no gym oni gf
>reverse curls
>break both elbows
>decline bench
>It writes a passive aggressive Reddit post about the incident
If you breath they go away, they don't like the wind.
>Bulgarian lunges
>My last name is Stewart
Is sdill bregfasd
oh god i can perfectly imagine that
Last time on: Veeky Forums
"Faggot" here. Fuck you for screenshotting such a mundane filler thread reddit bitch.
t b h
>Posted rick and morty meme unironically
>Gets pissy when mocked for it.
Hope your ebin screenshot got you all the upvotes you wanted kind sir ;)
*Sends you reddit gold*
This will be a fine addition to the collection, thank you my fellow intellectual.
>warm up on treadmill
>don't even know how to make flower
Audible keks
>preacher curls
>entire gym recieves +10 Intellect
>upright rows
>im horizontal
>Attempt a new 1rm for squats
>pass out
>wake up in The Labyrinth
>reverse curls
>time continues to flow forward
>sissy squats
>don't get boipusi turned out by bbcs
>Start living in the gym rent free
>do crossfit
>I'm not actually an autistic attention whore
>dumbbell flys
>equipment remains grounded
>dumbell raise
>bells graduate college and can't find a job
this unironically happened to me, I started doing OHP/shoulder work twice a week, and the gym owner raise membership price soon after
>calf raises
>livestock has still not matured
True Manlet feels
>Never felt more alive
>Not raising any bars
>people call the Ghost Puncher
>he does some Crucifix Holds and kicks air with an EZbar like he's slaughtering saracines at the gates of Jerusalem
>Farmers carry
>not carrying a farmer