If I incline bench, I don't need to OHP do I, lads?
If I incline bench, I don't need to OHP do I, lads?
it's the other way around bro. OHP is main lift, incline press is sth you can do if you have time in the end of the workout.
Why would you ever not want to ohp? its literally the best lift there is
You don't "need" to do anything. A 45 degree (or steeper) incline bench is great for your anterior delts, and just a great exercise overall.
If you don't like OHP, don't do it.
Please realize however that a properly performed OHP where you lock out the weight in line with your ears actually helps counterbalance all the bench pressing we like to do, whereas an incline bench does not. In fact the incline bench adds to the issue.
That's not necessarily a problem, just something to be aware of.
Not when you've already dislocated both your shoulders twice playing volleyball famalam
>really want to do BTN press
>hands just won't bend that way
you dont even need OHP. Pretty much just an overrated, shit tier front delt / tricep lift. Dont even give me your (you)'s i dont need them
Could i get the same results by just using dumbbells?
lmao post shoulders
Wondering this too.
who knows how your body will respond. try something for a few months.
barbell OHP allows you to lift more, thus putting more pressure on target muscles in absolute terms. for the same reason squat is better than front squat for quads.
I've heard of people injuring themselves surprisingly easy with dumbbell ohp
It's because with a bar you're forced to have your arms infront of your shoulders. With dumbells you're not. So people fuck their rotator cuff up
Got decent results so far by just using lightweight dumbbells after compounds until failure.
My homegym is too small for barbell OHP
I'm a dyel and trying to self improve so please don't ignore. Are military presses considered OHP because I read that they're good for shoulders but OHP is a compound
But it's with a dumbbell not a barbell
too bad muscles dont understand numbers. Front squats will target the quads much harder than back squats, this is just a mechanical fact.
>too bad muscles dont understand numbers
Fucking retard
Bro a lot more goes into OHP than front delt and tricep. Go try to press 205 right now, I guarantee you will snap something between your shoulder blades, presslet
They are the same exercise, just with a dumbbell instead of a barbell.
not if you incline at 15-30 degrees
OHP fucks up my lower back
Actually DB removes the forward torque around your shoulders. Your shoulders and upper back would want to round and slump forward at the midpoint of the BB press, all the stuff between your shoulders and your lower back all work to counteract that. If you do DB, it literally is just a front delt/tri move. Retards think they are the same because they do not know anatomy or really anything of value
Why not just do seated OHP then?
please see
Standing DB Press has a shitton of core activation, ever done it? Also according to studies (check Scott Herman's BB vs DB OHP) DB OHP has more middle delt stimulation than BB.
Do you press like Chase Lindley?
Yeah I've done standing. I don't contest core activation, I contest upper back activation. I'm not surprised there's greater middle delt stimulation as there is no mechanical reason you can't flare your elbows the whole time with DB, as opposed to DB where you have to at least somewhat tuck them.
Is there something incorrect with what I said? Applying your own logic you might as well never do OHP because incline or flat bench will allow your to move more absolute weight, and since the anterior delt is targeted in all three movement OHP would therefore be pointless.
true, but SS has them so it's a no brainer for most of Veeky Forums
Correct. OHP mostly hits the front delts anyway
BTW paused OHP also trains your upper chest to a certain extent so...
Incline bench doesn't work the deltoids concentrically like OHP does so you're losing out on shoulder strength
Squeeze your glutes and fix your scapular mobility
>playing volleyball
see, that's the problem...
I dont even train the anterior delts
Only do incline bench e and flat bench and they are growing nicely
Yes, are you stupid?
I just want aesthetics
>Yea OHP is dumb by my logic but people should do it because SS
Not even that guy, but you realize how stupid you're being, right?
Are OHP and military press the same thing?
Nobody mentions the best OHP variation
>The Z-press
this is how real men press.
It's really more of an accessory to the standard OHP, but it's basically a seated OHP flat on the floor with no back support.
Google it.
just started doing these, for bodybuilding purposes seem much more effective since they hit all heads of the deltoid. I'm gonna do both though, heavier OHP and lighter BTN another day.
Yes, but it is easier to fuck up your shoulders with dumbbells because there is more stress on the rotator cuffs. On the upside you can engage your shoulders in different ways and train your stabilizers. Most people prefer the safer barbell OHP though.
Incline bench is perfectly fine for shoulders, but gives you more chest development. If you want to focus on shoulders more than chest then do OHP. If I had to choose one I’d do incline, our body’s weren’t actually designed for over head pressing. This isn’t an issue but you don’t need OHP for a full shoulder development. I like to switch it up every few months myself, incline is great for maintaining press strength but it doesn’t work the other way around.