What are some good self-improvement websites for men?
What are some good self-improvement websites for men?
the art of manliness
Veeky Forums
Aaron Marino alpha M image consulting
Alex Jones Infowars
Veeky Forums.org/r9k
Mark Manson stuff is the only thing you really need. Self improvement is mental.masturbation, this guy is real and gets to the point.
older stuff, his new stuff is shit
Jordan Peterson's self-authoring program
Is he the guy who keeps telling people to clean their rooms? How is that supposed to fix anything?
at least you can fix your room
If you can't sort your room, you can't sort your life
Is this a metaphor? Is the room supposed to represent the first smaller environment and then you move to the others rooms and then outside and start fixing your life?
Helps you to feel less like a failure at life.
You made a plan to do something and you succeeded, thats very important for your psyche.
it's not a metaphor, it's your actual room
Try listening to the context in which he says these things instead of judging him on a meme his followers find funny.
Yeah, but he also means it as in literally clean your room. clean nvjroment=clean mind, your room is an extension of yourself when you are in it
Never gonna sort himself
Is it true that Jordan Petershit is an alt right nut job?
You always base your opinions on hearsay ?
80% of people are nowadays, it doesn't mean much
>Post-Modernism is literal cancer to society
>radical ideologues are corrupting the youth through higher education
>take personal responsibility and be a kind, responsible, and traditional figure
>benched 225 in his youth
>clean rooms, rescue fathers from the belly of the whale, and more
I dunno senpai, if that's alt-right to you then I hope that the future will be alt-right
Veeky Forums.com
Didn't the site got puzzed into numale heaven? or was it always like that?
if you can't sort through the river of mud you'll find gold nuggets