Current Body Thread
- supernatural edition -
rate would be great
Current Body Thread
- supernatural edition -
rate would be great
no way
super natural?
6'2 195
Natural? Yes
Super? ???
is that a fruit in your hand or a block of cheese from a bethesda game?
>pls rate. I need your validation!!!
Fuck off camera whore. Go to /soc/
Hello lads. So far everyone here looks aight. How is your day going?
197 Ibs
I give you an 8-9/10 for being Natty user. Good work and good luck bro.
>Natural? Yes
trip suits you well
1 year since skelly, I feel very small, how do I unlock non-dyel mode?
Continuing from last one.
Excess skin sucks ass.
thank you, we all gonna make it.
come on mate. im 195 at about 13%bf and training almost 5 years. you really think im roiding?
You can check my ass for needle marks anytime
>You can check my ass for needle marks anytime
mind if I take the offer?
where u from qt? ;)
Fuckin' mirin' bro I mean goddamn
how much do you OHP and curl?
165 pounds
Time is tight so sadly I can only do 3hr/week been working out for 2.5months
hello Veeky Forums
maybe try cutting. I think you'd look way more muscular with less bf.
Eastern/northern Europe
I could OHP 90kgs a year ago when I was 5kgs heavier. Now its about 80-85kgs
For curl I never do less than 10 reps, but heaviest weight I use for curls is probably 35kgs for barbell curls
how's my back for few months of lifiting. I know my traps are wack
i started some months ago and finally going to start hitting the gym, any recommendation?
Alright, I'll give it a go. Currently 6'0 at 85kg, gonna cut to 80kg. Hopefully I won't lose any strength on a 600 deficit.
From Obese to fat people welcome too?
as long as the progress is in right way then for sure!
I've got a problem with poor self image and shit tier photo shop skills. Thats why I asked in the first place.
Left is 265 and current body. Right is 365ish and about a year or so ago. Still have a long way to go.
6'2 is height.
What equipment do you have behind you?
Great work, user.
Keep climbing that hill.
Good job my man. 100lbs of body weight lost is no joke.
You lifting or just doing cardio? Maybe about now is a good time to incorporate a bit of weightlifting in to your routine.
another year or so and i think you'll be in relatively good shape. Just be aware that getting lean might result in a lot of loose skin.
Duuuudee. You lost 100lbs. Thats a huge progress in a right way. And you did it in a year. Imagine yourself after another year or even after 5years
Maintaining weight while getting leaner is the goal here
Thanks user, I appreciate the kind words.
I do a mix of both actually roughly 30 mins of each, I'm not up to jogging pace just yet but I'm on the precipice. Loose skin is already starting to become a thing; its not as bad yet but I know it'll progress and worsen,albeit its better than being what I was.
Thanks to you too user, I can't really tell much of a diff in the pictures myself but friends and family say I'm two different people nearly.
One thing that took my by surprise is that the memes about it are real, lifting and getting fit doesn't fix your problems. I assume the confidence and positive self image will come with time but it yet escapes me.
Dont you dare let loose skin stop you OP.
You keep going man.
It's not gonna stop me, I appreciate all the positiveness. It can be removed with surgery if I have to go that far which I hope not. I almost didn't post out of fear of ridicule so I thank all of you for the hospitality. I might sound like a major beta but I'm an autist about this kind of thing.
one of you plz be my sculpted bf
nah. You either a trap or a thot
How strict is your diet?
I used to count calories, first 4 months I was eating 3 meals and drinking 2 litres of milk a day - everyday. I gained 7 kg went from 78 to 85, after that I stopped tracking calories and ate whatever, my appetite seems to keep me at a steady 85kg. How strict should I be if I want to make it?
Looking good anons
I haven't made it myself yet, so don't take my word for granted but I count and measure everything I eat. A kitchen scale made things a lot easier for me, so right now I try to get an intake of ~3500 calories / day and I feel like I'm getting bigger faster than before.
Still in dyel mode though.
what were u doing before???
watch it bro, you're slowly starting to enter t-rex mode.
a couple months of progress
6'1 190 want to get rid of love handles. wat do lads
Are you currently on a bulk? What's your height/weight?
Leftover quads from Stronglifts, I only squat twice a week now - doing PHAT.
1.80m manlet, 82kg.
3 months body weight exercises, started skelly mode. Rate please.
>mfw thots tell me Iām ripped
Careful you don't gain too fast man, while my lifts exploded - so did my belly. We're all gonna escape DYEL bruh, good luck. I'm gonna get my 8 hrs sleep.
Who here has a lean muscle mass of 82kg (180.7lb) or higher?
Should I stop barbell hip thrusts? I added them to the end of my SS workouts.
your ass is fucking huge m8, cut it out lmao.
try reverse lunges, shit makes my ass hard, but nor larger.
this cant be real, my sides
>tfw no manlet bf with a big ass that i can eat out all night long
On that breakup diet to lure the next disaster into my life. At least it has me taking progress pics again since it's easy to stay lean. I gotta stop dating these girls with ridiculous amounts of baggage. Don't know how it's possible that every girl has been raped/major depression/alchoholic/some other fucked up thing.
aptly named trip
eat and lift
10/10 aesthetics, not overly massive, good proportions + lean
>Don't know how it's possible that every girl has been raped/major depression/alchoholic/some other fucked up thing.
iktf bro
Damaged girls are the only ones that ever seem to go for me as well. they always end up flaking or cheating because they're unstable as fuck.
I just want a qt wholesome gf.
Almost nothing, some abs, multi exercise and cardio, but i will start gym and lifting.
i'm getting there, guys. soon i will be the biggest homo twink skellyfag on this board
i can't wait for everyone to ask to see my boipussi
no i don't even lift, shoulder injury
Its real.
Thanks lads.
shit dude, that's an amazing ass
jesus deliver me from temptation. in a no homo way
OHP: 80kg
BP: Last year 135kg and then tore my pec. Now about 120kg
SQUAT: 160kg
Never been a strong lad. focused on hyperthrophy mostly
6ā1ā 210
2.5 months lifting
these niggas showin off they ass like they gayer than Bryan Silva
wearing a shirt but most recent shot. tricep almost exploded
Hows my cut going lads?
Lots of very nice bodies in this thread, good job lads
in want to look like you. what is the heaviest you've been? I around your height. how long you been working out? Any advice?
this is me
160 lbs
started 2 1/2 months ago. bulking from 145. I get random boners all the time now.
179cm (5.10') Manlet
69kg 152 lbs
Been lifting for 2 months, give me your opinions please, + any tip on what I should focus on.
If you started lifting weights now you'd be big in no time. You got a good base to go on.
How often do you lift?
Weird angle. Can't tell what you look like. Take a full length one from the front.
I'm guessing you need to work on back. Rear delts and neck too probably
Once a week, I do mostly cardio
The other guy that replied once a week is not me, I workout 4-5 days a week.
Please user never end up in Prison
>Post-back day
alright thanks.
why? any opinion on me?
Rate my aesthetics
2 months seems a bit too short for that amount of gains.
why delete the belly button???
Natty? What do you do for your back, how many exercises, sets/reps and frequency, thanks
Asking for my mom
I hope you don't go out like that in public user.
I had done some calisthenics before and even some weight lifting but only with home material and never serious, I started going to the gym this september and I'm working hard, however I think I'm really small, only 69kgs. Also the lighting is good and maybe the angle helps
either piercing or tat
Nice lats. I meant take a front on shot though lol. The angle is weird cos it's from the floor instead of head height.
8/10 posture - good job
6.5/10 body - The lighting and angle is what flatters you in that picture; you're obviously still pretty small. Keep it up though, you're getting there.
5/10 face - Your face sort of ruins it and I can tell that you look like shit once you have clothes one. I recommend getting bigger.
havent got any mirror so this is the best I can do lel. My lats dont look bad but my back is small I would say