Have you trained your neck this week?
Have qts admired your neck before?
Have you trained your neck this week?
Have qts admired your neck before?
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Looking for that cardassian aesthetic
I tried training my neck once and it gave me a headache. I will just get big traps and i will get a bigger neck.
what's cardassian?
Not gonna make it. Work on your cardiovascular health desu
where are you getting these ratings from?
>few months after starting to lift seriously
>never do neck work
>outside class
>qt asks what did I do to grow my neck
>tell her nothing just started eating more
>flex it for her
>qts go oooo and a few touch it
>tfw great genetics
But lookism said body doesn't matter
Yeah and that's why they're online being incels instead of getting laid. Lots of things matter. Having a thicc neck makes you look high test which makes you fuckable.
Neck training helps facial aesthetics. Not just from a proportions point of view, but also because thicker neck stretches the skin around your face. Think about it.
>niggers cant be trusted with or without juicy neck
This is literally the difference between whether or not you can match on Tinder.
and you didn't ask even her number, dumbass
what's the 1/2/3/4 equivalent of neck curls?
how much should I neck curl to escape pencilneck mode?
how do you train your neck to make it bigger?
does it get bigger because of the other regular exercises you're doing or are these specific neck training exercises to make it bigger?
so why dont you post any exercise or something to read on "neck training"?
Like, what exactly am I supposed to do? Headbang?
Take The Neck Pill faggots:
I actually got this from the OP e-book. It has more routine stuff.
how the fuck are ppl talking about neck training to get laid? Just do your fucking squats you morons fuck
>being this blue pilled
neck is everything
Fuck off, squats and deadlifts work the neck just fine faggot. I've literally never heard a chick say "wow what a great neck he has" and then proceeded to ahve sex.
retard, girls dont autistically notice good looking body parts. They just look at you, and you either look great or you dont.
That's cause your neck is shit.
>neck responds to high volume
>100 reps per set
fucking hell, do they not realize what a pain in the ass neck curls are?
I bench 3pl8 with my neck
Ok FUCK you guys. That's not what I said. And my neck is fine and proportional, I just measured it's about 13.5 inches.
I get naseua and headaches after doing neck-curls.
Do they go away eventually or?
Yes absolutely. Most ppl who can't start doing neck curls just have bad athletic conditioning and never did cardio or played sports before...
Well that's as good a reason as any to pick up the cardio again.
Thanks mate.
if you have a shit face and shit genetics this will happen :
1) your neck will grow, but it will never grow enough for people to notice
2) you will still be ugly and get mogged by skinny handsome guys
the solution : kys yourself
Neck curls are really awkward to do and are generally annoying but the neck gains are worth it
A naturally thicc neck is a sign of high testosterone during puberty. It's probably the single most important factor besides facial bone structure (which you can't do anything about) to attractiveness. Neck gains are a way to fake good genetics.
I do a superset of neck curls -> shoulder shrugs and it feels like it's really helping with my neck thiccness. Is there a better way to pump my neck?
I'm usually only neck curling like ~10lbs and shrugging around ~40 lbs because I don't want to pull anything in my neck, but I do high amounts of reps.
Do the side muscles need to be isolated with side-to-side movements?
Has anyone seen any real life results from doing neck exercises?
I did 75 pounds with a barbell on my forehead and 70 pounds with a neck harness for 3x15 the other day. I was going to do 45 pounds for the sides, but it felt awful so I lowered it and did 30 repsx3 at 25 pounds.
My neck was 16.25 inches at the start, and at the end it was almost 17 inches at the pump.
wrestlers do neck isolation exercises and they all have thicc necks
Anyone have legitimate progress pics of neck training? Not the photoshop comparisons but an actual progress pic.
How do you call a nigger without arms or legs?
Yeah, I got the OP's program and was able to add 2 inches in diameter so far (from middle of summer till now). It also goes into jaw gains which are legit.
And no I'm not going to upload the e-book.
You should be doing cardio regardless my man. Don't tell me you're one of those people who think that lifting is all there is to fitness
fuck you nigger upload it
Honestly the book is pretty damn good but the online coaching is what did it for me.
Not gonna lie the NECK improvements in 2017 alone for me have made my dating life better. More than any other changes to my lifting routine before.
Trips don't lie. Slay count this year?
18. More than the last 24 years of my life put together DESU. Could actually have been higher but I spent a few months here and there with one girl. But she turned out to be a stupid generic feminist roastie so I went back to slaying.
How’s my neck bros? Inb4 razor burn and pale
Can't tell, it's easy to look good from that angle to be quite honest with you family man.
What's neck diameter and height? Can usually tell from that if you're doing alright.
lmfao RIPPLETITS btfo
someone should make a STARTING NECK
I want to start training it but don't know what sort of routine I should follow.
Also don't want to look like a retard in the gym.
>13.5 inches
this has to be bait
Jesus Christ wtf is that
that isnt why retard its mainly about proportions
A crypto millionaire worth like 185m
Does thin neck == intelligence then???
Why only neck curls? Shouldn't you at least do extensions, too? Or is it strictly for the look of the scm?
Yes you should do something to balance out the posture in neck/trap/upper back. Rear delt work is also useful for this.
>general cadence and vocabulary of infographic
This is another one of sam hyde's psyops. He can't keep getting away with this.
How does he do it???
Pretty funny writing style on slayer system stuff in general 2bh lol
what a SLAYER
Thanks, bro. Will implement this.
>Doesn't know who Buterin is...
Never going to make it.
Fuck this NECKLET I would KEK him hard.
Yeah, of you could catch him in his gold plated lambo.
Dick sucking is good for neck gains
someone ship a decent neck on him
I do neck curls at home 4-5 days a week, in 3 weeks I see noticable change in size. Wether or not it does anything for attractiveness I don't care, I just want to look more intimidating.