>girl I love left me
>be sick with a cold
>laying in bed feeling like death
>thinking about girl
>get so mad and go to the gym anyway
>smashed a pr
>so fucking happy
>a minute later realize this doesn’t mean anything
>nothing means shit without her
>driving home
>see a dead seagull in parking lot
>start flipping out punching steering wheel and bruise my hand
>sit next to seagull and cry over that girl for an hour before people start to notice me
>come home and post this
Girl I love left me
how long were you together
About two months.
don't sweat it
This shit is part of the reason i am a 27 year old virgin. My need for sex is way lower than the fear of a girl fucking me up badly.
>losing your shit after a failed 2 month relationship
tfw regularly browse fit humor threads
tfw can't exchange funny memes with her anymore
bahahahahahah no wonder she left u u fucking sperg
Please expand on this... if you were friends for years before hand or only just became serious
If you're losing your shit over a 2 month relationship you need to reevaluate yourself
why would u ever let it get so far, fuck hookers.
buy a hot one and fucking get it over with
>Life is meaningless without someone else
Fuck that
keep telling yourself that
he's right, biologically speaking a woman means offspring , woman leaves no offspring to care aka reason to live for a guy
The seagull shit is weird dude. Did you consider you may have scared her off because you love her after two months and put her pussy on a pedestal?
lol buddy..
Get your cries in, but there are worse feels than the need to cry it out. Stay strong
That’s what I spend my money on
Hookers are the way to go
As i said. I don't have a particularly high sex drive. If i fap a few times per week i'm good. Also no matter how hot a girl is i barely notice them. Maybe i have horrible test levels. And also because the whole brothel strip club scene is so fucking degenerated to me i'd rather die a virgin.
Try 11 years, then come talk to me...
We're you friends for years????? 2 months isn't a long time senpai
doesn't have to, 2 months can be pretty intensive
Not saying it can't be but this intensive seems way out of proportion or like we're missing something
really depends on OP and the girl, what they did etc.
Fucking lol pussy