What makes modern man turn themselves into this? Do they lack self awareness?
What makes modern man turn themselves into this? Do they lack self awareness?
that's genetics
>getting fat
>not shaving
no need to self improve these days
A culture of short term satisfaction in all areas of life.
>eating makes me feel good, quickly
>video games make me feel good quickly
>exercise makes me feel bad quickly
>having a good body can't happen quickly
well, technically...
ill give you the shitty beard being genetics
Sedentary lifestyle and depression
Also gaining weight is a vicious circle as body fat creates estrogen and estrogen encourages fat gain
Depression is a meme
It's not if your behaviour, brain deformations and emotional states match up to the clinical definitions supported by decades of research.
You're out there in the fringe with creationists and flat-earthers
This. This is also part of why so many people are on drugs.
Humans aren't designed to live in the environment we've created for ourselves and some of us cope with it better than others.
>hahahaha nigga how can depression be real hahaha just smile nigga
excellent memerino
God has left this world
Migraines also change the shape of the brain. Doesn’t mean shit. Brain size changes all the time.
Hate for this to be so true, been low test all my life, 97ng/dl. Started taking TRT, feel amazing but then a crash at the end of a cycle.. I just want to inject more of it.
I guess the makeup and the wig are what really makes Margot Robbie look so hot.
Pro tip: men like these have always existed, but now thanks to the Internet you can see a lot of them in a short period of time.
But yeah, you probably spend too much time on /pol/ or some shit moaning and bitching about some conspiracy, decadence and whatnot, so yeah.
Is there something wrong with him besides being fat? i mean i was thinking on having a beard like that,since the only thing that grow in my face are pubes in my neck area and mutton chops
lmao you dont even realize that you are one of them
You were consciously considering growing a beard like that? You were going to actively pursue that look? What the fuck man. If you can't grow a decent beard then just shave. Ffs.
There are so many worse examples of modern men, only thing wrong with this guy is being fat. I can imagine this guy in some viking pub painting
Y-yeah, f-frickin numales with their beards.... B-being clean shaven is the true aryan way!
>tfw can't even grow a beard
Because Americanism is contagious
well the case of actual untreatable depression that isn't caused by your own dumb doing is extremely rare
majority of time it's all your own fault and treatable
>no willpower*** to self improve these days
people would rather rant in tumblr about exercising being so difficult and dieting to be so expensive as long as they want to validate their shitty lifestyle
you dont need a beard to behave like a real man
this fucking numales think that their pink and shitty beards automatically make them the epythome of masculinity but they still behave like fucking manginas
Le 56% face
well i'd have to guess modern life is 1/100th as hard and dangerous as ancient life. we're just way too soft these days.
look at Veeky Forums. most posters here are objectively harder workers than anywhere else ono Veeky Forums yet we're still all spergs that tfw no gf
>men like these have always existed,
patently false
kek there's data scientist at my company just like this
What the fuck are you talking about
>cycling TRT
Extreme lack of self awareness.
>Be fat
>Take a picture of my face because I thought I looked badass and intimidating
>Fast forward
>Lose weight
>Look at old picture
>I look fucking effeminate
"Damn! I looked like a fag! Well good thing I lost weight and my body is presentable now."
>Fast forward to a week earlier from now
>Go to buy clothes
>Take off clothes in the dressing room that has strong lights and mirrors all around
>Look at my back
>I look like Rhinox in his beast mode
"Damn, lack of self awareness struck again..."
I ended up buying few clothes, and those that I intentionally bought tight so as to motivate myself and remember that people see a fat faggot.
Raised by shitty parents incorrectly could contribute considerably to a poor and unhealthy lifestyle. Should have instilled in him self awareness and some work ethic.