Is going to the gym 3 days per week 1 hour each enough to leave dyelmode?
>"Armstrong... What the hell are you?!"
Depends on what you do when you're there
This, and also how long he's there for, and how consistent and good his diet is, and if he eats at a surplus throughout the whole week.
not OP but if I did greyskull LP, got 250g protein a day, and ate at TDEE+500, would that be enough? I tried starting strength a year ago but I just got really fat so I spent the last several months cutting, hoping I just fucked up somehow. I've been stuck at 1/2/2.5 forever and I just want to get stronger but I simply can't up the weight ;_;
Also, 3x5 or 3x10? I still don't entirely understand which I should be doing and everything sounds like broscience but I'm DYEL so I can't really say....
>1 hour gym sessions
never gonna make it
If you are stuck at those numbers you might need intermediate programming.
But you probably not gonna up the strength while cutting though..
I meant when I was bulking and doing SS, I just couldn't break past them. I'm almost back to 15% bf, is there a way to just completely reset everything and try again? My test is normal too so it's not a hormone issue, I just don't get why I'm so fucking weak...
I would do 8-hour arm workouts twice a week and maybe you can then get away with working out just one hour twice a day the other days
>250g protein a day
Way fucking overkill. 1g/lb lean body mass (LBM = total body weight minus fat) is on the high end.
Was too much protein the reason I wasn't making gains? I always thought it was 1.5g/lbs for bulking. At the very least, I didn't think it was bad for me.
>not weighing 250 lbs
are you a skeleton? if not, fix your form.
reminds me of the good ol days after 9/11
You need some nano machine son
239Ibs 5'8" male here. cutting big time. Whats the best routine for aesthetics? Or should i cut, then bulk and do gs?
Yes. I would say primarily do strength or full body training (Alphadestiny's novice program would actually be good here). Otherwise, increase frequency if you can.
its not gonna have negative effects, but people on here generally WAYYYY overestimate how much protes you need
Yeah, it's more important to eat more food than you spend, AKA track your calories and don't eat like shit, and you'll be fine for your first year of lifting.
Oh, and when I say track your calories, I say FUCKING TRACK THEM. And track them properly. Look at the back of the container, measure just about how much of the food you made you eat with every meal, and make a guesstimate of how much you ate, round it down ALWAYS. This ensures you always eat enough.
So to clarify, OP, 3 days a week for 1 hour (should probably be more like 1 hour and 20 minutes, and try to be effective with the time, don't take breaks longer than 2 minutes) should be enough to leave complete DYELmode... BUT this implies you're eating at at LEAST, that this is MINIMUM 500 calories above your maintenance EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Also you gotta be consistent, a week skipped is two weeks worth of progress lost, one from the muscles getting slightly weaker, and one for the week of workouts you missed.
Eat lean meat
Play college ball
Join the navy