Hey Veeky Forums is it possible eat pizza if you want to make it? What if I have bad genetics and am naturally fat?
Hey Veeky Forums is it possible eat pizza if you want to make it? What if I have bad genetics and am naturally fat?
You have bad calorie partitioning. Either get on steroids or save pizza for cheat meals once a week. Lifting helps. Keto helps.
>pizza on keto
>What if I have bad genetics and am naturally fat?
read the fucking sticky faggot
Yes faggot, what is cyclic ketogenic diet?
Also OP could do calorie cycling.
OP here. This all sounds like too much work. There has to be a better way?
>tfw skeles don’t know about the OPAD diet
>Why does Something good require work waaah
What worth had your achievment without struggle, you homosex.
pizza is what's wrong with america. don't fucking eat it. ever.
problem solved.
Take steroids.
Who tf eats a pizza like that? From the side? What a loon.
you can make your own pizza dough with like 80% cheese, I did that while on a low carb diet and its fucking amazing.
just use a big portabello mushroom head instead of crust.
>tfw can devour 3 small pizzas in less than 30 minutes and still feel hungry a few hours later
im 65 kg btw
Pizza isnt any worse than any other processed food. Its actually better if its not soaked in oil, the breading isnt processed garbage, and its not absolutely covered in cheese. ie: you make it yourself
>Pizza isnt any worse than any other processed food. Its actually better if its not soaked in oil, the breading isnt processed garbage, and its not absolutely covered in cheese. ie: you make it yourself
^he said, fatly.
Pizza can be actually really healthy.... you can sneak a fuck ton of veggies on it.
Im 160 lbs at 5'10, skelly. Theses nothing inherently wrong with bread, meat, vegetables, and cheese.
lol this guy fucking eats bread, you guys. he must not know about visceral fatty tissue lol.
i guess if everyone made it our accomplishments wouldn't mean as much. you keep on doing you, mr. heart disease. some of us care about our health though
Your only true enemy is SUGAR..... And im not talking fruit. pizza is fine, just be conscious of how many calories you consume. Thicker slices like papa johns is heavy.
fucking meme
>causing heart disease
Really activates my almonds
sugar ia fine. fructose alone is not very obesogenic.
processed vegetable oil is not fine. especially if eaten with fructose.
Everything causes heart problems besides raw broccoli sir.
calories in calories out
you're not naturally fat. there's no such thing. you just are lazy and eat like shit. stop trying to absolve yourself of blame, its not your genetics, it's you.
uhhhhhh you understand that very little carbohydrates are converted to visceral fat right? it's sugar that's the real problem
Yes, pizza is amazing and is excellent for gains.