How do people eat those tiny ass portions?
How do people eat those tiny ass portions?
Self control and being satisfied with moderation.
Go back to /fat/
Manlet or twink?
record your calories and you'll be satisfied, unless on a real cut
Not being a fat americrap is a good start
Seriously though if you wanna live until 100 eat like 500 calories a day and basically be in constant hunger
>be Young manlet
>move back home
>start eating big portions home cooked meals to get Big
>get lots of sleep
>suddenly grown 2 inches since summer
T-thanks Veeky Forums
By getting memed by low carbs, being satisfied with their low energy or being too dumb to notice it because they're generally passive anyway.
It's cutting season?
By not being a gluttonous weak fuck
Normies "snack" all the time. Especially girls do this. Probably part of why they all end up ballooning over the years.
>small plate
>evenly spaced 4 to 6 hours apart
>well balanced
>lots of water / tea / coffee etc. in between.
Not too hard but not too easy but doable
by being 5'2 110lbs
I honestly don't understand it. I usually get like 3-6 plates of food at every meal, not including snacks or the calories I drink. I'd be starving if I ate twice that for dinner.
I'm having trouble seeing how people actually reach 2500 + calories eating healthy. I feel like i'm constantly eating and often only getting up to 2000 when I just add random high calorie things in there.
I can smell this picture and my face feels greasy
nobody eats like that you fucking gerbills
Probably both.
Little do you know that is his cheat meal
If you mean lean bulk, that's a meme. As long as you're getting 1g+ protein/lb of bodyweight, you'll be able to build muscle. No matter if you eat carbs or fat, you'll still gain fat from excess calories that aren't used, regardless whether they're fat or carbs.
>falling for the clean eating meme