long ago the 4 nations lifted together in harmony
Long ago the 4 nations lifted together in harmony
Then everything changed when newfags from reddit and /pol/ attacked
>grouping reddit with /pol/
>implying /pol/ is bad
Only the Veeky Forumsizen, master of no girlfriends, could stop them
But when the gym needed him most, he vanished
>implying /pol/ is bad
While /pol/ is basically the heart of Veeky Forums atm (most popular, and its influence spreads to all boards), and the new /b/ (only board that is capable of making the news and causing lulz), the ideology on /pol/ is generally pretty cringe. It's completely possible to challenge PC culture and actually make a difference, but when you have an army of obese autists yelling NIGGER all the time, both groups get grouped together and aren't taken seriously.
tldr /pol/ has potential to be even stronger but retards ruin it
Bumi was swole as fuck for over 100 years old.
Lifetime of carrying Atlas Stones
100 years passed and our board found a new avatar, a natty named jeff
Yeah, so cringe, being a major epicenter of massive social change toward strength, pride and traditional values
Take your concern trolling elsewhere
/pol/ is literally the reddit of Veeky Forums after the US election when all the r/the_Donald kids invaded. It's unreadable and cancerous
fuck off jeff
in what? they've built nothing as individuals
>traditional values
You're a faggot who clearly didn't experience the onslaught of anti-Trump shills (generally blamed on CTR, though quite a lot might just've been trolls from anti-/pol/-oriented boards), THAT was horror and unreadable cancer. It's got miles better after the election and still is.
Sage for totally OT thread.
i just wanted to have a fun thread
>/pol/tards actually thing they're causing change
Adults don't listen to children, no matter how loud they shout.
I was really excited about this thread...
If we weren't causing change, governments wouldn't spend money to study and attempt to manipulate us
not a /pol/ack but if /pol/ wasn't a threat all these media sites wouldn't be constantly talking about how it's the hq of "muh alt-right" and trying to get it shut down
Do they really though? Besides that one time they had pepe on cnn I haven't really seen pol referenced by any news network besides maybe breitbart which is it's own jerk off chamber
The deadlifters. Powerful we're they're spinal flexers.
The Press™ers. Who's hands reached far into the wind above
The Squaters, who's legs shook the very ground they stand upon
And the benchers. Who's pectoral development was only surpassed by they're egos. Egos, which would lead them to genocide the Press™ers out of sheer envy of they're deltoid mass.
Right when we needed the avatar zyzz the most. He vanished. Now we have a new avatar... His name... Is Greg o'galahger
/pol/ is more autistic than /b/. now go back to your shitty reddit board.
Kinobody, with the help of his quirky sidekicks alpha destiny and Elliot, will save the world
I know user
>The Press™ers
How do you say this out loud?
The Press Tee Emmers?
>to manipulate us
no words are needed anymore
This post made me sad
>bringing up /pol/ in the first post
>complaining about /pol/ bringing up /pol/
You've just told everyone that you're a newfag, or in a worst case scenario a leftist with cognititve dissonance.
/pol/ is worse than reddit.
>toward strength, pride and traditional values
You actually believe that?
Rarely is a /pol/tard anything but some fat fuck without any accomplishments, clinging to "muh white race". That's the only way they embrace "pride": not that of their cultural heritage, but to fill the void of their own lack of it. There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your heritage, but when some faggot hasn't accomplished a single thing himself he is a stain on that very heritage he smugly presents to the rest of the world. That's about 95% of /pol/ for ya.
Traditional values? You occasionally see them mentioned, and typically only when complaining about muh SJWs. But have you ever taken a single fucking look at your board? Do you think that your ancestors would look at it and say "yeah man, I love how all these youngsters take up our values!". No, they'd be disgusted at the lack of it. /pol/ is just a bunch of faggots ranting about conspiracies, never really doing anything in the real world except for stealing Shia's flag. They're vitriolic and are constantly in-fighting over the SLIGHTEST disagreements. Do you think the average /pol/poster is pic related? They're composed of the typical Veeky Forums basementdwellers and teenage cunts that flooded here from the /r/thedonald shutdown.
An epicenter of massive social change? Give me a fucking break. The "alt-right" was a meme made up by the media to further ridicule Trump supporters. That so-called "leader of the alt-right" with his nazi salute was clearly in on it, even /pol/ itself knows it.
You're not the cause of social change, you're merely a symptom of it. A rather cancerous one at that.
The only 'massive social change' /pol/ had a hand in is making society even more uncivil, more cancerous, than it already was.
Then the jews took over the media and started a banking cartel to fund to fire nation and genocide the redpilled airbenders.