Any of you lads been to a convention? How many of you got felt up/mired?
Any of you lads been to a convention? How many of you got felt up/mired?
cmon lads i wanna get groped by thicc bitches
Nobody on Veeky Forums actually looks good, user...
that dude looks strong
You keep getting banned, yet you keep making this thread.
Conventions are for consumerist millenials to live out their escapist fantasies with other dweebs. Veeky Forumsizens get mired pursuing sport and athleticism.
I'm not even that guy, it's just my goal to one day have albums of grills feeling me up
I'm at a convention right now. Unfortunately, I'm not fit enough yet for any mires. Still pretty skelly
>How many of you got felt up/mired?
Is this your goal? That's cute.
You get felt up at parties annon.
It doesn't happen with out alcohol.
Excludes gf
You don’t seem to understand, everyone at those events looks like shit besides a few
And this is an example of one of the guys who looks like shit, right?
I just don’t have cosplay pics
This is just sad. Having those legs is a clearly sign of a mental illness
what the fuck is with this feminine jealousy?
>two-handed sword
Spotted the homoes
>ur 2h 1rm is my 1h sword and board
It only takes 24 Str to wield a Zwei 1hed, user.
RenFest is a fucking blast. But yeah, only a select few look decent.
This guy could do a GOAT humungus cosplay...insteed of whatever is this
New goal body
I'm off to one right now, dressed as Supergirl for work. I normally get looks/flirted with.
Fit guys will attract the wales so be careful.
Don't bother bro. He'll learn how to make it or he'll go hollow.
>tfw no gymbro that dresses up as supergirl
Leddit reference hehe xd
Minnesota Ren-Fest, right? That place is fucking awesome, and hibiscus Mead is the shit!
Deff Minn Ren fest, I heard they almost closed it for strip mining.
I'm really happy for hibiscus Mead, but once you've had home made, non watered down stuff, you can never go back
you want to get groped? lmao, you sound like a grill wanting to be violated by 3 negros
Oh, your face! You're practically Hollow.
But who knows, going Hollow could solve quite a bit!
I wondered why there were so many swolebros turning up at cons in shit dbz costumes.
It's pretty transparent m8, if anything people in a crowded sweaty con don't want to have any physical contact with each other.