How do I go about training for strength and hypertrophy once im in late intermediate stage? I was thinking about doing 5/3/1 for squat and deadlift but dont know what to do for bench? How to get strong and aesthetic at the same time???
Anons who achieved 2/3/4/5 - ???
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Just keep lifting. It all works itself out unless you aim for 3/4/5/6 which will guarantee youre fat
id just work on better form like using legs while benching to a greater degree etc.
I found the potato.
5/3/1 really means nothing at this point as there are so many permutations now, but, yeah, the average person needs more volume for upper body than the base 5/3/1 program calls for.
1/2/3/4 is retarded to begin with, but 2/3/4/5? What the fuck? Do people just use these retarded “benchmarks” because they look nice when typed out?
I've been doing squats, bench and rows + assistance on mon/wed, then OHP / deads on fridays. Thinking of switching to PHUL, with tho lower power days instead. Could be great.
doubt there's more than 2 or 3 people in the whole of Veeky Forums (including /fraud/ and /plg/) who achieved a lmao2plate strict OHP
they look nice in real life too
What's retarded about them?
In short, as you advance, the scope of your volume/intensity periodization needs to increase.
Elite lifters will run entire months of volume/accumulation phases to build their strength base. Then, a month or two before competition, will transition to a HIHF phase, where theyre maxing on doubles/singles daily. That is called either peaking, or "realization".
I'd explain more but I'm phone posting and it's annoying. Just try alternating between a high-volume week and a high-intensity week. Similar to TM in concept but just more drawn out.
Its also worthwhile to try something like Bulgarian for month or two and see how your body responds.
Read "scientific principels of strength training" and then work with the information given
you are not intermediate before 2/3/4/5
>spending years on marginal strength gains
Choose one
>this meme
most lifters are intermediate before hitting even 1/2/3/4.
2/3/4/5 are proficient/advanced/exceptional level unless youre fat as fuck.
> 2/3/4/5
> intermediate
I benched 3pl8 about 2 years in, its beginner still essentially.
I started a 531 when I hit 250 1rm, I'm at 300 after 2 months. I do a bit more on the downslope of the 531 as far as sets like 85% 80% 75% etc down to 65 for the hypertrophy and it hasn't messed with my strength gains
Do sheiko for everything except bench. It has enough variations, and it works really good in the long run.
For bench, do smolov jr. with small increments each weak.
3/4/5/6 is meaningless bullshit. The squat and deadlift are easily achievable, while the bench, and especially the ohp is way harder
Sheiko is king, 5/3/1 is dog shit aka snail gains
I did SS, 5/3/1 for 6 months (worked but slower than it should have), then Sheiko for last 6 months which added 80kg to my total
T. 245kg squat, 150kg bench and 252.5 deadlift
the OHP is nearly impossible. Show me someone OHP 300lbs+ that doesn't weight 300lbs+
There was that thread where like 6 guys posted webm's of them strict pressing 3pl8
And there was the old /owg/ guy who jerked 4pl8.
I wouldn't say 5/3/1 is shit, but definitely isn't the good choice for intermediate lifters. Sheiko is. And also, doing sheiko is fun.
Similar total btw, 250/150/270 (on a meet, did better benches in the gym). What's your weight? I'm 103kg.
I tend to agree, but there are some guys.
Which is funny because in 1/2/3/4 the squat and deadlift seem disproportionately high to the others
For me, it was the opposite:
bench: still hard for me, it took me about 6 months until I got 2 plates. That time I only did brosplit variations though.
ohp: definitely better than bench, I got 1 plate in few months
squat: fast progress, got 3 plates in about 3 month
deadlift: I went up to 150kg the first time I did it, so 4 plates wasn't hard. But my recent progress is really shitty, only +10 kg in the past year (260->270).
3/4/5 is not that hard 2pl8 ohp is tho
I'm actually 3/5/6 at the moment but no where near 2pl8 ohp
Nothing, cuckolds just dont like lifting more weight than average people