Is it possible to reach 1/2/3/4 in a year?
Is it possible to reach 1/2/3/4 in a year?
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if male, gaining weight, and and of average height
yes. I'm not even 2 months in and I went from dl 95 for reps, to deadlifting 2pl8+ for reps
I started lifting seriously (bro-split for a couple weeks to SL 5x5) in may, and I've been doing an UL split since the end of august. My stats are 120/195/235/330 for the big four, although those aren't ORM. I think that by may of next year I will have easily achieved this, although I have been pretty autistic about never missing a workout and getting enough protein.
That depends entirely on how strong you are when you first start. Skinny computer nerd who never played sports? Probably over a year. Normal dude who stays active but never focused on weight training? Definitely within a year.
a year? thats attainable in 3 months if you arent doing a dogshit routine
This is supposed to be hard?
Probably not. It takes most guys 2-3 years. People on this board tend to exaggerate
I'd say the majority of males in a commercial gym would have trouble OHPing 1pl8 with strict form.
I'm 6 months in and 1pl8 seems very attainable but very difficult
OHP is probably the slowest to improve lift + it has pretty strict form
>How long does it normally take to reach 1/2/3/4?
What people don't mention is your bodyweight.
Half of the people on here started from 110lbs weak skeletons and build mass and strength to about 170lbs in their first year from nothing.
Meanwhile, others start at 200lb (or more) and have a reasonably good build, maybe even have an athletic or manual labor background.
And of course, there’s everyone in between.
A skinny guy going from a starting 65lb bench to a 2pl8 (an addition of 165lbs) in a year is WAY different from a 220lb guy, who probably starts at a 180 bench (addition of only 45lbs) getting there in a few months and being only a 5lb bench above his body weight.
>tl;dr 170lb guy benching 2pl8s isn't the same as a 200lb guy benching 2pl8s (likewise for the other lifts).
That's why half the retards on Veeky Forums say it's a meme and the other half say they repped 1pl8 ohp after 3 months.
There's no little data on where you should be depending on your starting weight and strength after your first year, so it's really self-deceiving if you compare yourself to others in this respect.
>The most realistic numbers for lift expectations BASED ON BODYWEIGHT are here:
OP, I'm going to give you the advice you should listen to because these people are speaking of their own accord based upon anecdotal evidence. Sure it's possible. But, does it matter in your case?
You shouldn't impose these standards upon yourself, if that's what you're doing. Focus on doing the best you can, rather than focusing on where you should be.
the only one of these lifts i can make is 1 pl8 OHP and I can do it for 4 reps. The rest i can't even do for 1. Can't explain that
Just over a year in, 18, been lifting around 4 times a week.
at 1/1.75/3/4 for 1 reps.
Considering I've had a shit diet and terrible sleep, definitely.
>in a year
You can reach that in 3 months if you're not a fucking faggot.
Yeah it's possible
Not for me tho
>10 months in
> 1/2/2.5/3
>Ah fuck
bullshit, the top of those McD paper cups can't stand the presure of the liquid
1/2/3/4 is just a meme.
Use any of the online progress trackers with your current body weight and lifts to see where are you and how much you need to progress to reach advanced.
Keep in mind that as you progress your bodyweight will increase so the goal will move a bit further.
for most people starting without any lifting experience, no
it could be easily explained by shit form and cheating with leg drive
>muh bodyweight