>tfw necklet
i'm never going to make it
Tfw necklet
just add 5xF neckpulls to your workouts
you look like a lesbian so you are r ight
damn jeff gets absolutely mogged from the side profile, also lol at his wannabe haircut bro why are you trying so hard to be him?
>takes roids
>still has a beta chin
just do neck curls/extensions
>No visible jawline at sub 8% bf
>Mario nose thats overprojected
Wow, cant belive this guy actually makes money off being fake zyzz
Kek, Zyzz looks 1000x better than seid here
zyzz had jaw implants
Notice how both are ugly subhumans
lmao, what an insecure beta faggot
Notice how both have had more sex then you
Also Jeff is white
Jeff is actually goodlooking from the front unlike you
This tbqh. The other offended fags are just dyel fanboys that get mad at every single bad thing you say about their idols
No he didnt fags he had some shit with his nose done but his jaw was top tier before he even lifted keep koping
Thats because you faggots talk shit about others when you're likely sub5 and unhappy about it so you project this.
likely you're a loser or at least feel like a loser compared to who you're talking abut because thats what you're thinking when talk shit about people you dont know. You're just mad bro why cant you guys understand this basic concept?
>he didn't have a jaw-job, he had a nose-job!
lmao, what an insecure beta faggot
we're all gonna make it fagot
jeffs head makes me feel uncomfortable...jaysus wtf
zyzz had hair of a fucking god
>still using a overtly misogynistic, categorized methodology to denigrate another man that you see as lesser than yourself due to your own insecurities
zyzz always looked like ganondorf to me
where did you get your phd in psychology, shitforbrains?
Im just correcting you cause you're wrong but stay mad son
Literally lmaoing @ your pathetic projection. Angry manlet is Angry! Sad!
Jeff seid is cringe as fuck. He wants to be zyzz so bad but fails colossally. The only people that look up to him are skinny autistic faggots who start lifting, gain an ounce of muscle, and think they’re aesthetic gods. And yes I am projecting because I have a friend who is like this and is annoying as fuck.
>The only people that look up to him are skinny autistic faggots who start lifting, gain an ounce of muscle, and think they’re aesthetic gods.
sounds exactly like the people who look/looked up to zyzz
Yeah i mean i wasn’t around when zyzz was big so I wouldn’t know but it definitely seems likely
why is this haircut popular? Its like a mix between dragon ball z and kate gosselin. its ugly as shit