What's the point of lifting if your goal body requires steroids?
What's the point of lifting if your goal body requires steroids?
>goal body
>taking roids
>playing sports and lifting for fun
1. I like it
2. I don't need steroids
4. Profit
Lol okay copecuck
what's so bad about steroids? stop being such a pussy
I can't find a reliable source.
>roids for this
>no abs
>middle school acne
I don't see the issue with a mild dose of steroids.
not coping, and no amount of roids will make up for your awkward insecure virgin personality kiddo.
Lol okay skinnyfat
Because i dont want to reach my goal.
You tell yourself you will become like them without cheating.Though you won't you enhanced your genes to their physical limit and that will be passed down to your offspring.
They will pass down some fucked up overloaded hormone genes and have a kid who becomes an autistic transgender with adhd.
Acne? Why is there so much talk about this around here? Doesn’t anyone use Skin Bracer anymore? Cleared mine right up!
That's not how genetics work though...
is that what you tell yourself everyday so you dont go to the gym you fat fuck ?
I use gear because it allows me to be big, and also guarantees I'll die young, which is great because I hate being alive
Moosey internet defense force pls go
hi lamark
>this is what tripfags who /fraud/ look like after taking amounts of gear that would make classic BBers cringe
Yeah if you are a little fucking faggot who's gonna try and take the easy way out then your physique is probably gonna look like shit anyway because of your awful work ethic and shit genes.
That picture is photoshopped by the way
Pfft, shoulda used crusaders pic instead
for some reason, everyone that posts in /fraud/ roided from being a 120lb skelly, to a 160lb dyel in 6 months
Eh, I started as a fat fuck working my way back down and have had pretty good results but yeah generally speaking most of those guys are hard gainers that don’t know how to eat
What is it
You used gear as a fatfuck?
It is actually.
Steroids are a drug and can fuck up your sperm. Also too fat people tend to have a child predisposition to obesity
So we can only assume that living a healthy lifestyle will alter the kids predisposition to living an active life.
It will however not change your dna make up or change their appearance but it can help you have better off spring.
Yeah, here is me on the first day of my pin
Actually, yeah it is. Go look up epigenetics, it's the same thing he was describing in principle. Every choice we make in life affects the kind of offspring we're capable of making.
I just posted this in the cbt thread too but this is actually quite old, I think this was on my 10th week or so. I’m still cutting (on week 13 now I think) but it’s getting hard
Wow nice but arent you suppose to use gear when lean?
Im pretty fat too right now and was trying to cut before running a cycle.
I would guess that running gear while fat wouldn't be too bad if you ran an AI. Besides bloodpressure and cholesterol being a short term concern I don't see why not.
Yes, you are, and it’s honestly a piece of advice I would recommend listening to. In theory the steroids will help you retain more muscle while dieting but man it is wayyyy harder to diet when your body is in such an anabolic state. Your BMR is through the roof, your appetite is insatiable, and the combination of the two probably have some kind of effect on your thyroid that also doesn’t help with dieting
Feels like a waste since you'd be mostly cutting? I honestly look a little like your before picture, what will happen if I run test now
Do I just cut and lift hard?
how the fuck do i get steroids :(
i can get all the drugs from the hood except this. no one i know knows anyone. i live in a decently big city. what do?
You’ll put on muscle and look better than before. That’s the only real guarantee. But your results won’t be maximized
How much could I possibly keep afterwards though?
> taking roids
> beta
The nazis were alpha as fuck and were the first to take roids. fuck you bluepilled copers.
None man, it’s a lifelong thing for most people. Ultimately the amount of muscle mass your body will hold is a function of a number of factors....your hormonal milieu being one of them. The whole “keep your noob gains” thing really isn’t true since those on some level also include neurological adaptations which are impossible to track. The most logical approach is to just assume that you keep nothing at all and you’ll have to cycle on and off roids forever if you want to stay huge. Just the way it is. There are some advantages to indefinite TRT though which have virtually zero negative health consequences and will give you a huge leg up over the natty game. Research it and ask the dudes in fraud general, they’ll tell you
I know this doesn't help at all but reminded me of a funny story.
When I was younger I lived in a town house I was like 14 or something and I was walking to school or somewhere anyway one of my neighbors was this huge built dude, and he was like hey yo you need any roids? Know anyone that wants any?
Like stereotypical drug dealer shit lmao. Maybe I should have taking him up on it, gotten huge and wrecked high school pussy... Oh well lol.
Woulda been like 5'5'' and on roid the rest of your life lol. Probably woulda slammed a lot of tight teen pussy though. Tradeoffs...
so alpha they lost spectacularly and had their reichstag invaded and conquered by a bunch of slavic peasants who didnt know what electricity was
Achieving your goal body with steroids?
That's not true actually. Testosterone makes you more aggressive and dominant
natty lifting is retarded, natty life is pointless, why the fuck would i want to stay natty when men 100 years ago had 40% more test than me
>This is actually is
>I'll post literally turd tier newspaper articles
People like you are the reason why I believe educating the plebs was a mistake.
His tri's are uneven, is that normal?
It requires both, idiot.
That's easily achievable natty though he's small as fuk lol mirin pecs tho
hes 200 lbs in that pic
Moosey pls go
Also it must just be the angle then. Looks small to me
>only started seriously lifting and cutting for close to 2 months
>jacked now
>Has been experiencing low key roid rage
>friends said that i've changed from beta to Alpha
>all these test
>tfw my body basically produces natty roid
Feels good man.
>roiding for this
this is 4 years of lifting
Hey Moosey, how about you post that pic of you with the Chad filter? I need something to jerk off to.
no homo
you've been reading too many magazines there lil buddy
Hello gyno my old friend.
What are you pinning? No way it's just test.
What about masT?
He looks insane
> roid rage
So you naturally produce a tonne of oestrogen? Because that's what causes mood issues on gear.
There isn't. Steroids should pretty much be used in two cases: athlete or recovering from injury.
that picture is attainable natty
>Not TRT
Nu-male who's afraid of masculinity confirmed.
the word is mast had great physique before he even started roiding
They were up against FOUR fucking super powers and narrowly come close to winning. The Reds only won because of their overwhelming manpower and support from the allies. The Germans killed eleven million soviet soldiers with an army of only 5,700,000 men. If Germany had enacted "Total War" earlier we wouldn't be having this discussion soyboy.
>taking amounts of gear that would make classic BBers cringe
he literally gained more in a year than you will be able to gain in your entire natty cuck lifespan
>being this butthurt
let me guess, you came to /fraud/ asking about oral only cycle and someone told you to fuck off?
not him, but what you say is true to an extent.
the germans did have superior warfare yes.
But they would still have lost sooner or later.
Because resources. Hitler putting everything into the war. His countrymen, money, workforce, resources, food. Just everything.
Why do you think 13 yo children had to fight in the war in the last 2 years? because the "real" soldiers were dwindling in numbers. They were dying.
Why do you think having butter on your bread was impossible at the end of the war? because germany was exhausted. They couldnt even afford to give their soliders butter.
Why do you think the woman were working in ammunition factories? etc...
He achieved alot, but you cant fight a world war with halph of the world for years and years and think you are going to win at the end.
>guarantees I'll die young
This negger is 70
It will never cease being amusing how you cucks think this is some kind of argument. You are willfully ignoring the fact that they were alone against overwhelmingly larger numbers of soldiers.
This doesn't detract from the alpha status, in fact, being outnumbered but still fighting to the very end is the very epitome of alpha. Example: the 300 Spartans defending the pass against the entire Persian army.
What's wrong with taking roids? If your goal body requires them, then start using and stop whining.
Yeah no, thats not how any of this stuff works. Did you learn your understanding of genetics in Tel Aviv University?
Do you think a bunch of Veeky Forums retards is some kind of argument against gear? They fail so badly (apart from masT) because they're from Veeky Forums.
Roids make you grow tall as fuck if taken during teenage. Also makes your cock grow bigger than normal.
I regret not starting when I was like 16-17.
Sounds like you have high estro, since testosterone can not cause aggression, only estrogen does.
Your fuckin retarded LMAO.
So you end up being an agressive autist. Even worse.
Except you are. Everything I said is fact. "Roid rage" in those gear users that it occurs in is the result of them not taking their Aromatase Inhibitors, which means their estrogen is very high and this causes aggressive behavior.
The male hormone, testosterone is actually something that makes you calm and collected, while the female hormone estrogen is what causes difficulty of controlling emotions.
This is why women are always so hysterical and irrational.
>calls me butthurt
>Responds with butthurt
Are you upset because I call out the fact that (besides masT) with enough gear to fuel Ronnie Coleman for a year the whole lot of you fucking drooling retards can't produce a single physique that surpasses "roiding for THIS" tier? That you guys are the most vain cancer on this board and you deserve containment because you crossover into other threads bragging about lift/progress/currentbody all the while leaving out that you roid or outright denying it to fish for compliments?
You fucks ruin young guys forever by telling them to go on gear because you were too pathetic to stick it out and get a physique naturally, and you still end up with shit physiques after the gear.
>testosterone is actually something that makes you calm and collected
Yup. Overdosing the ai makes you an emotionless cyborg also. bibi feels of any kind
the Nazis systematically starved untold numbers of children to death
if that's alpha, then I'm happy being a low-test numale cuck or whatever that makes me
since adding 40lbs of muscles takes 3 fucking years, roiding from base form is full fucking retard. You might as well train for 3 years THEN roid
literally no reason to roid from the start
ask around your gym. I remember I once started chatting to this one dood in the gym and he asked if I want any, and showed me yellow test vials from his bag. I declined of course.
Ignoring the fact that there were thousands of other soldiers beside Leonidas' guard at Thermopylae, at least the Spartans accomplished something: they gave the rest of the Greek forces time to mobilize against Xerxes' invasion.
What did the Nazis accomplish in the end? They wasted an enormous amount of money, resources, and lives fighting a war that was fundamentally unwinnable. They humiliated their nation in the eyes of the rest of the world. Oh, and they also murdered millions of people for le pure genetics, which is completely retarded.
maybe dont have a goal body that isnt even achievable? pic is natty tho
They are slowly redpilling the world. Now (((Marxism))) is beginning to kick in people are beginning to realise that Hitler was right about Jews/globalism.
tren wasnt a thing back then, if you continuously blast tren at a moderate/high dosage you can expect to cut off about 5 years of your life per 12 weeks on tren.
Citation needed