Is there still hope Veeky Forums? Can I ever look good?
What do I do?
don't eat for like 2 weeks and go from there.
It will be difficult but you can always look better.
Weight loss is the first thing you need to work on. Apparently fasting helps with loose skin. I was fat but never had a lot of loose skin so I can't advise on whether it works or not.
are you going to be dead tomorow? if not then yes, you still have time to improve yourself.
as for looking good, start by going on a diet (read sticky for further info) and go to the barber and get a good haircut because that shit on your head is ridiculous
is fasting legit?what should I do after I end the fast? Also should I start lifting? I'm 6'4''
I will in a few days
you will propably have to build form before actually going to the gym. do cardio, bike/running/swimming, shit like that, it will both help with losing weight and give you stamina. also start doing pushups and squats. do as many of them in a series as you can until you fail, repeat few times a day. stay hydrated.
Whatever you try, screencap this thread and report back in exactly six months. Godspeed OP
You obviously need to start dieting, but I suggest doing it gradually, so your skin has time to tighten up. I honestly don't know if you're at the level where you'll have loose skin, but you're certain very close to it.
But yes, anyone can look good, and it's going to change your life if you stick with it. The most important thing is being consistent, and forcing yourself to stick to a schedule, even if you feel like shit. That being said, you should start out easy during the first 2-4 weeks, so as not to lose motivation. The pain and soreness you'll experience in the beginning will pass once your body adapts and you get into a routine.
Also, weight loss is very inconsistent. You can go for weeks without seeing any results, then a day later you'll suddenly have dropped 5-6 lbs, so don't let the scale demotivate you.
after you build some basic form of course start lifting. also read the sticky.
sorry for doubleposting, I accidentally cut the end of my post because I'm a retard.
Personally, I would suggest starting by simply going for walks. Trying to jog at the weight when you're out of shape is absolute torture, and the best way to make someone lose motivation.
yes, you can do it. It will take time, start by quitting soda and chips and then start exercising
there is still hope, you can live a longer, healthier life and feel comfortable in clothes.
>can i ever look good
you'll probably have a bit of loose skin after getting fit but you'll look and feel a lot better
start counting calories. how much do you weigh exactly? because you look somewhere around 300lbs. try cutting down your diet to 2000 calories a day and start working out about 3-4 times a week. don't believe the fasting meme, just eat normally but limit your portions and eat cleaner food. depriving your body of nutrients through fasting will make you feel like shit and you will have no energy, not the mention the auchwitz tier effects it will have on your skin, hair, etc. just remember that your diet is the most important thing for weight loss, cardio is second, and lifting is third. good luck fatbro
I guess this is the thread since I'm similar to op except for a few things.
I cannot run or jog due to a knee injury from back when I played football, at least not at my weight. I've already read the sticky and intend to follow the diet, but is there another form of cardio you'd recommend for someone with one good leg?
Is there still hope Veeky Forums?
Can I ever look good?
It will take some time, but in order to loose weight you need to get on a diet, get your body used to healthy foods that they become "enjoyable" Drink lots of water, and get good fucking sleep. It's all in your willingness to do it, if you want to be a fat lazy fuck, then by all means, but if you want to look down and see your dick, instead of your gut, then you know what to do.
You're fat, not retarded. Read the damn sticky. This board has one of the best ones.
Give him a break. Posting your picture on /pol/ and asking for advice is a great way to get motivated.
>Posting your picture on /pol/ and asking for advice is a great way to get motivated.
Well, that Freudian slip made it rather obvious where I usually post...
Well it's still a bit true since they would bully him into representing whites better, even though the the vast majority of them don't actually practice what they preach.
You could look like a human once you get surgery for all the lose skin but you’ll likely never look good sorry
fasting is op and legit as fuck as long as you're willing to lose some muscle
>losing muscle
>implying OP has any to lose
just google up PSMF, download the booklet and follow it CONCIOUSLY, that shit can be hazardous if done incorrectly
How do you deal with the queasiness? I can deal with the hunger, but if I go without food for too long, I feel like I'm starting to get sick.
This but also do burpees once daily. As many as possible. Its a perfect fatburner
Salt and potassium
OP any chance you live in Sydney? I'll give you a hand if you want.
>Got back on my diet few days ago
>Must have cut close to 3k calories
>Entire body in pain
I feel like shit but I'm glad to I found the motivation to start again.
Eliptical trainers at the gym are easier on the knees than running.
If you can get access to a heavy punch bag, or even boxing classes, boxing is great cardio.
Swimming is best for knee health.
Rowing machines are some of the best gym cardio but desu unless you've been taught how to use them properly (I used to row competitively) they'll hurt your back after a while. I hardly ever see anyone using them correctly.
dont do that instant 100% shit some are recommending here. fasting will kill your drive because its advanced.
you should start with habit forming. that you do stuff regularly is more important than anything else.
for the start go for a brisk walk 1 hour a day for 2 weeks and buy a food scale and learn your kcal consumption. also make the sticky your bible during those 2 weeks.
if you have 5 hours to cut a tree - spend 3 sharpening the axe.
tren hard
eat clen
anavar give up
1. water fast for 30 days
2. shave head
3. buy fitted clothes
4. start lifting
5. eat a ton of protein
If you walk at least a mile a day and cut down to one meal a day since your a big guy you'll definitely lose some weight. I've been doing this for about 3 months and i now weigh 438 when i was little over 460. Also after every meal you eat i would walk right after, thats what i usually do and it seems to work. Still fat tho. >pic related