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Couldn't you have gotten an image that's not just a shitty Photoshop?
noooooooooooooooooo i have too much hair and i'm not exactly asking for a gf yet
If I was going for max aesthetics then I would, but I have no real reason to go through the effort of shaving my body when I wear clothes 99% of the time
I wish this image existed as a not shitty photoshop
The wife likes hair so I buzz it low and trim. She's asian and was not interested in asian dudes because they had no body hair and were built like little boys.
i can share your wife?
How exactly do I shave? Recently I did it with razors and it took 4 fucking hours and I couldn't even get my back. I now have stubble everywhere and it's a living itchy hell
nah im not gay lol
If you're already going to do hair removal, just go get that shit waxed. It is more painful, but it is a much quicker process and the regrowth isn't nearly as bad as with shaving. Not sure why, but the hairs feel like they come in thinner and less itchy.
Stupid. The fact that I have fairly low body hair (an what I have is blond-reddish) is one of the least attractive things about me.
why do you wipe your ass if your going to shit again
My gf likes to pull it out during sex and asks me not to shave it. It hurts like hell but I'm pretty sure some of the things I've asked her to do hurt like hell so whatever the dude abides
no, but you could learn how to write
My mom has some waxing shit that she uses for her self but if I were to use it, it would use too much, right? Instead of getting it done by some chink (don't want ugly girls miring lol) I could do it at home
sorry, i'm drunk right now
Hair removal is gay as fuck.
fuck you
>insert numale and asian wife meme
bit worried if you think having body hair is equivalent to having mud butt.
I'm not sure, I've never done it to myself. I wouldn't be too worried about some chick your age doing it. Most of the women that work at these shops are older, unless you're going to some 'trendy' place. In that case, the lady doing it will be in her mid to late twenties, very fat, and have colored short hair.
How much does it cost and where can I get it at?
im 25 with no chest hair, no arm hair, no thigh hair. only hair i grow is under arms, crotch, lower legs. patchy facial hair at best
>asian and not interested in asian dudes
how is this not a huge red flag?
i like some fuzz. especially on golden blonde guys.
Eh you look like shit anyways
Stay retarded Veeky Forums
You still look like shit regardless especially since that is your "goal" body.
Stay dyel Veeky Forums
I'm just going to laugh at how pathetic your life must be and bid you adieu sir.
Stay incel Veeky Forums
Shaving is for faggots
You dont know what he looks like retard fuck off back to r9k
Isnt this really only an american thing?
I'm not that hairy of a person, but when I went to spain and was shagging some girl. She said seemed confused and asked "you aren't very hairy do you shave?"
Vast majority of Mediterranean men including Spain are very hairy.
sexy bby
what is the most effective way to shave?
>goal body
i can't even imagine how fucking dyel you must be to have a regular fat fuck as a goal body
Right up your alley
>my wife prefer hairy males
You may want to drop a hint to her that you know. (pic incl)
Hairy Caucasoid monkeys
t. jelly hairless nigger