Clean bulking is a meme, as long as you're hitting your macros, there's almost no difference in fat gain. Prove me wrong.
Clean bulking is a meme, as long as you're hitting your macros, there's almost no difference in fat gain...
you're right
Rip in pieces you are general health
Not that it's hard to hit high calories with quality foods though, mind you.
Health is important too.
>if you hit your macros you are hitting your macros
what you are saying is non-sense and one thing doesnt relate to the other; if your macros are set to 250-500 calories over your TDEE, and you respect that, you are clean bulking anyway
I'm talking about bulking with 'clean' foods such as white rice, chicken breast, etc. Opposed to dirty foods such as fatty beef cuts, pizza, hamburgers, etc.
whatever nigger, clean bulking refers to a set amount of calories and not eating everything in sight for a huge surplus, what you are saying has nothing to do with the quality of food you eat, you fucking double nigger
>white rice
>chicken breast
I'm going to guess you're a teenager.
I'm 6'1 175-180lbs and eating 3500-4000 calories a day at local places that are a little better than fast food and am not gaining weight and hitting plateaus
I do manual labor 10 hours a day and lift a lot of volume 4 days a week
Is this natty limit or overtraining?
lil breh craving in n out but opted to take in chicken and rice because of my clean eating
im on that double protein style burger with a proton shake meeting my macros and satisfying my hunger while lil breh in disbelief why he rocking 13 inch arms
>hay guise if my macros are 3k calories and I eat brownies worth 3k calories, does it matter if they are chocolate brownies or cock brownies?
cock brownies have no calories moran
retarted af senpai
If you're not gaining any weight then eat more.
Bulking is a meme. Just eat at maintenance and re comp
I've been eating clean for so long, all my cravings for shitty food are just greasier versions of my normal meals. This donair shop down the block from me has this chicken plate, always get extra chicken, their rice is heavily buttered. Get all the sauce.
But yeah I also get bad digestion from most fast food chains. My stomach doesn't like that shit
>I do manual labor 10 hours a day and lift a lot of volume 4 days a week
>Is this natty limit or overtraining?
LMAO try eating 5000 you dyel
bulking means gaining mass, which is both fat and muscle
wether that mass will be more fat or more muscle depends on the quality of the food
so, yes, clean bulks are better
>white rice
>chicken breast
>not clean
I'm going to guess you're a vegan
No, it depends on the caloric surplus
Brown rice is the superior of the two. White rice is just calories, nothing else.
source on that opinion please
Rice is a bad carb overall, choose another
>not eating sweet potatos as the superior carb source.
do you seriously think that bulking on chocolate will give you the same muscle/fat ratio in your mass gain, as bulking on chicken breast?
i've dirty bulked, it's not worth it; unless you're purely going for strength
Yes, well 1lb of chicken breast is only ~500kcals. Tough to bulk only on that
because it lacks fat. cook it in half a cup of olive oil and you've added nearly 1000 calories. its really not hard to hit your macros clean.
thats where stuff like oats and nuts and beans come into play, dingus
i didnt say you should ONLY eat chicken