>tfw 13’’ arms after 2 years of powerlifting
Tfw 13’’ arms after 2 years of powerlifting
Regardless of what people will say about there being a heavy amount of crossover, I believe that it's evidenced that there isn't.
Switch to a hypertrophy (metallicapda's PPL) routine if you want some fucking size gainz
I fell for the;
>you can’t bench 2pl8 and have small arms
My arms didn’t grow an inch
Need isolation then. I added some to my routine and my have finally pumped up to 15.5 but before then they were 13.5's.
My buddy never isolates and his exploded to 16's within a year. It's all genetics.
I know fuck none about isolation? 3 sets of 12 reps seems sub optimal.
how the fuck? guys must be total GDEs. or just twinks in general. fucking hell
I go with 3x10 and make it heavy enough I can barely get the last reps. After a power lift sessions 3x10 with some 30's is good enough for me and I can curl 50's for 8 reps.
>Pullups: One (1)
Kek every time
17% bodyfat seems pretty low desu, just looking at the disgusting number of lards on the street
Indeed I’m 154ibs. Huge chest, thick abs, decent back and legs, lagging shoulders and arms.
make it more of a burnout. anywhere from 3-4x10-15 and youll see size gainz. currently switching to higher reps cause i want them joocy biceps. just gotta pick the right weight to make it a challenge
tfw 11 inch arms after 5 months of lifting
> Average bf: 17.6%
> Average height: 5'9
> Average weight: 168lb+
Is it just me or does that math not work out
>69% consider themselves physically fit
>average 1 pull-up
Kek wut
>Subject about average American Joes
>Picture of a roided cuntcel
And women think their beauty standards are 'impossible to achieve'
that does not look like a 13" bicep AT ALL
and the average american would be way fatter and have bigger than 13" arms (not muscle)
>Cunt celibate
the whole thing doesn't work out. he can do 33 push ups, only one pull-up and is somehow not fit despite spending 874 on supplements, doing 2.87 hours of excercise a week and having 13" biceps at 17.6% bodyfat.
I'm sure such a body is possible, but his routine would probably have to be curls, bench press and nothing else.
>average 1 pull-up
>physically fit
Is this the world we live in? How can a 'man' consider himself physically fit if he can barely scrape one rep of bodyweight pull-ups? Untrained children can rep pull-ups, just how far do so many men let themselves go
People were probably lying on surveys or the average gets fucked by all the guys that can do 0 pull ups. There's way more ways to cheat push ups than there are pull ups
1 is the average for all men, not just those who consider themselves physically fit or are physically fit
this is amongst the guy who actually are fit.
damn, would the average man even pass the pt standards for women in the US military?
>falling for the ppl meme
>measuring height using his giant spiked up manlet hair
i used to have 38.5cm arms with a 140kg bench for 4 reps. absolute toothpicks, especially with my barrel ribcage and fairly developed chest. i started doing rest paused db curls and overhead tricep extension witth bands (going from strongest to weakest in one drop-set) at the end of every workout and within 3 months my arms grew to 44.5 cm pumped and 43.5 cold.
I cannot get my head around an average penis of
>2.87 hours per week exercise
excuse me, what?
>$874 spent on vitamins and supps annually
this has to be made up right?
lots of americans are fat and can do 0 pullups, cant really compare that to a 10kg kid.
>what are averages
you fuckin brainlet
Are you retarded?
It says the average american is 5'9, not the guy. Does it look like a 13'' biceps to you?
I remember when I was 15 I could do 50 pushups in a row but only 1-3 pullups. Most people don't have access to a bar sadly
At 154lb, nothing on you is huge.
>Falling for the PPL is a meme meme
>curls bench press and nothing else
Have you not seen how the average normie works out? This is literally their routine with maybe some sit ups or something so they can 'get rid of their beer gut'.
Some people just barely store any fat in heir arms, resulting in a smaller circumference
i have twink arms myself but bench
after 1 year of lifting
>Veeky Forums
pick one
>average man who would rather work out than have sex
>1 in 7
>all those 1s came to Veeky Forums
This is literally the most retarded shit I've ever seen and I hope that's why it gets reposted.
I doubt it's accurate
If the average person really can bench 180lbs but not do one pull up then I must have fucked proportions (8 pull ups but only 110 bench kek)
>5" is the average penis length
was this decided by dicklets?
This is the male equivalent of the fat acceptance movement. They cherrypick small penis men and then generalize that it is the norm to make smaller guys feel better.
>Muh 5” is average based on surveys
average=/= mediocre
in 99% of cases average is bad
>average pull-up
I never got this. Maybe I was some spastic monkey boy or something, but I used to just hang off the shower curtain rod and do chin-ups for fun, before I knew anything about exercise. I was doing like 10 chin-ups when I was like 12 years old. Even if I did nothing else I could always do like 15+ chin-ups, with good form, all throughout high school. I don't even have huge lats or anything, I'm not some freak.
Are chin-ups really that hard for the average guy to do?
> 154 pounds
> huge
objectively false unless you're 5'2
>but I used to just hang off the shower curtain rod and do chin-ups
How much do you weigh? Like 15kg
I also call BS on that. But its probably because most people are fat, therefore they should have more strength than you average skelly. And thats also why they can only do 1 pullup, its harder when youre a hambeast. On the other hand, youre probably skinny (based on your strength) so its easier for you to performe pullups
I have decent sized arms (15") and can bench 95kg, but my chest looks underdeveloped.
My arms are 15 and I think they look fucking tiny desu
Cunt incel, i assume.
I wouldn't call that guy any sort of "-cel"
I'm only 4 months into lifting, so I'm happy with 15". Got complimented on them a few times already, probably my best feature at the moment. I still think they look small when I look in the mirror though.
LMAO a at dicklets believing this is average
literally me, it is suffering