Red pill me on soy boys or gals or Genders

What is /pol on soy boys or soy girls or genders soy?

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I thought it boost T in males

idk about Women or other genders.

I think it can.
Those who workout and take long wals can get T levels up.

I prefer long walks or jogs.
No music.

Music can mess up my routine.

but anyways.

why are the red pills behind the meme?

There's no scientific backing to it, it's literally just some /pol/tier meme that's infecting most boards on here, I've seen it over nearly every board now.

It's literally just the following logic: Some people are left wing and some of those people consume soy products, therefore anybody who consumes soy is a weak, effeminate faggot who voted for Hilary.

Also, soy's in a lot of food now so it's good for that conspiracy "Jews are out to get us manly men" meme too.

You forgot to mention that keeping food in hot plastic containers certainly wont effect Xenoestrogens either.

and theres no difference between photoestrogens and xenoestrogens, and even if there were, they're totally harmless goy, go back to enjoying your soy late and R&M.

At least put some effort into your disinformation campaign user, you're borderline lazy.

not him but this ''soyboy'' thing is a meme and it looks like a coverup for the real issue; xenoestrogens(in the form of dissolved plastic) being everywhere

I see. So we have morphed from "pussy" -> "cuck" -> "nu-male" -> "soyboy".

Beer is much more harmful to your testosterone levels than soy.

Found the jew

>You forgot to mention that keeping food in hot plastic containers certainly wont effect Xenoestrogens either.

That's true though, shit leaks out and fucks you up.

>At least put some effort into your disinformation campaign user, you're borderline lazy.

Link a single study that confirms soy is actually feminising

Drink up!

This is actually completely true, not to mention chicken and milk are absolute filled with estrogen as well.

At least know what you're criticizing.
The reason we talk about soy is it's very high phytoestrogens content.
And BPA research is well established, enough for governments to ban its use for kid food. We don't know what else plastics can sweat when heated.

How could it be a coverup if we've always been talking about both

Holly shit hahahhhaha

What has come of this world?

You don't talk about soy because of it's phytoestrogen count lmao, It's basically the new cuck. Granted it's probably what got the ball rolling, but when you have an entire thread of tweets about people drinking soy and then saying leftie shit and then when people call you out, you say "IT'S A DEEP SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION, GOD!, you're full of shit.

Also,I agree with the BPA shit, it's well known plastics leach out nasty shit.

this is a dumb meme that has no scientific basis. eat meat, eat soy, drink milk, drink soy milk whatever. a balanced diet is the best one.

numale is older than cuck and it's less Reddit too.

basically it's a competitive androgen receptor antagonist OP.

Think of receptor as little switches that can be turned on. When an androgen like testosterone binds it, it turns the little switch on. This is called and AGONIST.

Soy acts as an ANTAGONIST. This means that it binds to the same little switch as androgens by instead of turning it on, it does nothing, however it blocks the switch from being turned on by androgens.

It essentially makes the testosterone in your body unusable by outcompeteing it.

A side effect of this is that when you block androgen receptors the body thinks "oh shit I need more testosterone" (and oestradiol funnily enough) because the brain is tricked into thinking you are deficient.

As a result your serum testosterone levels increase while on soy, but so do your serum oestradiol levels.

Morons, low IQ idiots, soyboys and propaganda spreading vegan scum will try to exploit your ignorance of hormonal function by pointing to this elevated serum testosterone and suggesting that soy is actually good for males. It is not.

Soy in reality is a potent estrogenic that makes your endogenous testosterone useless while both acting as an estrogen and increasing your edogenous estrogen levels.

>tl;dr it suppresses boy shit in your body and enhances girl shit.

studies have not shown this to any noticeable degree though excluding maybe studies where subjects ate unusually high amounts of soy

That's not what antagonist means and not how it works.

yes that is what an antagonist means and how it works you stupid piece of shit.

>all these soyboys itt that don't also browse /pol/
it's like you enjoy being blind

>being this stupid

"A receptor antagonist is a type of receptor ligand or drug that blocks or dampens a biological response by binding to and blocking a receptor rather than activating it like an agonist."

>kvetching intensifies

/pol/ is always wrong on scientific issues.

The only good kinds of soy are the kinds you get in fermented soy products. At that, phytoestrogens you would normally get from unfermented soy products can be problematic in men and younger women.

This guy gets it. A little soy every now and then is fine. Over consumption and not lifting will fuck you up. Just like everything it's about moderation.

On a side note it's funny that people say soy is totally harmless when all the guides for mtf trannies to get a girly body including avoiding red meat and mass soy consumption.