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sad edition
>ctrl+ f fph
>no fph
sad edition
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for penny
truly queen of Veeky Forums
>the only person who knows what's best for you, is you
>cuts to her making a cake after surgery
this is actually mental illness. she should be involuntarily committed
has someone called CPS for that kid? Poor thing looks like Fester.
just put it down already
I feel very bad for that kid
>be me, amateur athlete
>after finishing my hour at job went to train
>arrive at facility, ready to warm up before training begins
>saw a bunch on fat people on the track stretching up. NO biggie
>suddenly, spot cameras filming them.
>the fuck is happening.jpeg
>turn out it was one of those tv shows about fat peole trying to lose weight
>damn, i dont want to be on tv, better go to the gym instead
>on my way to pick up my stuff, hear coach calling me.
>user... hey, we have special guests tonight they'll be using the track for working out a bit
>yeah i've seen it, no problem couch so im goin...
>help them with their workout would you.
those were the last words i wanted to hear that night.
>right, i do it, went with couch to the track and them he appears
>william shakespeare the "hamlet" himself
>hello my name is user, i'll assist your workout.
>oh, hello im joe (not his real name), ok lets start them
>so joe get on the ground and do xyz stretches
>he proceeds to do them all, he failed misserably in all of them as expected
>ok now, jog for 100mts them stop check your pulse, take a breath them run torwards me again
>fat joe start to do this weird high pase walk. I said jog not walk
>im running he said, by his expresion i could tell that he was trying really hard, he reach the 100mts and drop his fat ass to the ground
>yo, workout is not done come on buddy finish it
>he yeald at me i can't, he had a melt down right in the spot
>the cameras approach and film his sorry ass in the ground crying, and asking for a coca cola
>mfw he couldn't do the most simple of the exercises and quit on the spot because of laziness
>them i look at the others right there doing the same thing
>holly shit they came for working out, or at least try, to end up whining and self humiliating on tv
>fuck this guys that profit from them, and fuck them for being weak and lack discipline.
>helping fatties work out, never again.
>He’d converted,
>changing his screen name from
>Weissewolfe to
>Kekman Al-Amriki.
You can't make this shit up.
aga doodoodoo
start a blog faggot
Cut his fucking legs already, he doesn't need them!
I love these threads because they do so much to keep my motivation up to not turn into one of these sort of failures of a human being.
At the same time I hate these threads for grinding away what little faith I have in humanity.
No, he'd probably eat those too.
I can see the usa part
>long walks
I haven't seen that one in awhile
Is my gf fat ?
BMI says that she is obese
Height 5'0
Weight 140 lbs
Fat privilege is getting to walk out of your house looking like that without being self-conscious enough to be horrified.
Yes. She should start eating better and exercising. Not tomorrow, or next week. Today. There's no better time to begin.
yes. probably only needs to lose 10lbs at most though.
Why are you dating her?
>first girl who ever loved you
>you’re fat too
post more
>be 6'2 between otter and athletic (closer to athletic mode)
>have 5'7 fat manlet soyboy coworker
>always so jelly, always trying to neg or diminish my accomplishments
>new administrative assistant talks to be about dieting and exercise
>fat manlet can't deal and walks over and tries to jump in on the convo
>tells me, "you dont have a sixpack. Ive seen what you bring into the office to eat"
>while hes talking to admin, walk in restroom and snap a quick pic of my sixpack
>tell him to check his phone
>he says, "i-i was just kidding bro. I never doubted that..."
>admin said, "oooo let me see!"
From that point on, she was always super flirty (shame that she left the company quickly). Soyboy never tried to neg me again.
Haters are a clear reminder that you're doing something right. Bucket of crabs mentality is definitely a thing
But she is not obese
BMI is shit
So, she started to losing weight 3 weeks ago and she lost already 4 pounds
She already started
She wants to lose fat first in her face, cause she wants a slimmer face
Yes she is considerably overweight and that much waistline fat on a female is really fucking bad
What the fuck is this from?
And then everyone clapped..
she is not that overweight....
me fookin violet crumble
You don't get to decide where it's burned. Good on her for the effort. I hope she keeps with it. She'll start seeing progress in a few weeks.
yeah she's not obese. BMI is a meme, she's like 10-15lbs overweight.
She is so small and every pound will look so big
Here is a pic where she lost 5 or 6 pounds
She wants to lose 33 pounds
my 600 pound life
it's a good show about fatties
it's on tlc
Yes she is. What's her fucking waist:hip ratio lmao
So is the doctor saying that agree school to then so 6 years she drank 300 gallons or like in a couple hours? The text doesn't make fucking sense.
I'd maybe watch the show. But i don't want to give fatties or reality TV shows money or any ad revenue. Fuck that shit.
a meme...found the fatty
She needs to be euthanized. She has no value tomsociety or her even her own family. They would be much betterboffnif she didnt exist any more.
BMI is a meme if you have a lot of muscle. A 5'0" woman who has lead a sedentary lifestyle likely doesn't. Your girlfriend's in the overweight range
How much should she lose
30 lbs.
Yes, she is obese.
Her weight must to be around 50 at high.
153cm must to be around 45-50kg.
Well m8, you can tell yourself when she will look hot.
Until her stomach is flat and she can run 5km in under 27 mins
Bmi combined with waist circumference is actually very decent for estimating fat%.
She is a huge waist, she is certainly near obese.
Get her to rebalance her calories, start exercising and maybe there is hope for her.
25-30, so long as she's exercising too. I highly recommend some lifting, or at least calisthenics.
Sorry for blogposting, but I think this thread is appropriate. In the past, my work had to service a kid with the Make-A-Wish foundation (The foundation works to make a child with a terminal illness's dream come true, or to do something the kid wishes to do before they pass on).
When I saw the kid though, he was on a Rascal, and whose body was bloated like the girl who turned into a blueberry from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. He was as wide as he was tall.
The rest of the family wasn't of that shape, some looked overweight, but that's as big as they got.
Please tell me that the kid has a terminal illness that causes that kind of obesity. If it's hypothyroid, that only accounts for 10, maybe 15 more pounds of weight. If it's diabetes, wouldn't regulating your diet to keep it below the glycemic index do something to at least slow, if not control that sort of disease?
I felt sorry for the kid, but at the same time, I got so mad when I got home, that I broke a running record. No child should ever be like that.
Anyone have the original, fatty version of this?
Are you blind ?
This lady obese
I know the sculpture and the history behind it but I still don't get what the pic wants to say.
I asked her and like today she ate 1100 or 1200 calories
But excuse me....she is not obese, maybe in picture she looks larger, but she is not really obese and she is healthy she just has an iron deficiency
that's only the american version of obese
your gf is most definitely obese
Both of you are delusion.
Iron deficiency doesn't give you an overhanging belly.
You don't want help, neither does she
So go fuck yourselves
motherfucker she already lost some pounds and her face is a 10
she is not obese
Iron deficiency can cause unusually frequent feelings of hunger. It can also cause extreme fatigue in someone who is at a caloric deficit. Though, just gotta take some iron supplements to clear that up. Maybe see a doctor about a scrip if it's really bad
>she is a huge waste
O how right you are user
Damn, this makes me want to rewatch this trainwreck
how will white males ever recover?
Good story for you guys
>be me
>leave gym and hop on the bus back home
>Walk in confused
>"why is everyone at the back of the bus"
>Whatever decide to sit across from the one planet sitting in the front end
>Something smells funny
>Something smells really like piss
>Hamplanet has a ring of liquid running from her rusty axe wound down both her legs
>She can't even see her legs she has no idea
>Almost gag it's so bad
>She gets up and leaves
>Some brown dude sits in her spot shortly after
>he doesn't notice
maybe was 300 gallons of diet coke lol
>cheapest meat
It's cheapier than a burger but I doubt it's healthier than one.
Yeah, she has long arms. That's probably it.
Poor people are poor because they're bad with money.
Why does Youtube recommend me this shit?
Lmao thats pathetic
She's a fat cunt. Tell her to lose weight.
I legit don't know how you can convince yourself that a skinny person would starve when a fat person wouldn't, do they think they're literal fucking camels with food? Plus who's going to be giving some fat fuck food when they can't gather it themselves in this nuclear winter?