Is it possible to replace squats entirely with other exercises?

Is it possible to replace squats entirely with other exercises?


Yep, just do one legged squats

skateboard squats.

But seriously though. leg press and bulgarian split squats would probably have you covered. All the muscle needs is resistance. It doesn't know if you're squatting or leg pressing.

run uphill that has at least 45 degree angle and run like a mother fucker

best exercise ever


of course

hack squats
deficit hack squats
deficit deadlift
snatch grip deadlift
deficit snatch grip deadlift
bulgarian split squats


This and also sprints and prowlers

bulgarian split squats
glute bridges
romanian deadlift
hamstring curl

do all four

Wouldn't rotating between leg press and calf press work the same muscles


Why not

Sure why not
>calf raises
>leg extensions
>leg curls
>adductor machine
>back extensions
>side bends

because that's how biomechanics work. leg press isn't an alternative for the squat or no one would squat because leg press is easier

brehs, what would you do if you saw her at the gym?

how would 2 hamstring isolation (RDL, hamstring curl) exercises replace a compound exercise with absolutely minimal hamstring activation

y-you too

Trap bar deads with high handles
front squats
ssb squats
leg press plus back extensions

I do this. They're challenging, but you'll still need to load up at some point

Yeah, squats

Train for what you want your legs to do. You only require squats if you're a powerlifters.

Are goblet squats a good alternative to normal squats? The dumbbell can go up to 72kg/185lbs. I don't have a squat rack and don't want to injure myself

clean a bar into a front rack, then front squat

There isn't a single rack in my dorm gym, just barbells, dumbbells, a bench and a lats machine.

A front rack is the starting position of a front squat or a jerk, has nothing to do with a squat rack

power clean he means
then do pause front squats

I mean he could full clean it too, doesnt really matter as long as he gets it into a front rack

Your gym is in the stone age.

Gobblet squats are good
So are weighted bulgarian split squats

These. Sprints and sleds m80. Being outside is also a bonus

Yes they are good

Thanks, I'm still learning all the lifting vocabulary
Might try some front squats next leg day

Just do step ups.

They're good. They train the squat pattern so if you ever do want to strengthen your back squat all you will need is some practice with the movement.

You only need squats if you believe in lifter fairytales. It's 2017 now, we have the science and science says squats aren't needed unless they are part of your sport like oly lifting or powerlifting.

Even Usain Bolt does lighti-ish hack squats on a machine for 12-15 reps. You think you need stronger legs than Usain Bolt?