Why does Starting Strength create so many low test soyboys?
Why does Starting Strength create so many low test soyboys?
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Because if all you're doing is 5x5 heavy compound lifts, you'll look fucking awful.
You need a different rep range and isolation.
All the milk that Riptits tells them to drink, it fills them with estrogen.
how upset does it make you knowing that 2 year soyboy lifts more than you
Its not just ss that produces soyboys. Beta men continue to look like shit no matter the programme because they don't push themselves hard enough. They don't have the mentality required to make gainz.
this kid is on a shit diet. the sticky is absolute shit at teaching people how to eat. not very good at teaching exercise, either, to be honest. first thing he needs to do is stop eating so much.
Basically this. If you can’t outlift then you can’t say shit.
He obviously skips the gym quite a lot.
So if I’m competitive and hard working then I’m automatically high test?
At sports yes. Hard working and competative at maths, no.
I know this guy, he's some danish/finnish/german/Swedish whatever the fuck, that has a YouTube transformation vid.
Im fairly certian he didn't do starting strength, mostly just calisthenics I think
If you see him now he looks pretty good with nice lats
Nice b8.
Shit troll, everyone here has told me heavy compound lifts are all I need
His name is Oskar faarkrog, here's his site and vid.
>looks pretty good from doing calisthenics
You're all fucking idiots. If you train for strength you till do hypertrophy 'isolation' excercises. They're called accessories.
If you train for hypertrophy you still do heavy compund 'strength' exercises.
Seriously, how can you not understand that you need both. The only difference is the emphasis on which. But if you think bodybuilders never do strength training or that strongmen never do hypertrophy training you're a fucking idiot who will never make it.
>Fake pictures of lards as ss trainees
Just how easy is it to meme you guys? Google "1 year ss transformation pics" and see for yourselves: most people who ate properly (enough, but not like pigs unless they were hardgaining skeletons), programmed some accessories into their workouts, and actually went to the gym 3x a week, ended up looking pretty good. Perhaps they could look better doing another program, designed to create better aesthetics, but gaining 15kg of muscle in less than a year will rarely make you look bad.
Because they started strength training as skinnyfats. Everyone should do calistenics and cardio to develop an acceptable physique before doing SS.
>looks pretty good from calisthenics
>posts pictures of himself in a gym
Pull up bar right behind..
This is 100% the reason
Yes. I can say shit. If you look like that after 2 years of lifting you need to take a header off a building.
I doubt he can even lift that much.
around 6 months of stronglifts 5x5 here, which is pretty much the same as SS
went from 145lbs to 175lbs
Do i really look that bad from it?
do some ab work ffs
>H-he- I d-doubt he can even l-l-lift that much *sob* *benches 1 plate*
Lol! Cope more, numale
waste of time
doesn't help in the BIG LIFTS
Nice upper chest gains. What do you do on chest day? Also, lifts ?
>This is what weakling actually believe
big lifts work the core themselves dumbass, no need to isolate abs like some faggot after doing heavy ass deadlifts and squats an hour prior
just BP and OHP
also this
>isolated ab work
wtf is this gay shit
The person in the picture has bad diet and i dont know what hes training regime is but its gotta be pretty bad since it allows him to have bad diet.
Yeah, and bench is enough for triceps
This person clearly did not follow the Starting Strength program, or any program. This person clearly did not follow anything even close to a proper diet.
This is not evidence that Starting Strength doesn't work, but rather evidence that if you are a fat, weak, waste of space and do not make any meaningful and intelligent effort to change, you will always be a fat, weak, waste of space.
I've been reading his site for like the last 20 mins. His whole site and book basically boils down to
>skinny fat people dont gain muscle mass easily and gain fat easily because of low T
>as a skinny fat you need high T between 700-800
>IIFYM doesn't work
>avoid wheat and dairy
>eat clean to get higher T and do CICO
What I gather from reading this is that the reason his original progress didn't do well was because he was eating like a retard, and wasn't eating clean. I think if he just ate right in the first place, he wouldn't have stalled his progress and have this whole revelation like he's a prisoner who's found god.
>I did SS and suckled at rippletit's teet for all muh lifting knowledge. My ego is so fragile that if you make fun of someone who did the same program as me I sperg out. Everyone who has ever done SS is really strong and looks great!
You sound like a faggot, faggot
I just wanna say you look fucking good. I hope I'll look the same for spring.
Don't you have any accessories for arms tho? Pull ups/chin ups?
I've modified the routine a little
A: Squat 4x5 and 1xF, Weighted Pullups 4x5 and 1xF, BP 4x5 and 1xF
B: Pendlay rows 4x5 and 1xF, OHP 4x5 and 1xF, Diddlies 1xF
Transitioning to texas method tomorrow
Height and bf%?
>your results on SS
>your results on roids
>buying a gym membership to use a pull up bar
My shit up senpai
Or you can bulk at maint. and just go from skinnyfat to acceptable in a couple months.
Awesome. I'm 5'10" too but I'm coming from the other side (205, 25% bf trying to get down to ~15% bf) and from what I've read I'll be about 170-175 by then. Good to see I have the potential to look pretty damn good by the time I hit my goal
It is a self perpetuating cycle: Stupid males do SS, because they are stupid they can't do SS correctly. Which is not to say that if you did correctly the result would be any different.
Good luck in getting to your goal, let the aztec gains gods be with you
>A gallon of shitty hormonal full fat milk a day
I fucking wonder
wftf I literally haven't done a ush up in months and have more muscle mass than pic 2 simply by walking and having enough(about over 100) protons. Yes,I am a lazy fuck
Interestingly enough, the kind of guy that frequently uses "soyboy", "low-test", "nu-male", and "cuck" as part of his vocab, is himself doughy looking and low-test.
I'd say it's very decent for 6 months. You look slouched tho
>lifts for looks
You look great dude. Seriously.
I'm also doing SL5x5. Im almost at a month in. I definitely feel much stronger and better in general. Lifts are going up and I've been meal prepping and counting macros for gainz. I hope I get your results. You're actually going to make it if you stick to what your doing. Stay the course.
Question is what the fuck are you doing here and why haven't you killed yourself yet?
it is though... bench and press™ more and add maybe incline bench once in a while
lol i have 6 month lifting and look way better than that
i started as skinny